🤍|𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕪 ℝ𝕠𝕠𝕞|🤍

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Messy rooms was the one thing Five couldn't handle. He absolutely hated when things were unorganised, even if they weren't his. He could never understand how people could physically let their rooms get so messy, and how they could live with it comfortably.

Which is exactly why y/n has been putting off the idea of Five coming to her house for a change; her room was an absolute mess.

And no, it wasn't a mess because she just didn't feel like cleaning it or she felt lazy, she genuinely had no motivation at all. There were some days were she didn't even have the energy to get out of bed, or even eat for that matter.

In her head, she thought Five wouldn't understand, he'd just get mad at her and tell her she was disgusting for letting her room get so bad. But unfortunately, Five had that special advantage where he could appear in any place he wanted with ease.


y/n was in her room again, laying trapped on the island that was her bed, drowning in the sea of clothes, books, lost homework pieces and other crap she couldn't find a home for.

Of course, she hated living like this, but it felt as though she had no choice. She felt as though if she even tried to clean her room up, she'd feel even more drained than before and then let her room get even worse than before.

Her eyes were lazily glued to the screen of her phone, scrolling through the endless warp of social media when she heard the familiar sound that made her eyes widen.

"Hi love- Woah what happened in here?" She heard Five say, resulting in her sitting up and looking at him, not really knowing what to say; all she could do was silently watch Five look around her absolute mess of a room, preparing herself for the lecture he was most likely going to give.

"y/n? Why is you're room such a mess, hm?" He asked, walking around her room so he could get a better look at it.
"Well I-"

"How could you let your room get this bad? I thought we both agreed that we hate messy rooms, I mean, how do you even have this much stuff? Why do you even need most of it? And why on earth haven't you cleaned it, all this mess has clearly been piling up for a while now, why are you being so laz- Darling why are you crying?"

Five stopped his lecturing as soon as he looked up to see the poor girl falling apart before him. Her eyes were glossing over, her nose was sniffling and she was looking down at her fingers that were picking skin off the other.

His heart picked up a pace, feeling the sense of guilt wash over him as he realised there must be a specific reason as to why she'd gotten like this.

"Oh no love, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry," He told her, rushing over to sit in front of her on the bed, cupping his hand around her cheek to lift her head up and avert her gaze on him.

She continued sniffling, not wanting to say anything just yet.
"Come on, talk to me, what's going on princess," He said in a soft voice, sitting more comfortably on the bed and pulling her to sit on his lap, allowing her to adjust and move until she was cozy.

"I just- I know how much you hate messy rooms and I never would have let it get this bad but I haven't had the energy or motivation at all, that's why I've been avoiding you all week-" The sniffling girl delivered her words all at once, hardly taking a breath between sentence and only letting her emotions spill over and loose control.

Five noticed this, which is why he stopped her from talking to calm her down.
"Sh shh, it's okay my love, don't worry," He cooed, carefully snuggling her head into his chest, wiping away any tears on her cheek with his thumb.

He rubbed the back of her head as she nestled it further into Five's chest, crying uncontrollably.

"It's okay my darling, I'm not mad I promise. I just wish you'd told me about this sooner, okay?"
"I-I know I'm sorry," She murmured, her head still hiding in his chest, making her speech sound muffled.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay. Why don't you go take a shower or bath while I clean your room up a bit, hm?"


i need a five to come and clean my room for me bc it is a SHITHOLE

i need a five to come and clean my room for me bc it is a SHITHOLE

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we were mucking abt in geography class lol



isnt the moon beautiful tonight:)

-Liv/Mama Steve🦶‼️

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