Script Read

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April 2017

Rami kept his promise, returning to Garden Lodge to see Freddie and he was beyond happy, he asked Rami anything he could think of.

In return, Amelia gave Rami a flood of information about her dad. His real name, photos, videos and so many stories.

Deciding to wait until the script read-through, Amelia hasn't met any of the other cast members, she doesn't even know who's playing Brian and John.

When Rami isn't in piano lessons, singing lessons and god knows what else, he spends a lot of his downtime with Amelia. Not in that way but Rami and Amelia have created a pretty solid brother-sister bond.

It's Amelia 32nd birthday and all she wanted to do for it was spend time with Freddie, Brian, Roger and Anita.

"This is bollocks," Roger growls out of earshot from Freddie, "We're all set and ready to go for the read-through next month and now we have to find another bloody actress."

"I understand your frustration Roger but I don't think the poor woman planned on being in a car crash. And a pretty big one by the sounds of it," Brian received a phone call from Miami just a moment ago.

Feeling guilty now Roger backs down, "Oh, well you didn't say that."

Brian sighs glaring at his friend, "That's because you keep interrupting me."

"So what now? Do we..."

"No need. If you would let me speak Roger," Brian shuts him up losing his patience, "I was going to say I think we already know someone to replace her."

Roger follows Brian's stare to the kitchen where Amelia is baking with Freddie, "Milly?"

"Yes, we've been trying to find her a cameo appearance right? Well, why don't we give her this role? It's two scenes and one line."

"Yeah okay. It the quickest solution, let's ask her," They return to the kitchen. Amelia, Freddie and Anita are meant to be decorating Amelia's birthday cake but so far all they've made is a mess.

"Milly, you got a minute?" Brian calls over the laughter.

"Ur... yeah. Hold on," Washing her hands Amelia follows them to the living room, "Is this to do with your phone call?"

"Yes," Roger nods, "One of the actresses has pulled out of the production and we need to replace her quickly with the read-through next month. Would you take the role instead of having a cameo? It's a small part in two scenes and you have one line."

"Yeah I don't mind but it would be helpful if I know who I'm being cast as though," She wanted to be in the film so she'll take it anyway.

"The role is as Chrissie."

Amelia snorts, "Your joking right?" The look on their faces tells her they're dead serious, "You want me to play your ex-wife?"

"Yes please."

She didn't know what to say it's not that Amelia doesn't like Chrissie it just that she's never got on with her, "I don't have to kiss him do I?"

Brian laughs noting that is her biggest concern, "There's a small peck on the cheek but nothing more."

"Aren't people going to find it a bit weird that I'm playing my dad's ex-wife?"

"I realise it might be a little weird but it this or you play Cheryl. She's the only other person that could fit the role of Chrissie." It's not ideal but Brian's hands are tied, they need someone.

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