Chapter 07

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Arthit's POV

Like every other day we got ready and went to our university.. I felt P'Kong a little restless but he said that he was okay.. I made it to my class.. Today we has our Calculus class but surprisingly.. I felt it good after P'Kong started teaching me.. 

We are waiting in the cheer hall for the hazing session to start.. The hazers came but P'Kong was not coming.. Everyone were whispering about P'Kong.. but soon stopped as P'Tew started the session.. I was only thinking about P'Kong.. Then it clicked me.. he spoke to dean yesterday.. did something happened.. I became restless.. After session, I wanted to run to P'Kong but was pulled to photoshoot by P'Jenne. 

While waiting for my turn, I was still thinking about P'Kong. Why was he not there.. did something happened..? 

"P'Jenne can I ask you something..?" I asked a bit hesitantly.
"You can ask Nong.. nothing to worry." P'Jenne said.
"P.. What happened to P'Kong.. he did not come to session today..?" I asked. The question made P'Jenne freeze. She looked around.. Yuri, Engineering star is doing her photoshoot. After a sigh.. 

"I will tell you Nong.. but you should not discuss it with your friends also.. strict orders have been passed saying that the first years should not know about it.. " P'Jenne said and I nodded.

"Kong has been suspended for a week.. the fourth years and co-hazers are trying to get him back into his place because we all know it is not his fault.. especially the incident where the girl fainted.. But the Dean is adamant.. we all feel that he is wronged but he is not protesting.. So we are trying our best to explain things to Dean by ourselves." P'Jenne said. 

"Nothing will be reflected in his studies right..?" I asked worriedly.

"No.. nothing will reflect.. we just want him to be back to his position.. he deserves it.. and he is really managing them very well because all of us were angry at first years knowing his suspension.. but you know what he said..? He said that the first years did not plan it and are innocent.. "that girl just tried to face the tasks unlike others who gave up before trying.. and the Dean cannot be pointed as he will be facing the management.. so better not to blame anyone and let it go.. I will take over after a week" was what he told." P'Jenne said and after that left.. 

I took my photos.. I was proud and upset at the same time.. I was proud at how P'Kong tried to analyze the situation and upset at myself for always taking things personally at hazing even though he warned me. I felt bad that he did not tell me but understood it and decided to not speak to him about it.. maybe he did not want us to feel guilty and he might not want us to blame ourselves. 

After photoshoot.. I went to canteen where my friends were sitting.. we got enrolled into various games.. which are being organized for freshers.

We saw P'Kong and others coming towards the canteen. Everyone heard of his suspension but no one knows the reason.. 

"I feel sorry for P'Kong.. why should he be suspended..?" Bright said. Since the day.. P'Kong treated his leg.. he started understanding everything the hazers do. 
"I really wanted to know the reason.. I have pulled all the strings but No one wanted to tell it.. they just dismissed it saying that it is the hazers thing." Prem added. 

We saw them going and standing in front of a table and talking something with them.. We remember them being the fourth year hazers. After a few minutes.. they left along with P'Kong but the other four hazers were still here. They came to our table and called for Knot because he is elected as the class president. They even told us that we can join if we are interested so we joined them.

"Nong Knot.. are the students joining the games and other activities..?" P'Tew asked and Knot nodded saying yes. He gave the list.. to them. They were seeing every sport..
"This year we need to do something.. otherwise we will loose every game.. they won't even make it to final." P'Wad said in a low voice and others nodded.

"Oak call May and Maprang here.. and Can you call the main leads of the grandstand." P'Em said.

After they arrived, they introduced themselves to the hazers.
"You two will be Co-ordinating with P'May and P'Maprang about the grandstand.. your ideas and thoughts everything and they will help you with it." P'Tew said. After that the four left.. 

"P.. the freshy games are meant to be friendly matches to know the other department freshers then why should we take them so serious..?" Prem asked.. 
"You better sit at home if you think like that." P'Wad said with a cold voice.
"Why can't you answer properly when I asked normally." Prem raised his voice a bit. P'Wad was about to get up but a hand stopped him. P'Kong came.. thank god.. otherwise they might have fought again..

"Listen Nongs.. yes the freshy events are meant for that.. but for the seniors of the department.. we take it as a test.. an engineer must be able to survive a restless environment.. so if you pass this games it will show us how hardworking and determined you all can be to achieve your target. That is the reason we say you will need to win all the games and competitions." P'Kong said and we all nodded understanding. 

"We will win P.. We will not let you all down." I said and all my friends repeated it.
"Let us see.. all the best.. Em and Wad will be incharge of basketball while Tew and Oak will be for volleyball.. and as for Star and moon.. I and Prae will be there.. Approach us for help.. we will always help you and guide and if necessary will teach you." P'Kong said while others nodded in confirmation. 

"Guys.. we need to go to the meeting hall.. I want to complete the meeting and go home and rest.. " P'Kong said and everyone were starting to collect things when P'Tew and P'Em froze. Me and my friends did not understand.. following P'Wad and P'Oak also froze while P'Kong was grinning... making us more confused..

"You are back.. you are back." P'Em exclaimed and they all hugged him.. we did not understand where is he back.. he was already here right.. that was when it clicked me.. back to his position.

"P.. you are back to the head hazer position.." I asked for confirmation as I saw the hazers standing normally. My friends understood and we are now staring at them with curiosity. 

"Yes.. I have been placed back into my position.. The fourth years spoke with the Dean.. especially P'Deer and P'Ple." He said while smiling.. I felt jealous at the name P'Ple.. but was too happy to show it now.. We shared a look.. and we went on our ways. 

Arthit's POV

I made my way home.. while waiting for P'Kong, I started thinking of all the events that happened since the start of our university.. I felt guilty for what I did at start.. but now I am very happy and I will never let this happiness go.. I will never let P'Kong go..

I came out of my thought as P'Kong came back.. I opened my arms for him to come.. which he did.. 
"Congratulations P" I whispered.
"Thank you.. " He said.. I did not prolong the topic much not wanting him to know that I know the reason. 

We had our dinner and spoke about random things.. I was happy that he is back to normal and smiling brightly.. 

Like usual we studied for sometime and went to sleep snuggling with eachother.

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