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I hate party's.

And when I mean I hate party's, I mean I hate party's.

I cannot even express to you how much I hate them. I don't think I've ever felt this much hatred towards something.

So why I'm at one right now, I don't know.

That was a good question actually.

What am I actually doing here.

I have no idea how f/n (friends name) managed to convince me to come to this, but somehow she did. And low and behold, she'd abandoned me and left me to entertain myself.

Am I surprised?

No. Not at all.

I guess I'm just gonna have to sit in the corner of the room like always, looking around at all the drunken faces of high schoolers I didn't know, while longing for this torturous chaos to be over so I can go home and listen to some actual decent music and do nothing in my room.

I sighed as I watched someone else throw up near the front door. I was totally unfased because I had seen it happen so much this evening.

I could go on my phone to pass the time a bit, but then again, it would probably end up in me just scrolling through the pages on my home screen; for some reason, I have an irrational fear of random people looking over my shoulder and seeing my personal life on my phone. I doubt anyone was even paying any attention to me, but still, risks aren't usually things I tend to take.

So instead, I just stared down at the ground while chewing away at my finger nails, thinking about how much longer I'll have to stay here.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

You're probably wondering why I haven't got up and left yet, well, about that.

f/n was my ride home. The party was like 30 minutes away from my house, and in a part of town I'd never been to before.

So, I was kind of stranded. I just had to wait until f/n was ready to go. It's funny how well we got along, considering we were complete opposites.

God what I'd give to go home right now.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a voice speaking specifically to me.

"Guessing you don't like parties either?" It said. I didn't recognise who it was, but all I knew was that it belonged to a boy and that it was definitely talking to me.

I mean, who else would it be talking too? I'm pretty sure I was the only sober one in the room. Apart from the voice. It spoke crystally clear without a single slur.

I looked up to see where it was coming from.

Holy shit-

Was this the hottest boy I've ever seen? Possibly. No, not even possibly, easily.

I was already lost in his deep, forest green eyes. They immediately made my heart thump out of my chest. My eyes scanned over his other features:

𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 & 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 (𝗔.𝗚~𝗙.𝗛)Where stories live. Discover now