■ Chapter 3 ■

Start from the beginning

I picked up a file 'Operation 602' . Before I could pay it further attention the file was snatched from my hand. Like literally. The worker mumbled a thanks before walking away.


As the elevator door was closing I saw someone standing on the reception. A man .With his back towards me .His back ,it looked..familiar. Before I could think anything else the door closed .

The next thing I know is I am knocking at Mr.Herringsworth door still thinking about my spaghetti. I almost..almost wanted to run back home. What can you say, a girl has priorities.

' Come in .'

I opened the door .There stood Mr. Herringsworth. He was in his 50's. He was quite handsome for his age .He had blond hair . His eyes a dark shade of green. A communicating phone like device that he usually keeps with him on his desk.

One of his walls covered with photos of various legendary officers.

Mr. James, Linda Tirrip, Choi Anson, Mr. Orman, Dawson-

' Ms. Cordell . Welcome . Please sit. I hope I didn't bother you by calling you at this hour.'  Mr. Herringsworth  said bringing my gaze back to him.

'Yes you did ' said my subconscious.

' No you didn't.' I smiled back.Shut up subconscious we don't want to loose this job.

'I am glad . Well I am pretty sure you know why you are here. We have a new mission for you . This one is harder than your previous missions. '

' Well then ,let's get started .What is it about ? '

' Not yet Miss Cordell. Patience. We are waiting for someone. '

'Who ?'

' Your partner of course. ' He said calmly.


' I don't do missions with partner Sir.Never done it .It's just me and my team.'

'I do know that .But in this mission you're gonna have a partner. It's dangerous ,we can't let you go alone .'

' I can do this alone .' I said calmly but my head was a full on jungle .

' I am sure you can Miss Cordell. But you won't. And don't worry your partner is dead ass good in his job .You'll be quite happy with it. '

And right then the door opened .

'I hope I am not interrupting anything. ' That voice ..It sounded ..familiar..I looked at the person standing at the door smirking at me.

Heck no.

Happy my non existent ass.


And here I was sitting right beside that arrogant jerk who was still looking at me smirking. My hand held the armrest so tight because I was sure if I let go I am gonna push him or worst ,stab him with the knives I was hiding.

' Mr. August ,pleasure to see you join us .You already know Ms. Cordell.'

Know- Alread-WHAT THE HECK .Before I could question the sanity of my boss he started speaking again.

'And Adrianna I am sure you have heard about him. Meet Casteel Alaric August. '

WHAT ? He ,he was the one who I aspired to be ? My whole life is a lie .No way. The person that I basically worshipped is HIM ? My eyes were bigger than Jupiter. He just smirked back.

Does he know any other facial expression ? Or is he stuck with it.Not gonna lie it's so hot - STOP. What the hell . Adrianna Focus.

' I don't want to work with him.' I said in the strongest voice I could muster.

' Well back to you Rose .I don't want to work with you with either. ' Rose ,who the heck -

'It's Ms Cordell to you.'

Before he could speak Mr Herringsworth spoke ' That's strange Casteel. This morning didn't you sugges-'

Before he could speak the arrogant jerk interrupted him ' Speak anymore and I'll shoot you .You know I don't give a fuck about your rank ' He said with the most serious expression I have seen on him but there was also a red tint on his cheek.Wait ..Is he... blushing ? Nope ,no way. Get your eyes checked Adrianna .Mr. Herringsworth looked almost ..scared. Damn who wouldn't be .

Then he looked at me with that smirk again.

' I thought you called me trash Rose .And now you want to work with me ? Funny how bitches turn into my fans. 'His smirk only got wider and my frown only got deeper.

'First of all I DON'T WANT TO WORK WITH YOU MR. AUGUST. SECOND OF ALL ,YOU ARE TRASH ,'that's a lie ,he looked like a Greek God.' THIRD OF ALL ,FAN- WHAT THE HECK .'

Before he could come up with a reply Mr .Herringsworth popped in .He almost looked shocked.

' When did you get so talkative Casteel .The last time I met you .You were as silent and cold as ever. Last time I met you was this morning . You were equivalent to an emotionless rock,glaring at everyone and barely speaking a sentence. I think -'

Casteel put his gun on the desk before Mr. Herringsworth could complete his rant.

Mr. Herringsworth officially looked scared out of his mind.

' Moving on ,'

This will be interesting .


* not edited * There are probably a lot of spelling mistakes .







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