Chapter 08

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Kong's POV

Next day morning.. I woke up wrapped completely in his arms.. I starred at him for sometime. I woke him up as we need to go to the college. We both got ready and sat down to eat our breakfast.

"P.. I want to make a bet." He said suddenly.
"Hm.. what bet..?" I asked curiously.
"P.. if I win all the games I play and the Campus moon title then I can get to ask you anything.." He said pleading.. I was thinking what will this brat come up with.. but I just gave in.
"Okay done.. " I said and he grinned. Okay it is worth what ever it is.

After that we made our way to the campus.. and went to our own classes. When we had a break we went to the first years class. Everyone were whispering.. And if I am not wrong it is about me resuming my post but I just shrugged it off. 

After the teacher left.. We entered the class. I was glancing at everyone when I saw Prem some what uncomfortable.. but did not stress a lot on it.

"Swadee first years.. we are here to inform you all that the hazing sessions will be stopped temporarily till the games and events are done.. All we expect is everyone giving their best in the competitions." I said. I again glanced at Prem. Okay something is terribly wrong with him. His friends must have noticed it at tried to ask him but he wasn't responding. 

"Are you ready to give your best to the competitions?" Tew asked as I became silent. Heat.. Prem is in heat. I asked Tew to take the lead and I went to Prem.. they were in the last so no one knew what is happening because they can't glance back when there is a person talking in front. 

I asked his friends to move aside.. I squat down beside Prem and made him look at me.
"Prem.. you are in heat right..?" I whispered to him. He nodded. Arthit and his other friends also understood it by now. I grabbed Prem out of the class. I saw Wad was also becoming restless.. I did not know why.. He followed us out while the rest were engaging the class. 

"Nong.. you are in heat..?" Wad asked.
"P'Wad.. help me.. it hurts." Prem replied. These two are acting weird.. I glanced between them.. Then it clicked me..

"You both are mates..?" I exclaimed doubtfully. 
They both nodded. Okay this is surprise but it is not time to question them.. 

"Wad take him to my condo. Reset their for a while.. take the guest room.. you know how I arrange things right.. you will be able to find them.. there will be everything that is needed.. Go now.. we will come around 8:30 in the night along with dinner. Take care till then." I said and shooed them away immediately. 

"They are mates..?" Arthit and his friends are still in shock.
"Chill Nongs.. we can ask them later together.. but not now nor in the campus.. now get back in.." I said. They all nodded and went back in. I also joined Tew who was giving instructions. Em looked at me asking for what happened.. I said later. 

After that it was near lunch break so we went to canteen. It was almost full.. I texted Arthit saying that we will eat outside since I knew none of us have classed to day anymore. We went to the restaurant a little away from the campus not wanting to be noticed by our college students.. 
We sat down.. and ordered food. 

"So Kong what happened while we were talking.. " Tew asked as we settled down.
"Prem was in heat.. he wasn't able to completely speak.. and these idiot juniors of ours.. thought something was wrong but did not get that it was heat." I replied and my friends laughed a little.

"So why did Wad leave..." Em asked after a few minutes.. I hesitated to say it or not..
"Mm. it is not my place to tell but.. They are mate and I hope you all will give them time to confront.. " I said. My friends were shocked by the revelation. 

"No way in hell.. they have been on eachother's neck all the time." Oak exclaimed.
"As if Arthit and Kong weren't.. I must say those two are far better then these idiots." Em said rolling his eyes. 
"Speak such things when May is there Em.. " I said with the same feeling.. Our friends just laughed at our antics... But juniors were confused.
"P'May is my mate.. we did not announce it publicly but we are together.." Em said sensing their confusion. All the juniors nodded. 

We had our lunch while talking some random things.. The juniors also loosened up a little. Suddenly I felt Tew freezing.. I glanced at him.. 
"Tew what happened.." I whispered to him.
"Kong.. the smell.. it is somewhat intoxicating me.." He whispered back.. 
That kind of thing happens to the beta's only when it is from Mate and that to an Omega. 
"Tew maybe we need to find where that smell is coming from.. I have a feeling that it is your mate." I whispered. He looked at me. After a minute we excused ourselves.. The others were busy chitchating.. I gave Arthit an assuring smile. 

I followed Tew.. We saw a short.. cute boy.. I am damn sure he is an Omega.. but he was sitting and taking deep breaths.. oh not again.. I thought.. he must also be in heat. I asked Tew to stay back and went near him.

"Mmm. Nong.. " I called for his attention.. he got startled and scared thinking I was an Alpha.
"Relax Nong.. I am also an Omega.. don't worry.." I said and he relaxed a bit..
"P.. What should I do.. My heat came suddenly.. I having cramps.. " He sobbed a little and hugged me.. I was taken aback but soon tried to sooth him.
"What is your name Nong..? I am Kongpob." I asked.
"Dae Khab." He asnwered

"Nong.. I will call one person.. tell me if you feel he is your mate or not.. And don't worry.. he is a Beta and won't harm you.. trust me." I said. He was hesitant but nodded. I signaled Tew to come a little forward.. Dae sniffed the air and the scent. He froze in my head and nodded while blushing. I had a huge smile on my face.

"Okay.. Nong.. now will you come with me.. inside.. we are in a private room.. my friends are there among them there are two alphas but already have mates.. rest are beta or omega.. trust me and your mate.. we will look after you." I said. After thinking for a few minutes he nodded. 

"Tew call Em and ask him as well as Arthit to release their scent." I said to Tew.. He said okay.

"Mm Nong.. what are you studying.. ?" I asked trying to hold a conversation.
"Final year in high school P.. And you..?" He asked me..
"We are in 3rd year Engineering." I replied with a smile.
"P.. thank you.. I never felt cared.." He said with a low voice. I did not understand what he meant by that.. I looked at him puzzled thinking of his parents.
"I am Orphan P..  I lost my parents at an young age." He replied. I just hugged him tight. He sobbed a little.
"Nong... I will always be there for you.. I will be your brother and guardian. You are my best friends mate.. and really cute.... that is the least I can do for you." I said assuring him. 

"Kong we can go in.. I told them about the situation." Tew called for us. 
"Dae.. do you want Tew to also help you." I asked. He nodded with a little smile. I looke at Tew.. He had a bright smile. He came forward and sat in front of him asking him to get on. 

Dae looked at me and I nodded. He then climbed on to Tew.. and we went back to the room. I ordered a drink and some food for him to eat. Tew and Dae went back. Em and Arthit came out. 

"Kong I will leave now.. I need to go to May." He said and left. Arthit came and stood beside me. He side hugged me. After the order was ready.. we took them and went back. I told Arthit about Dae being an Orphan. I also told him about the pull I felt towards him and wanted to provide him parents love.. He just smiled and told that we can if he wants.. we will talk after sometime.

Dae was sitting in between everyone and being pampered. He is our best friends Mate.. so he will be one of us and he deserves all the care. He noticed me and smile at me. He asked me to sit beside him. I smiled and took the place.

"Dae.. this is Arthit.. my mate and we are married." I introduced Arthit to him. 
"Really you both are married." He exclaimed with a bright smile. I placed the food in front of him and started telling him about our marriage and fights. He laughed while eating. Arthit was trying to justify himself making all of us laugh. I was glancing at Tew who was not able to remove his eyes from Dae. I smiled at that.

"Dae.. tell us about yourself now.. " Tew asked eagerly. We chuckled seeing him like this. 
"P.. there is nothing to say about me.. I don't have any friends.. they just bully me for being an Orphan.. so I don't speak with anyone.. The first peope who gave me a feeling of warmth and care is P'Kong and you.. Although it was P'Kong who was comforting me.. but I could sense your love and care when you stood a little far so that you will not scare me.." Dae replied shyly. 

"Dae.. give me a chance.. let me take care of you forever.. I will give you all the love.. " Tew said while squatting in front of him. Ah.. is this a proposal..? I saw Dae nodding. Tew hugged him tight. Since Dae is still in high school.. his heat pheromones' are not that strong to make Betas out of control. 

I don't know why but I wanted Dae to have a family... I wanted to become his family.. I leaned towards Arthit..

"Oon.. " I whispered.
"Spit it out.. what do you want P." He whispered back.. hehe I know it will melt him if I call him like that.
"I want Dae to have a family.. " I said. Everyone hears except Tew and Dae who were talking busily in their world. 
"P.. You know I will support it as long as you want it and looking at him.. I do feel the same.. Even feel he deserves it and is a nice Kid.. but are you sure." Arthit asked me.
"Kong.. I know it is a good thing.. but you should be sure of it.." Oak asked and other juniors nodded.
"I am sure.. he deserves happiness.. and that to he is Tew's mate.. and look at him how cute he is.." I said confidently.
"So.. shall we adopt him..?" Arthit asked. I nodded hoping that he will be okay with it.
"Only if you will be happy.." I said. 
"I am really happy with that P.. He is a good person.. he deserves the warmth of a family.. but ask him P.." He said and I hugged him tightly. All our friends are having a huge smile. Oak also texted Em about this already. 

I looked at Dae.. and praying that he will accept it.. 

"Dae.. I want to ask you something.. " I spoke a bit hesitantly..
"P.. you are free to ask.." He said with a huge smile.. 
" Dae.. do you want a family..?" I asked not knowing how to approach the topic directly. Others just facepalmed and Tew was looking at me like 'Are you an idiot' 
"I always craved for a family.. especially the warmth.. " He said with a low voice.

I took a deep breath.. Arthit placed his hand my shoulder.. 'It is now or never.' 

"Then give me a chance to provide that warmth.. " I said looking at him. 
He and Tew were both surprised.. Their eyes went big..
"Kong.. are you sure.. you want to adopt him.?" Tew asked. I nodded.
"Dae.. don't think any other things.. I know I met you because you are Tew's Mate.. my best friends.. but you are really cute and good.. I want to be your family.. only if you want.. but if you are not ready.. I will still accept and be with you as your P." I said with all the voice I could gather.
"Dae.. you might think of what will happen if we have our own kids one day.. let me tell you.. you will become the elder brother to them and will still remain our son.. and will always be.. even though you will be married of to P'Tew." Arthit said. I blushed at the thought of own kids.

We were waiting for reply. I saw Dae suddenly stand up.. He came forward and hugged me tightly.. murmuring thank you.. He also hugged Arthit along with me. I smiled.. he accepted us.
After a few minutes Dae let go of the hug and is looking at us.

"I want you as my family.. I really would love to be a part of the family.." He said. We nodded happily. Tew side hugged me.. I know he must be feeling emotional. 

"Dae.. you can call us however you want.. P.. or Pa or dad or whatever makes you comfortable.. we will take you to meet our parents after 2 weeks when we are done with adoption process and don't worry they will be really nice and accept you." I said to him. He nodded. 

"I want to call you Pa.. and Dad" he said point at me and Arthit.. "I never had someone to call like that." He added.. Tew pulled him into a hug.. seeing him get tears. I held his hand.
"You have us now Dae.. you have a family.. you have your mate.. you have brothers and sisters also.. You will have friends also.. we will let you meet everyone of our friends after the hazing period is over and we will meet you daily." I said giving him an assuring smile which he returned. 

After that he told us he studies in the nearby high school and is working hard to study in **** college in engineering department.. We all chocked at that.. He looked at us asking what happened.. 

"We all study there.. We are 3rd years hazer while Your dad and his friends are in first year." Tew said. 
"My dad is younger then my mate." He suddenly said making everyone of us laugh. 
"Aw.. don't worry... even though I am younger.. I won't let him hurt you.." Arthit exclaimed making us laugh and Tew was glaring at him. We asked him to come with us to my condo. Em said that they also want to meet. He said Okay.. It was almost dinner time.. so we took the dinner and went to the condo. On the way, I texted Wad about our arrival and also about having a guest. He said okay.. will wait in the living room. 

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