Chapter 35

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Kong's POV

Next day.. I woke up pretty late.. Oon was sitting on the table working on something.. He saw me awake and came to me.
"Good Afternoon P.." He said as he kissed me. I smile at him first.
"Good Afternoon Oon." I said. I tried getting up.. but it hurts a lot.. Oon laughed looking at me.

"Don't you dare laugh at me you beast.. Come and help me." I said with my hazer voice. 
"Gladly P.." He said. He stood up and went to the bathroom.. I did not understand what he was up to.. he returned after few minutes and lifted me in bridal style. 

"Oon.. at least tell me next time you decide to carry me.. you will give a heart attack some day." I said as he startled me by suddenly carrying me. 
"Okay love.. but you know I won't let anything hurt you." He replied as he place me on the sink and gave me the brush.. 
"Says the one.. who is the reason for this pain." I said rolling my eyes..

"Hmm.. I did not here you complaining though.. other than asking for more." Oon said with a teasing voice..  I started hitting on his chest playfully. He suddenly held my hands and gave me a peck.. I freed my hand and covered my mouth glaring to him.. 

"I did not brush my teeth you fool." I said.
"You are mine.. so I don't mind.." He said leaning in again. I smacked his head this time.
"You pervert.. get out.. let me take my bath now.." I shouted at him while pushing him out. I closed the door as soon as he is out. He was laughing outside. 

I took my time to take a warm bath.. it was really relaxing.. He even kept a pair of dress and ointment inside already along with a towel. After I was done with all the things.. I went out. I saw Oon already preparing things to pamper me completely.. I have always liked the way he pampers me.. especially after such nights. 

I went and hugged him from behind.. He tried to turn around but I tightened the grip around his waist making him stand in the same position.. He just held my hands as he leaned his face back.

"As much as I want to stay like this.. P.. you need to eat and take a medicine.. also.. you need to rest P.." He said. I let go of the hug.. he made sit on the bed and started feeding me. After that he cuddled with me..

"Oon.. I want to watch a movie.." I said as I was playing with his fingers..
"Okay.. let me arrange the things.." He said. He placed a table and arranged the laptop... some snacks and drinks. He played the movie 'One Day'.. it was the first film of GDH. 

I still wanted to watch other movies.. So I asked him to play 'Back to 90s'.. We played two more movies.. now the fourth one was playing.. but I guess I will sleep in between as I can feel my eyes heavy. I guess Oon also felt I was sleepy as he bought me light dinner.

I don't know how I ate or what I ate.. the next thing I remember is sleeping.. 

Arthit's POV

P'Kong slept while I was feeding him.. I kept aside the food and adjusted his position. After that.. I placed everything in their place, washed the plates and joined him in the bed.. he snuggled with me as soon as I laid on the bed murmuring 'Good night Oon'. I held him close to my chest kissing his forehead before drifting into sleep.

The next couple of weeks went by very fast with us being dragged every where to make the preparations. First suits.. then cake flavor.. and so on.. by the end of second week.. Our parents gave us the biggest shock.

We had to stay away from eachother for the next two weeks till the marriage. Dae even betrayed me by pulling P'Kong to him and telling that he would have some his Pa all for him.. I whined a lot.. begged but as it was a tradition.. I had to oblige to it.

The very night.. P'Kong was taken to their house along with his friends, Dae, Gun and Nai. While I was dragged to our house.. both our phones were confiscated by our parents.. Dae kept on calling me everyday night sharing me stories about P'Kong but not letting me see, hear or even glance a second at him.

Kong's POV

I was bought to our house.. My friends were going to juggle between my home and their workplace while Dae, Nai and Gun would accompany me. From the very second day I was feeling little cramps in my stomach.. I don't know why.. Dae saw through my discomfort.. I told him but asked him to be quiet not to worry other..

After two days.. I started vomiting everything I was eating.. my parents do not know about this yet .. I decided to call P'Beam.

"P'Beam.. Swadee Khab." I said as he lifted the call.
"Swadee Kong.. how are you.?" He asked.
"I am fine P.. but are you by any chance free..? Can you visit me.?" I asked a little hesitantly.
"Are you fine Nong..? Is something wrong.?" He asked me worriedly.

"P.. I am having cramps since 4days.. and now I am even vomiting everything I eat. Above that I feel stinky smell which no one else gets." I said. He remained silent for a minute.
"Kong.. I and Wayo would come there in 30minutes.. We are free." He said.
"Khab P.. and I did not tell anything to my parents nor anyone.. only Dae knows a little.." I said.
"Okay.. don't worry.. we won't tell them unless it is very serious.. wait for us to come." P'Beam said and cut the call. 

I laid down on the bed and I slept without knowing. I woke up when I heard someone calling me. I opened my eyes and saw P'Beam and P'Wayo.. along with Dae, Nai and Gun. They were all looking at me worriedly. I sat down with the help of P'Wayo.

Dae came and hugged me tightly.. I did not understand what was happening..
"DaeDae.. what happened.." I asked calmly. 
"You were not waking up.. I did not know what to do.. I was about to tell Yaa and Dtaa but that was when P''Beam and P'Wayo came." He said after he calmed down a little. 
"Sorry Dae.. I don't know.. I just felt tired.. I don't even know when I slept. But I am completely fine.. relax now." I said as I tried to sooth him. 

After few minutes.. P'Wayo to a blood sample and told that he would return in after a couple of hours.. P'Beam gave me some drinks and also made me eat fruits. I again slept talking to them.. 
They woke me up after 4 hours.

"Kong.. Wayo would be here in another 30minutes.. but before that I want you to try this." P'Beam said and gave me a pregnancy test kit. I looked at him with wide eyes.
"P.. I.. Are you sure.?" I asked not sure how to react.. 
"I have a hunch Kong.. not sure.. so try this.. don't check the result inside.. Come out then we will check after Wayo joins." P'Beam said. I guess Dae, Nai and Gun already know about it as they were giving me encouraging smiles. 

I went to and did as P'Beam asked me to. I did not see the result and came out. I was feeling nervous, happy and worried.. I was also in a little dilemma.
"Kong... what are you thinking about.?" P'Beam asked.
"P.. I am just worried.. I mean.. I don't know weather Oon will be happy or not.. I am not sure if we are ready or not.. Are we ready or not." I spoke not meeting any eyes. I felt Dae hug me from side.

"Pa.. Dad would love it.. and also don't worry Pa.. you will be the best parent.. you just adopted me in an hour you met me and gave me the best in the world.. so don't worry Pa.. you and Dad will become the best parents.. I will become the best brother to the little baby." He said as he hugged me more tightly.

I felt assured and happy.. P'Wayo came and joined us in the next 10minutes. We all sat down. P'Wayo was having my test report while P'Beam was having my kit result. They opened it together on the count of three. 

At first their expressions were blank.. they exchanged the reports.. and saw. After a good minute they smiled widely at us.
"Positive." They both said together. I felt happy tears.. Dae hugged me tightly followed by Gun, Nai. Then P'Beam and P'Wayo. 

"P.. can you help me with this Nausea and other symptoms.. I want to reveal it on the day of my marriage." I said smiling widely at them. They nodded their head. P'Beam went to buy some medications for me. P'Wayo gave me some precautions I need to take. 

"Nai, Gun and Dae.. not even a word to your mates.. P'Wayo.. please don't tell to anyother person.. I want it to be a surprise na please." I asked him. 
"I will keep it a secret only in one condition." He said.
"What is it P.?" I asked looking with confusion.
"Let me be your gynecologist.. then I will let you." He said smiling widely.
"Khab P.. You will be my gynecologist.. there is not doubt in that." I said smiling at him. 

P'Beam gave me the medications.. along with some food which I can keep here in case I want to eat in between. I thanked him. They told me what kind of food I should not be taking.. Dae, Nai and Gun also made sure to listen to them so that I won't eat them by mistakenly. 

They have been looking after me and making sure that I was fine and comfortable. Dae even managed to get me a couple of Arthit's T-shirts which made me feel warm.

The days were passing.. P'Beam and P'Wayo came alternate days to meet and check on me.. They made sure that I would feel normal on the day of my marriage. And finally tomorrow is the day of our wedding and tonight even my friends were there with me along with Dae, Nai and Gun. We were speaking about random things.. they were trying to make me relax.. I slept while talking to them.

I hope I am Not LateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon