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Aidan and I got bored in the middle of the night, so we decided to go on a late night walk.

We were walking in a comfortable silence, holding each other by the hand and smiling down at the pavement. I zoned out and started counting the lampost lights that shone onto the ground.

It wasn't until Aidan stopped walking, and I looked up to realise there was a 7/11 in front of us.

We didn't even need to say anything, we just smirked at each other, then ran inside.

We both bought our favourite flavours of slushie's, which made our tongues turn the same colour as the icey drink (you can pick the flavour and colour lmao)

We slurped happily on our drinks as we left the store, then sat down on the floor against the wall together so we could drink in peace.

We knew each other so well, that I didn't even need to ask Aidan if I could have a sip of his; he held the cup out for me as soon as I leaned over to him. I slurped some up from the straw, then offered him some of mine. He did the same thing I did, and we both broke out into random laughter afterwards.

Once we had finished our slushies, we stayed sitting down on the ground, holding hands and looking out into the parking lot that was flooded with street lights.

I suddenly felt a raindrop drip on my nose; I looked up to sky in confusion and I was so focused that I didn't even notice Aidan giggling cutely at the face I probably made. (PLS TELL ME YALL MAKE WEIRD FACES WHEN LOOKING UP TOO I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE)

I felt two more raindrops fall on my head and cheek. I think Aidan was starting to notice it too.

The rain was starting to fall properly now and I looked around worriedly, wondering how we were gonna get home quickly without getting wet.

Aidan then got up and stood in front of me whilst holding his hand out.

"May I have this dance?" He asked me politely.

Suddenly my worries all went away, and instead I thought Fuck it.

So I smiled widely, took his hand in mine so he could help me up, then we ran off to the middle of the parking lot.

The rain was starting to get heavier but we didn't give a shit. We acted like it wasn't even there, and as if it was a bright sunny day instead.

I interlocked my right hand with his left one and placed my other hand on his shoulder whilst his was on my waist.

We started swaying and slow dancing as the rain continued pouring down on us, both of our foreheads were pressed together while we smiled into each other's eyes.

Our clothes, hair and faces were now dripping in rain water, but we didn't care, we still danced the night away until our lips turned blue.

It got to the point where it was so cold, I stared shivering like crazy, and I could tell by the look on Aidan's face that he felt extremely bad.

He didn't even have his jacket with him, so he just had his arm around me whilst we were walking home, trying his best to keep me warm, even though his body was as cold as ice.

Once we got home, we immediately went to go take separate showers, then changed into fresh clothes. I wore my favourite hoodie of Aidan's and a pair of his sweatpants.

Aidan wrapped the banklet tightly around me, then snuggled me close to him when I layed down. It was like I was his teddy bear, nestling my head into his chest as he was keeping me warm and safe.

He smelled so so comforting, and so much like home.

I was so warm and cozy, and I was listening closely to the sound of his breathing pattern and heartbeat, that I fell asleep almost instantly.


I want this. lol.




i hope you're doing okay :)


-Liv/Mama Steve‼️

𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 & 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 (𝗔.𝗚~𝗙.𝗛)Where stories live. Discover now