Chapter 21

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Arthit's POV

I and P'Kong left to our condo. I was still wondering who that kid was.. I have never noticed him in the college.. so I decided to as P'Kong

"P.. who was that kid..?" I asked. 
"He.. is actually a new student who joined recently.. in sports department with scholarship who has been selected for basketball national team. He thinks highly of himself because there are no students in national teams who are in his department... but he doesn't know that me, Wad and Em are already in the basketball team and left this year because of duties.. may be I will pay a visit to the team to step on his ego." P'Kong replied.

We reached home.. P'Kong started packing Dae's things first.. then we both of us packed ours. Some regular usage things. I have been trying to stop myself from pouncing on him.. but I still can get rid of the image where he stood against them.. he was smoking hot to me.. So I just went.. pinned him to the wall and started kissing him. I stopped when we became breathless.

"What is this sudden kiss..?" He whispered.
"You are damn beautiful and hot.. it was hard to control myself." I said huskily. 
"Oon.." He called me with my nickname.. in his low voice.. I kissed him again as I lost it whan he called my name.
"Baby.. remember that I will love you and only you forever also our family." I said.
"I love you too Oon.. and our family." He replied but blushed.
"Let us take rest.. we both are tired." I said as he leaned on my shoulder. I felt him nodding. So I just lift him and took him to the bed. I wrapped him in my arms as we drifted to sleep.

"Pa.. Dad.. wake up.. wake up.. it is already 4:15P.M... Wake up.." I heard Dae shouting.. I felt P'Kong getting up but I just closed my ears and eyes.
"Dae.. go freshen up and wear something comfortable.." P'Kong said and he rushed out. 

Kong's POV

After sending Dae to change.. I went back to my previous position in his arms and starting kissing him.. first he did not respond.. so I kept on nibbling.. When I felt him responding and completely awake.. I let go of him.

"I would wake up even before the sunrise if you wake me up like this." He whispered. 
"Shut up.. It is a one time thing.. Now freshen up.." I shooed him away feeling my face hot. I heard him laugh before I went into the bathroom.

All of us got ready. Oon and I kept the luggage in the car. Dae already sat in passenger seat. Oon wanted to sleep a little more so I will be driving. As we started.. Oon slept in the backseat while Dae and I were talking about random things while singing songs in between. It was a 3 hours drive. Oon woke up after 2 hours. We kept on singing and talking.. 

Finally we reached home around 8.. and both Ma and Mom were at the door. They came towards us as soon as we got down.. They both first hugged Dae and then us.
"Ma.. I am your son. you should hug me first." Arthit whined. I and Dae were stopping ourselves from laughing. 
"Shut up Oon.. which Father will be jealous of his own son..?" Mom questioned back rolling our eyes and we both of us burst out laughing seeing Arthit pout changing into a shock..

We went inside.. the luggage has been kept in our rooms. We freshened up a little and sat down for dinner. I have told them about the gear giving ceremony.. and other details. Dae also has already told them that he will be coming but also asked to keep it a secret even from Arthit.

I slipped a little about the incident that happened today.. so I had to explain them everything that happened.. They were angry.. but we managed to cool them down and also assured that I will handle him for sure.

That day me, Oon and Dae went to sleep early. We were damn too tired with our exams. Also I had to drive all the way. 

Arthit's POV

The days have been passing.. We three of us went to sight seeing in the day time.. P'Kong showed us his school and his favorite places especially where he like to eat. In the evening I, Dae and grandparents play random things. P'Kong will be joining us later as he will talk to his friends about the gear ceremony.

The holidays were over within a blink of eyes.. we were returning to our condo today.. and this time I will be the one to drive. P'Kong wanted to sleep.. he was awake till late night making sure everything about gear giving ceremony was ready. So we let him sleep.

Our parents packed many things for us.. P'Kong slept right away as soon as we started. I and Dae were talking about random things.. we even spoke about how it will be when he joins our university.. there are only about 5 months left for him to join a university.

Tomorrow morning we will be starting for the trip.. so P'Kong's friends are going to stay over today.. Even my friends are going to join. P'Kong did not wake up even after reaching. I just lifted him and made him sleep on the bed.. he must have been dead tired. 

I starting packing things for tomorrow.. Dae helped in packing P'Kong's bag. P'Kong woke up about an hour later.. He came and hugged me from behind while resting his head on my back. His action made me smile.. I saw Dae taking pictures secretly and gave him a little smile and wink. 

After a while he let go of me and started registering what we were doing..

"You could have woke me up.. I would have helped right.." He said seeing us packing.
"You were sleeping like a baby P.. " I teased him. His face was becoming red. He rushed out to freshen up.. shouting he will go and prepare dinner for us. 

We had our dinner.. it was around 9 now and our friends started coming. P'Kong and other hazers starting checking their plan. There were four busses.. The hazers divided them into one bus each. P'Kong was going to drive the car alone with some necessities.. I wanted to drive with him but he said no because there will be somethings they want to give us and he doesn't want me to see anything. I could only pout and nod. 

He said that he will meet me at every halt we take.. also they allotted us the rooms in their own floor. I was really happy.. I could not help but think of sneaking into his room hehe. Dae wanted to study for sometime.. he pulled P'Kong to help him with studies because P'Tew and others were still checking on the students in their busses. And I was in no mood to study.

Kong's POV

Dae pulled me up with the name of studies and no one doubted. We quickly packed his things for tomorrow. P'Forth, P'Ming are going to come in the same car along with Nai and Yong. I have arranged the same room for Nai, Yong and Dae in the same floor as ours. 

"Pa.. I will show up with you at the first halt.. ? Will that be okay.?" Dae asked as we were packing. I smile and ruffled his hair.
"You can show up when ever you want.." I said. 
"Pa.. thank you..!" He said while hugging me.
"Hey.. you are my son Dae.. there is nothing to thank me for." I replied while hugging him.
"If not for you.. I would never have felt the warmth of this family.. " He said while he sobbed a little.
"My little DaeDae.. Let the past days be in the past.. now you have us.. you have your own family.. and we will always be with you.. you have become the center of our life and our happiness also.." I said trying to sooth him. He relaxed after few minutes. We then hid his bags so that no one will notice him.. I kissed his forehead.. and then we went and joined others. 

Next day morning.. all of us left a little early. Dae was not going to school.. since he rarely skips school.. no one said no.. He is going to come with us to give us send off. I have already placed his luggage in the car. Every first year student have already come.. I made sure that everyone gets into the busses.

"Kong.. you can start.. you will in the car right.." Wad said.
"No.. I will start after the busses.. So that I can cross check if anything is left over here." I said and they nodded agreeing.

After 10minutes.. the busses started... I was standing to the side.. each one of the hazers went into separate busses.
"Ai'Kong.. Drive safely." Em shouted.
"Start soon.. " Tew said.
"Don't forget our first stop.." Oak shouted.. I could only facepalm.. how will I forget.. the busses will be visible by the road.
"Be careful and drive safe." Wad said. All the first years were looking at us.. don't know what they must be thinking.

"Enough guys.. just relax.. I will be following you all.. so don't worry." I said while shacking my head. They all told bye to Dae also. Arthit was looking at me pouting and I know because I did not agree for him to come with me.. and I know he does not want me to travel alone. I took my phone out and texted him.

"Oon.. I will be behind you.. Nothing will happen to me my dear hubby. I love you" I texted him. He saw and gave me his largest smile showing his dimples. 
"Love you too.. drive safe." He replied back and winked at me when I saw him.

The busses soon started.. Tew started missing Dae already as he was busy texting Dae.. Haha.. wait up Tew.. I want to see how surprised you can be. P'Forth, P'Ming, P'Wayo also came here. Nai and Yong are going to come with me and Dae in our car.

We started after few minutes.. I made sure to follow the busses from a safe distance so that they won't find out about Dae..

"I really want to see their faces... When they see me." Dae said.
"Even we want to watch P'Arthit reaction.. seeing us." Nai added. They started trying to imitate each of their reactions. Dae said that he wants to tell Nai and Yong along with his parents about me and Arthit being mates before announcing it to everyone. It won't be a problem because we all are on same floor and nearby rooms.

They are busy chitchatting and laughing.. There is more 30minutes for the first halt.. I am eagerly waiting for their reactions especially Tew's who has been texting about him missing Dae already. 

Author's Note.. 
Hope you will enjoy the story.. I will updating 4 chapters from today onwards.. 
Thank you

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