Chapter 13

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Arthit's POV

I came out after changing into my costume. It is casual but catchy dress. P'Kong, P'Prae and Yuri were staring at me..

"Is there something wrong..?" I asked doubtfully..
"Prae.. I think I can be free from the famous campus moon title.." P'Kong said still in a daze.

I then looked at P'Kong.. he was wearing a black and black combination suit and he was looking so cool. We were in a separate room.. so I just went and hugged P'Kong.. 
"You look cool P." I whispered.
"You look handsome Oon." He whispered back. 

P'Prae was the one to do the make up.. it was light and simple.. We four of us got ready. P'Kong and P'Prae were called to start the event. They both are looking good.. P'Kong in black while P'Prae in white. Me and Yuri went and stood in the side to see them. 

"Now let us welcome the most famous Campus Moon and Star. They are still famous even now.." MC announced and they both walked on to the stage. 

"Swadee Khab Everyone.." They both said in the mike and bowed a little.. Even this act earned them a lot of cheers from the audience.
"Hello Kongpob and Praepalin.. So how do you think this year Moon and Star be." One of the judges asked.
"Obviously handsome and beautiful.. " P'Kong said earning some chuckles. 
"Oho Kongpob.. Okay By the way do you think your title of famous campus moon and star will be taken away or not." Other Judge asked
"Hope so P.. We want to give it away" Both P'Kong and P'Prae said simultaneously earning chuckles from everyone...
"Aw.. you don't want the title ah..?" The judge added.
"Mm.. let me put it this way.. too much attention for the whole two years P.. So let others have it.." P'Kong said calmly.

"Now.. do you all want to know who the campus moon and star of the year will be..?" P'Prae asked in the mike. Everyone shouted..
"Are you all ready to see if the current moon or star will become the most famous..?" P'Kong added in mike making everyone cheer loudly again..

"So let us welcome each faculty Moon and Star.. to the first round where they introduce themselves and perform." P'Kong and P'Prae said together. They walked down the stage and came towards us. We went back to our waiting room. 

We asked how P'Kong and P'Prae felt on the day of their competition.. and they were talking about it. We don't know how much time passed but a person came and informed us to come to the back stage because next will be our performance.. That was when reality hit us back.

I was getting nervous and I could feel sweat forming.. I glanced at Yuri.. she was in the same stage. P'Kong hugged me and P'Prae hugged Yuri.. 
"You can do it Oon.." P'Kong whispered to me. "Don't think about letting us down.. that won't happen." He added. I smiled.. I felt confident. So did Yuri.
"P.. wait for my wish.." I said and we made our way on to the stage while P'Kong and P'Prae got seated in the front row.. I could see him clearly.

We made our introduction and took our positions. Yuri started playing the keyboard.. First was an emotional and slow song.. I started singing while staring at no one while glancing at P'Kong in between. As the song completed everyone cheered.. As P'Kong told we could get their complete attention and interest. 
"So now we will play our second song.. please join us.." I said as Yuri started playing the next song.. I did my best to engage all the audience.. Even Yuri sang some lines in between. By the end of the song.. the hall has erupted into loud cheers and claps.. I glanced at P'Kong he was smiling ear to ear.. Okay I am confident that we will clear the round. We sang the next song also.. 

After the performance we were asked to wait for the result in the back stage. P'Kong and P'Prae. They went on to the stage and made some conversation.. I could here their voices but I am not able to focus on the words.. They started announcing the result. Science Faculty, Common Arts faculty, Sports faculty were announced and they went on to the stage. Their was only one more faculty left... P'Kong was really playing with the tension everyone was having... 

"The Last faculty is.... Faculty of Engineering.." He announced. My world stopped. I and Yuri jumped excitedly. I wanted to hug P'Kong but stopped as we were on the stage.

They told us about the the next round. We will have to choose a number and then P'Kong and P'Prae will tell us the question.

I remember P'Kong saying me to be confident while speaking and don't show nervousness in voice or face. And I need to be serious but have a smile on my face.

I was the last contestant.. so I was listening to everyone.. The star of Common arts spoke well. It was my turn.. I took a card and the number was Three.. P'Kong was about reading the question before telling it out loud.

Kong's POV

It is Arthit's turn.. He got number three.. I read the question.. shit.. he is going to be in trouble.. I looked at him and smiled trying to assure him.

"What are your views about SOTUS System.. Do you think it should be continued or not." I read the question out. I felt him freeze for a second but soon took the mike the MC was handing him

"I think.. Every system in the world has its Pros and Cons in them. So the SOTUS also has its pros. Through SOTUS we learned about unity. Since we have come from different backgrounds and different schools, this system draw the common points we have the easiest and fastest. But if the system controllers are not able to manage the system well enough or use extreme measures, the freshman may not co-operate and find it hard to respect them leading to major disagreement between eachother. So, I cannot answer your question weather it should be continued or not because it depends on the purpose of the controllers. But there is one thing I can confirm as a First year student undergoing the SOTUS System.. I believe that they have a reason for every action of theirs.. and their aim is to guide us in a way we can lead our university life as effective as possible. Also, to give us the values and determination to face the real world. Thank you." Arthit said. I was stunned with his answer.. He really answered it very well. I was grinning happily. 

"Thank you Nong Arthit.. That was a nice answer." I heard Prae speaking and came out of trance. I and Prae got down the stage to take the awards and bouquet.. The MC was on the other side of the stage.. I will be giving both popular and Campus moon award while Prae will give the Campus star award. 

"So.. let us now see who won which awards... The first one is.. The Popular Award.. " The MC said and opened the result..
"It goes to Nong..  Yuri of Faculty of Engineering.." She announced. I and Prae smiled at her.. I gave her the award while Prae gave the bouquet and sash.. After that she went back to her place. We kind of expected this result and also The campus star award.

"Now.. the campus star of the year award goes to...." The MC stopped of a couple of seconds.. "Nong Charanya of Faculty of Common Arts." She announced. 

I helped Prae to give the award to her. After giving the award they clicked a couple of photos.

"Now.. it is time to announce the Campus Moon award..." The MC announced.. the hall went silent and was filled with tension while she was opening the result. I could feel my heart beat.. I glanced at Arthit.. who was getting nervous. 
"The award goes to... Nong Arthit of Faculty of Engineering." MC announced.. the whole hall erupted into loud cheers.. Arthit jumped and then came forward with a big smile. So did I. I was internally jumping with happiness. I gave him the award and was about to move back but stopped hearing MC asking us to wait.

"Now judges tell us weather P'Kongpob has given up his Most popular Moon award or not." MC asked in the mike. I facepalmed while others were cheering and laughing. Prae also came and stood beside me. 

"Hm Nong Kong, Nong Prae.. your title doesn't want to leave you at all even this year." The judge said.. The hall was filled with cheers... while I shook my head while smiling. 
"Oh Kong and Prae.. have you found your mate at least this year." One judge asked.

I looked at Prae and gave her a nod saying it is okay to announce. Then glanced at Arthit.. who whispered.. your wish to me.

"About that P.. Yes I have found my mate.. and that person is here on the stage." Prae said while smiling widely. Everyone were chanting 'Who is it'.
"The person who won the Popular award this year is my mate. Nong Yuri from Faculty of Engineering." She announced proudly and I signaled Yuri to come and stand beside her. 
Now everyone are looking at me...
"Okay.. I have already found my mate.. and you know that person.. But I am not revealing the name right now.. I will let you all know the name at proper time." I said. 
"Oh Nong Kong.. you are still good at secrets but you did not fail to make that person feel special. Then Nong Arthit what about you..?" The judge said.

"Hm.. About that.. I am already taken and the person is my mate." He said smiling widely showing the ring on his finger. I was blushing slightly but composed myself. After few minutes we went back to the waiting room to change back.. Our friends were already there.. Even Dae was there.. He hugged both me and Arthit congratulating us.

After that we had dinner together and went back to our rooms. I, Arthit and Dae went back to our condo. After some chitchat. we went to our beds all tired.. 

"Oon what is your wish..?" I asked him remembering our bet.
"Hm.. my wish is.. let me stay with you forever and ever.." He said and kissed me like there is no tomorrow.. he let go of me when we were breathless.. I was smiling and blushing at the same time..
"Let us stay together for ever Oon.. I love you.." I said while hugging him. 
"I love you a lot P.. I will never hurt you like before and will always stay by you baby." He said while pulling me closer. 

We drifted to our sleep slowly with a smile on our face.

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