Chapter 25

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Arthit's POV

We actually bonded pretty well with P'Forth and others... They even met our friends and all of us clicked together.. it was fun when everyone is together. The days have been passing pretty fast. Khofang always glares at me.. while looks lovingly towards P'Kong but we just avoid her to the maximum.. I keep stealing kisses and hugs from P'Kong and be all touchy in front of her making her more angry. But who cares.. I don't hehe.

Dae, Nai and Yong are studying pretty hard.. Nai and Yong want to be tutored by P'Kong.. so most of the time they spend the night at our condo and come over weekends. They are trying their best and leaving no chance so that they can make it into the university. P'Tew drops by every weekend and spend time with Dae.. making him relax a little bit. And sometimes... our friends also come and study in our condo.. 

After the ceremony.. my friends and P'Kong's friends have been together always in our break. We were called the Moon couple since both of us were moons also..  they call us Sun and Moon.. because My name means sun and P'Kong is the Moon. Although many have crush on either me or P'Kong.. but seeing our pair they became our shippers.

I and P'Kong always got some gifts every month... they were not proposal gifts but couple wears. Sometimes shirts.. or bracelet or rings or shoes.. from a group of people.. we mostly ask them not to do it.. but we can't just reject them on their face. So we made sure that they reduce the frequency and also the price range which they accepted gladly. We were happy for that. 

Once they caught me stealing kiss from P'Kong.. costing me a night in separate room and Dae laughing at me. I still could not help but think how cute my P'Kong was while sulking and acting all angry. Next day.. I could melt him with some kisses and some flirty lines because.. I would not stop till he talks normally with me.

Dae's exam dates were announced. Two weeks prior to the exams Nai and Yong requested to stay with us to which we accepted gladly.. P'Wayo or P'Beam would accompany them if we both have to go to college... or sometime P'Forth and P'Phana come.

Those three have been revising again and again.. writing multiple papers set by P'Kong. I and P'Kong had enough of them stressing.. So we called P'Tew and took those three to a day out. We took them to a movie followed by arcade. We informed P'Forth and P'Phana about it.. they joined us in the arcade and were happy seeing them relived. It was actually worrying all of us a lot seeing them stress over exams.

After the day out.. we made them agree to a schedule.. so that they will at least sleep for 7 hours and eat properly. Our parents came over two days before exams and stayed till dinner. This made them a bit distracted from their stress and tension. A day before exam.. I, P'Kong, P'Forth, P'Beam, P'Phana and P'Wayo had to sit with them giving them confidence from time to time and relax them. We all stayed in our condo itself as Nai and Yong had their books and things for exams here itself. 

Today is the day of examination. All 6 of us went to drop Dae, Nai and Yong. There were 30minutes more to permit them into the center.. Dae was hugging P'Kong and not letting him go. Nai also seems to like P'Kong a lot.. because even he hugged P'Kong a couple of time saying he was feeling nervous.. We elder could not help but chuckle at them.. P'Tew skype called and spoke to them for few minutes and wished Dae luck.

P'Kong suddenly started telling them how he was on the day of his university exam.. He even complained to them that his parents did not accompany him to the interview later while pouting. His story made them a little relived as they starting laughing. P'Kong even imitated his father when he said 'You are a big boy now.' and also his mother when she said 'Be careful son.' 

Only 5 more minutes were left.. each one of us hugged and wished the three all the best.
"Listen you three.. you will loose if you are tensed like this.. we have seen you work hard.. so just relax and write what you know.. I bet you all don't mess up things because of tension." P'Forth said and they finally took a deep breath and smiled. P'Kong, P'Beam and P'Wayo kissed Dae's, Nai's and Yong's forehead. 

"P'Kong you won't wish me.?" There came the voice we hated the most. All of us grunted.
"Dae, Nai, Yong go in.. and relax and do your best.. write what you know.. and present neatly. I bet you hate seeing drama before exam.. we will deal it after this." P'Kong said. They all nodded and Dae hugged me and P'Kong for the last time before leaving. 

The exam was for three hours so we decided to come back 30minutes before the end of exam. We were about to get into the car when we heard her shouting again.
"P'Kong.. I asked for wishes..!" 
"Why the hell should I wish a stranger on road." P'Kong said while shrugging his shoulder. We all could not help but smirk at his words and her reaction. She suddenly came and tried to grabbed P'Kong's arm but he was fast to move aside.
"Listen young lady.. even a bitch has self respect and leaves when rejected.. What should even call you.. you are more worst them a bitch. I am pretty sure your father won't encourage you skipping the exam.. now get lost." He said and pulled me into the car whining about his assignment which he should submit. 

From the mirror, We saw P'Forth and other laughing while getting into the car. Khofang had to beg to enter the center.. which made me chuckle. 

"P'Kong.. I never knew you could be that rash." I said. "If our classmates listen to it.. they will be stunned." I added.
"She deserves it. Anyway the whole faculty knows how I will react when someone hurts my friends or family.. May be they would come and teach me some more words to use against her in future." He said which made me accept but laugh at the same time.

We reached our condo. I and P'Kong rushed to the university. I planned to study for a while in the library as P'Kong submits his assignments and does the presentation. Our exams are also going to start soon.. so we all started studying. P'Tew had to go to his hometown as his mother was not feeling well.. he would return in a couple of days more.

P'Kong called me about 2 hours later.. telling me he is done and is heading towards canteen. I made my way to canteen and saw him buying both our drinks.. He handed over mine and then we sat and drank them. P'Forth called P'Kong saying that they will be starting now. So did we.. All of us reached almost at the same time. P'Kong had been complaining about another set of assignment which was given today. 

We heard Dae, Nai and Yong calling for us.. so we stood straight facing them. Those three directly ran to P'Kong, P'Beam and P'Wayo's arms. 

"Oh.. You don't need us now." I, P'Forth and P'Phana exclaimed together. They chuckled before giving us a hug. 

"So how was your exam buddies..? Want to go somewhere to relax today.?" P'Kong asked.
"We did well in the exam." Three of them said at the same time.
"Take us to the Arcade na.. we want to play.. " Dae asked. Nai and Yong nodded their head in agreement. We all looked at eachother.. to make sure everyone were okay with it.
"Come on.. we are all up for some game." P'Wayo said. 
"Yay.." They shouted happily. 

"P'Kongpob.. wait for me at the university na.. I will surely come there and be your junior." We heard the irritating voice again.
"You know what.. it is hard to remember your name.. that is why I call you lady.. and above that.. you will not be my junior but.. you will the junior for my mate's batch and the current 3rd years." P'Kong replied while holding my hand.

"And I suggest to mind your own business if you want to study peacefully." I added while hugging P'Kong from side. 
"We will see.. I will fight for what I want." She said 
"Oh.. okay fight for it how much ever you want.. but I already own it and will not exchange it even if you offer the world to me." I said. She became speechless with that.

"Dae.. we will get late let us go the Arcade. Nai, Yong.. into the cars now." P'Kong said while grinning but with a light blush. I kissed him on his cheeks and gave a peck before we got onto the care and drove off.
"Dad you are really possessive ah.." Dae said as we started.
"When it comes to P'Kong and you yes.. no one touches my family you know.." I said.

P'Kong first took Nai, Yong and Dae to a food center so that they will eat their lunch.. P'Tew called and spoke to Dae about the exam and told that he will return day after tomorrow. After eating we went to the arcade where the kids kept of playing on and on till they were tired.

After dinner we went to our home. Dae went to asleep in the car. I lifted him and made him sleep on his bed. I and P'Kong studied for a while before sleeping. From tomorrow both our friends will start studying in our condo again.. and mostly sleep over.

I am really happy with how things are and I really can't wait for Khofang to join our college. I am pretty sure she will leave with in a semester if she messes with us because.. Our couple is most shipped and P'Kong's name from the most famous campus moon doesn't seem to come down.. rather his fame kept on increasing.. even after we both announced being mates.. 

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