Mood Swings

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April 2019

One thing Amelia had been sure of when she got pregnant this time around was that she didn't want a baby shower. But Anita and Ceinwen wanted to do something for her so with Gwilym's and Brianna's help they set up a surprise for her birthday.

The morning before Amelia's 34th birthday Brianna knocks on the door ready to give the surprise. "Brianna? What are you doing here?" Amelia asks, opening the door in her pyjamas.

"Well, I know you said you don't want a baby shower but I have a surprise for you," Brianna hands her the envelope following her into the house.

To Amelia's relief, the envelope contains the information for a spa day, "Is this for today?" At 36 weeks Amelia's back is killing her all the time, she ready to meet their little girl but a spa day will do wonders for her back.

"Yep, all booked and paid for we leave in half an hour."

"This must have cost you a fortune, Brie. Thank you," Amelia pulls her into a hug.

"Your welcome, but it was a joint effort. That's from me, Rosie, Anita, Ceinwen, Rhiannon and Rory we thought it would be a nice treat with your birthday tomorrow," Brianna pulls back from her smiling, "Now go get ready, we leave in 25 minutes."

Amelia heads upstairs not before giving a tearful, "Thank you."


As soon as she got back that evening Amelia greeted Gwilym but went straight to the bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable and to check on Freddie.

Amelia had enjoyed her time at the spa, as she predicted it lifted her spirits and it did wonders for her aching back and feet. Unfortunately, the lifted spirits didn't last very long.

One thing she's has found the past week is that she's been experiencing terrible mood swings, going from happy or excited to tearful or angry and when she got upset it was over the silliest of things.

"Thank you for looking after Freddie, love," She walked into the living room, seeing Gwilym sat watching some TV with an empty plate on his lap, "Did you cook dinner?"

"Yeah, I've had mine. You just need to reheat yours," Gwilym replies, not looking away from the TV screen.

"You ate without me?" He looks at her this time hearing the irritation in her voice, she did not look pleased. He slowly got up from his seat to try and calm her down but she backs away from him.

"I'm sorry I ate without you, love, but I didn't know what time you would be home and I was hungry. I didn't think you would mind," He tries to pick the right words, knowing that this was another one of her mood swings.

"I have seen you all day I was looking forward to coming home and having a nice meal with my husband and ask about your day!" Rising her voice Amelia found herself getting more annoyed.

He tries to speak but is cut off. "Is that my ice cream?" She looks over to the tub of Ben and Jerry's Phish food on the coffee table.

Gwilym now felt like a deer in the headlights, This isn't going to end well. He's in trouble, "Yeah, but there's still some left and I didn't think you would mind as long as I left you some."

"Do you know what I think? I think you saw the tub and thought 'she doesn't need it, she fat enough' is that what you thought?" Amelia knows she was being unfair and overreacting but she's had enough of being pregnant and heavy so she got angry.

"Do you think I'm fat and disgusting? Is that why you didn't want to have dinner with me? Because I'm so disgusting to look at. I mean you've spent the past few months on set with that skinny, pretty brunette as your on-screen wife why would want me?"

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