🥀|𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔴𝔬|🥀

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I got back to my hotel room and layed on the hard bed. It had been a few hours after I had my coffee with Five. Then I heard a notification on my phone. Un-suprisingly, it was Five.
Five: Hey
Y/N: Hey again
Five: wyd?
Y/N: Nothing wbu
Five: Yeah nothing, that's why i texted you
Y/N: lmao
Five: Wait what does lmao mean again?
y/n: Laughing my ass off 😭
god this was awkward
Five: oh k thanks
y/n: anyway, wanna hang out tomorrow?
Five: Sure :)
Five: meet me at my house tomorrow. 1pm.
y/n: Ok, where do you live?
Five: Do you remeber the umbrella acadamy?
duh im trying to kill you i know everything about you
y/n: Those guys with the super powers?
Five: Yeah. I'm one of them.
y/n: Shit cool!
Five: Do you remember where the acadamy was?
y/n: yeah i think so
Five: well come there tomorrow:)
y/n: sure thing, see you then :)
Five: I'll show you my powers as well if you want
little does he know i have them toooo;)))
y/n: Yes! Omg i'd love that!
Five: Good
That had to be the most cringiest conversation ive ever had with someone. Well at least we was starting to build our 'friendship'
I switched off my phone and put it on the bedside table next to me. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling, biting my nails. I decided I would leave it a few days before I killed him. I just had to get him killed within the week, and pray that everything goes well.

Even though Five was pretty cute, I didn't feel an ounce of pity. I never did. I was trained not to. I wouldn't be good at what I do if I sympathised with all my victims. I wouldn't be able to get anything done. I wouldn't have got to my impressive kill count if I felt bad for the people I had to kill. I especially didn't feel bad for Five. I thought about what method I would use. It just had to be quick and unexpected. Occasionally I would strangle my victim's with my powers, but that would usually take at least 30 seconds, and if Five could teleport, he could easily escape. Shooting him might not work. We are trained to react as soon as a gun is pulled out, so I doubt I could make it in time to pull the trigger, again, because he can easily get away. Stabbing might be simple. I could be in mid conversation with him, his eyes in mine, and then suddenly pull the knife out from my back and jam it into his chest. Simple. I decided on that idea.

I switched off the lamp on the bedside table and went off to sleep. It was kind of funny to me how I've killed hundreds of people, yet I still sleep like a baby every night. I liked my job. I saw it more as a hobby with a paycheck.

I woke up the next moring at 7am, my usual early start. I got up out of bed and opened the curtains to reveal the not-so impressive view of the city. It really wasn't much, but I'm not gonna be here forever. As soon as I get Five out of the way I can go back. The Handler told me I can't come back until the job is done, no matter how long it takes.

I threw on a simple outfit.

To try and make me look 'innocent' when we all know I'm completely the opposite. I wouldn't normally dress like this it all, in fact my outfits were usually the opposite, so I like to consider this as a 'costume'. I was a true master of disguise. I decided I wouldn't kill Five today. Maybe tomorrow or the next. I just didn't want to get to know him too much so it didn't get personal.

1pm soon arrived and I made my way to the academy where Five lived. I found it earlier with my powers so I knew the exact journey I needed to take, and it wasn't far, so I started the 5 minute walk.

I got the academy alright, my trusty powers never failed me. I opened the two front gates and knocked on the front door. A tall-ish man, dressed in all black leather answered the door.
"Uhh, hi?"
"Hi, is Five here?" I asked him nicely. He sighed and reluctantly turned his body into the house.
"FIIVEEEEEEE!!!" He shouted. He turned back to me, gave me a brief smile, and headed back inside. Five soon came rushing down the stairs and to the door in front of me.
"Hey" I smiled at him. He stepped aside, inviting me inside. I walked in and looked around his house.
"Sooo, you're parents are rich?" I joked.
I already knew his dad was. And I already knew he was dead. I just had to act like I didn't know anything about him.
"Well, I mean my dad was kinda loaded I guess, but he's dead now," Five told me.
i know.
"Oh, sorry to hear that," I said in sympathy, referring to his dead father.
"Don't be, we all hated him,"
This made me chuckle. Not just a fake one but a real one.
"Anyway, come meet my siblings," Five smiled at me as he walked me into his large living room, where all his sibling sat around.
"Guys this is r/n," He told them all, using my fake name. I had to remember that, and learn to answer to that as well. There was a few mere hi's and hey's amongst the room. Five must have sent a signal or something to them, because they suddenly gave me eager hi's and hey's. Five sat down on the couch and I slumped down next to him.
"This is Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus and Vanya," Five introduced to me, pointing to the different adults who were all technically the same age as me. I smiled at each of them.
So these were his potential protecters.
All I wanted to know was their powers. That was the only thing the file failed to mention.
"You guys all have powers, right?" I asked curiously. I heard one of them, which I recall was Luther, replied with a yes.
"Oh yeah. Uh, Luther has super strength, Diego can manipulate objects that are in flight, Allison can rumour anyone to do anything, Klaus talks to the dead and uh.. Vanya doesn't have a power.." Five explained to me eagerly as I took notes in my head. He seemed to be proud of his family and it was quiet cute actually. They all seemed pretty close, so I had to kill Five when he was alone, and none of his family would be out looking for him. Then I could leave his body to be discovered then get the hell out of there before they found me.
"Cool, it's nice to meet you all,"
I noticed Five got a few approving nods and smiles from his family, which I quickly dismissed out of disgust.
Ugh as if!
(yes i was referring to the queen cher ;))

"Come on r/n," Five sighed as he got up from the couch and headed out the living room. I got up after him and followed after him, before smiling and waving to everyone sweetly.

He lead me up to his room and I seriously just wanted to get this over with already, but I held onto my sanity and told myself to be patient.

"Your family seem really nice," I said to him as I sat on the swivel chair in his room. I really loved swivel chairs and always sat in one when I had the opportunity. Five didn't seem to mind me sitting in his chair anyway.
"They drive me crazy sometimes," He replied, sitting himself on the table in front of the chair I sat on. I spun around on it slowly as I gave a fake, but convincing laugh and Five chuckled along with me.
"I'm sure they love you though," I said after I finished my painful fake laughs. Five shrugged.
"I guess. You want some coffee?" He offered me. I accepted, even though I really really hated black coffee. Five headed downstairs to make the coffee for us both.
you're gonna be dead tomorrow lmao
I thought to myself and giggled. I spun in his chair and looked around his room as I observed and bit my nails. It was a pretty standard room, but you'd be suprised at how well you can read people from their rooms.

The deductions I made from Five's were that he was a pretty sensible, mature guy and never took any shit from anyone.

My dedication's were usually accurate as well.

Five soon came back up with two black coffee's. I sipped away at mine and took a large mouthful so he wouldn't get suspicious.
"I'm so glade I met you r/n," He said to me, staring into my eyes.
ughhh i just wanted this to be over alreadyyyyyyyy.
"Me too," I smiled at him, placing my coffee on the side.
"You know, I spent most of my life alone, so it's good to have a friend I guess," He explained to me. He didn't seem like he was a trained assassin like me, judging by how soft he was. I'm guessing he just has two sides to him I guess. I decided to play around with his thoughts a bit, see exactly what he's thinking.
god she's so hot
ok just calm down calm down relaxxxxxxx
just dont be creepy
impress her
she probably doesn't even like me
what do i do what do i do uh uh uh
what is wrong with me?
why am i being like this?!
shes just a girl
ah ah ah ah ah shes still looking
shit shit shit
say something!!
just play it cool, she might loose interest.

"What are you looking at?" He finally said with a smug smirk.
It seemed he had a little crush on me, so I decided to play around with him.
"Your cute dimples," I said to him. His cheeks immediately flushed as touched his red cheeks slightly. I continued to sip more of my coffee.

A few hours went by and I was so bored. It was now 4pm and told him I had to go home. He seemed a bit upset to hear this but I was so relieved he let me leave.

I finally managed to leave the academy freely and I was so excited to kill him tommorow.

I started my walk back to the hotel and went into my room when I got there. I sighed as I layed myself down on the bed.
god that was so awkward
I couldn't wait to get this job over and done with.
y/n: Hey Five, do you mind if I come over again tomorrow?
Five: Of course, my siblings won't be home tomorrow so it'll just be us :)
y/n: Great! I'll see you tomorrow x
A smile spread across my lips when he said it would just be us.

𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 & 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 (𝗔.𝗚~𝗙.𝗛)Where stories live. Discover now