'To pick you up of course.' I opened my mouth 'Ah no ,before you interrupt me. I know you have a car. But we are going the same place today, so I thought carpool would be a good idea. You know , saving environment and all that.'

I squinted my eyes at him but before I could speak he opened his mouth again.

'Oh and we also need bonding time. ' He said looking at me as if it was the most common thing to say, his smirk still present. Doesn't his face hurt by smirking all the time?

I looked at him confused.

He looked as if I was stupid and started speaking again.

'We are going on a mission Rose. Together.Us both.' He said making his way to my couch and sitting on it. Sure. Make yourself at home,of course. No need for asking for permission. Sarcasm.

'Along with everyone. ' I interrupted.

'Yes of course, along with everyone but we can have bonding time with them in the office. They'll all be there.'

He picked up MY bottle and drank from it.This dipshit. He continued speaking, 'So yeah,we do need bonding time and that's why I am here.' He smiled at me. My glared only intensified.

'Get out.'

He kept his hand on his chest, mouth opened in a dramatic gasp. He looked as if I told him his puppy died.

'Seriously Rose ?? After everything we've been through??'

' One day.'

'Huh?' This was his turn to be confused.

'We've known each other for one day.'

He flicked his wrist as if what I said didn't matter. IS THIS GUY FOR REAL?!?

How can someone who looked so cold and ruthless be ,be-. Nevermind. I didn't even have a word for him.

'It's not the time that matters Rose,' He kept his hand on his heart and nodded his head as if talking to a child.'It's the emotion, Rose,emotion.'

I have had enough of his shit.

'You know what? I am going to make breakfast.' And I went out of the hall buy I didn't go to the kitchen. Nope.

I straight went to my room and opened the drawer of injections and picked up Midazolam injection. This would do.

And then I sneakily made my way towards him,his back facing me, my hands raised to inject him.

Right when I was about to inject him on the neck he caught my hand. HOW THE HECK-

His back was still facing me. How did he know?!?! I swear to God I didn't make any noise, for fucks sake it wasn't my first time injecting someone.

And the next thing you know is he pulled my hand and he-


He layed his head on my arm which was basically by his side because of his pulling and said,

'Is that how you treat your guest Rose? '

I abruptly snatched my hand away from me causing his neck to almost snap. Good.

'Why don't you make breakfast Rose, I am hungry. Oh no wait,let's make breakfast together, that's better.' I glared at him.He opened his mouth again.

He smirked. I knew whatever was going to come out of his mouth would be absolute bullshit now.

'Or I have a better idea,' his smirk only widening.

'Do you want me to be your chef ,Rose?Hmm? Do you want me to cook for you?'

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