⛓|𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐨|⛓

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After a long silent car ride of me just staring out the window, we finally pulled up to the academy.

Luther, Diego, Five and Klaus all slid out of the car, but I really didn't have the energy to move.

Luckily Five opened the door for me and took my hand to help me get out, before slamming the car door shut behind me.

Five clutched my hand gently and helped me up the few steps leading up to the academy, ushering the three other guys out of our way.

Five and I were stood in front of the door now, the others behind us. Five let go of my hand to get the keys out of his back pocket and scramble through them all to find the correct one. He let out a groan in frustration, and soon tossed the keys to Diego, who was standing nearest to him, before grabbing my hand again and teleporting us inside.

I winced at the sudden and vast movement, making all my wounds sore again. Five noticed and eyed me again, before gulping, clearly trying to hold back tears.

I knew he wasn't going to say anything else, he once told me that he hated speaking when trying not to cry. He always said that it makes his voice crack and he doesn't want to sound weak.

My head was starting to spin and I was struggling to keep my balance.

My hands had pins and needles and I could barely stand anymore, my legs weak.

"Baby are you ok..?"
Five's voice trailed off at the end of his sentence, as I completely blacked out and fell to the ground.

Five's pov:

"Shit!" I yelled, as Luther Diego and Klaus came waltzing through the front door, not a care in the world.
I went down to y/n's side and held her head in my lap.
"Fuck, what happened?!" Diego yelled, rushing over to me and y/n, followed by Luther and Klaus. I held my two fingers to her neck in panic, then relieved to feel her pulse pumping.
"S-she just fainted," I managed to say, clearing my throat.
"Here, let me take her to mom," Luther stated, trying to put his arms underneath her and carry her away from me. I slapped his arms away viciously.
"No! Don't touch her," I spat at him, and he cautiously backed away.
"Come on, let's just leave him.." I heard Diego whisper to Luther and Klaus, grabbing both their shoulders.
"Are you sure?" Klaus said loudly. Classic Klaus. Never gives a shit.
"Just go," I answered his question, not being able to pull my eyes away from y/n's bloody body. She was smothered head to toe in cuts, burns and bruises. It just made my blood boil that Hazel and Cha-Cha thought they could just take her and beat her around endlessly.

I scooped my arms underneath y/n, and managed to pick her up with ease. I mean, yes I wasn't too strong, due to my bony arms, but
y/n was extremely light. It was kinda cute how easily I could pick her up, but I couldn't let myself get distracted, I had to try and heal all her wounds before she woke up, I knew it would be really painful for her if she was conscious.

I carefully made my way upstairs, scared of dropping y/n.

I was close to the top of the staircase, when my blazer slipped off of y/n's upper body, as it was covered over her as a blanket, but now it layed on the stairs, revealing more of her cuts and bra.

I couldn't really go back and grab it for her, otherwise I would drop y/n, so I just kept walking down the corridor's swiftly, so no one would see her like this.

Finally, I made it outside my room, and kicked the door open with my foot, since the door was already open ajar.

I walked inside and gently placed y/n on my bed, brushing the hair out of her face. I reached under my bed and pulled out the medkit I had recently stashed there. y/n insisted I should keep a medkit nearby, since I was always getting into 'fights' as she liked to call it.

I just needed a bowl of water, so I quickly spacial jumped to the kitchen downstairs and grabbed a medium white bowl, which I then filled with lukewarm water, then grabbed a rag before blinking back up to my room.

y/n was still completely unconscious, probably due to all the blood she had lost, which was very clear as it was covered all over her body.

I pulled up my chair and sat before y/n's legs. I would start at the bottom and work my way up.
Okay, that sounds a bit weird out of context, but you know what I mean.

I dipped the rag into the bowl of warm water and starting rubbing the dry blood off y/n's left leg. I was still absolutely livid that Hazel and Cha-Cha had the nerve to go this far. I was mad enough that they took her hostage, but even madder that they put her through all this pain. I didn't want to picture her suffering, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. I also couldn't stop a tear spilling out of my eye and rolling down my cheek.

y/n's left leg was soon clean, and I moved onto her other leg.

I wasn't really sad anymore. Just frustrated. And angry. I seriously wanted to punch someone through a wall right now, but I decided I would save that for later, only worrying about cleaning y/n up and waiting for her to wake up.

Eventually, her whole body was no longer covered in blood, however she was still covered in scars, which broke my heart.

I felt really awkward cleaning her upper half, but at least she was unconscious I guess.

All I had to do was her face.

I got a clean rag and some fresh water and started dabbing the wet cloth on the top of her forehead.

Y/N pov:

I was slowly starting to regain my consciousness. I could feel my body starting to ache and sting all over, and a wet clothe on my forehead, which actually felt quite relaxing. My eyes fluttered open and my vision was slowly getting less blurry.

I could soon make out Five perching next to me and dabbing at my forehead. His eyes were red and glossy, but he put on a soft smile for me.
"Thank god you're awake," He spoke softly, rubbing my cheek with the rag. I looked down at my body to see that all my wounds had been cleaned and I was no longer covered in my dry blood. I let out a soft groan as I moved a bit.
"Hey hey, don't move, you'll hurt yourself," Five ordered with a gentle tone as he interlocked his fingers into my hand and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

I wasn't used to seeing Five so soft.

I'm not complaining tho-

Five continued to rub blood off my face while his soft, puffy eyes stared into mine. He'd clearly been crying.
"How are you feeling?"
"I've been better," I sighed, putting on a faint smile. Five chuckled slightly.
"I'm so sorry they did this to you y/n.. This is all my fault," Five said, letting a tear stream down the side of his face. I couldn't really think of a response, so I just raised my arm and wiped the tear off his cheek with my finger. It hurt like hell but I couldn't give a shit. I hated nothing more than seeing him cry. He smiled at me lovingly, then gently clasped my hand and put my arm back down by my side. He wiped his eye with the back of his hand, then reigned in his emotions.
"Thought I told you not to move,"
I simply giggled at his remark.

I then remembered that I was still in my bra, and I looked down, and Five took the gesture immediately.
"Oh, right," He said, getting up and pulling a blanket over me.

My face was soon all clean, and Five gave me a sweet, quick kiss on my forehead and cheek, before heading to the door of his bedroom.
"Where are you going?" I asked, not wanting him to leave.
"To kill Hazel and Cha-Cha, I won't be long my love,"

𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 & 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 (𝗔.𝗚~𝗙.𝗛)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ