Chapter 10

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Arthit's POV

I met P'Kong and P'Prae along with Yuri for practice. Yuri knows how to play Keyboard.. and I can sing as well as dance. We selected 3 songs.. First was completely slow and emotional, Second song is energetic while the third one is energetic as well as a song with complete feel. After that P'Kong went out to attend a call from P'Em.

"P.. why did you select in this pattern..?" Yuri asked.
"Hahaha you better ask Kong about that.. he really comes up with amazing ideas and reason. Even for our competition he came up with an idea.. at first all the audience were shocked but as we completed our performance they were really in complete trance and his he explained his reason for the choice.. the hall erupted into cheers.. he really gets unique ideas." P'Prae said.

"P.. what did you perform.. share with your memories and tell us the reasons na.." I asked this time.
"Hmm we also sang three songs.. first one was.. a childish song If you are happy and you know it, second song was song was L.O.V.E and the third song was Search your heart. After the first song the whole audience were laughing but after the third they were cheering completely.. although there was slight disturbance as the power cut occured but Kong continued singing while the audience switched on their phone torch and swayed it. We were actually shocked with their reaction. When MC asked the reason for these songs.. "The first song represents the phase of our childhood with all happy moments.. second when we have are puppy love.. and third where we are old enough to have a secret crush and perceive it" was his reply." P'Prae said smiling widely.

"Wow.. I never thought one could select songs with such an ideology that to for a competition. P'Kong really has a unique style.. I bet most of the students who saw his performance will guess that these songs were finalized by you both." Yuri exclaimed. I also nodded. 

"What are you guys talking about..?" P'Kong asked as he made his way back.
"Talking about you stupid ideas." P'Prae teased.. 
"Accept it.. my stupid idea did work." He said rolling his eyes.

"P.. why did you select these songs for us..?" I asked.

"Hmm.. when you first enter the stage.. the audience will already be excited with the previous performances.. which you need to replace with calmness so that you can win their hearts completely.. So your first song is a bit emotional. The second one is energetic for two reasons.. one so that they won't feel bored or sleepy and the second one is.. you will be able to cheer them up again.. it will be a sign that they are enjoying your performance a lot.. and the last one is somewhat combined so that, we can get both their support and judges as well.. Also there is another reason why I chose these three songs.. They are all related to university life which you are going through now.. and it will show them that you enjoy studying and other activities in this university.. you can feel your university life in these songs, especially the second a third.. which will be showing energetic, lovely and happy life with our beloved people." He said

"P.. where did you get this idea from.. ?" I asked not able to stop my curiosity but he just pointed his head making us erupt into laughter. 
"Arthit.. you got to pick up Dae today and also help him in packing some things.. I will join you around 7 or so.. We have a meeting with the fourth year hazers." P'Kong said.

After that we practiced till 5 in the evening and stopped. We dispersed. I made my way to Dae's school.. he said he will be done by 5:30.. so I directly went towards his school and parked in front of the gate. I came out at stood by the car door so that he can notice me.

Kong's POV

After the practice sessions.. I made my way to the canteen.. where my friends were already gathered.. we made a report of our practice sessions along with possibilities of winning. After arranging them in a proper order.. We went to the meeting room and arranged the room for meeting. 

After 30minutes P'Deer and his team came. P'Ple is also here along with wad's Co-code senior who were the medical team leads last year. We greeted them and took our places. We started explaining them about each game progress first.. we are pretty sure that they will enter finals in all the games and will bag the winning position in volleyball(boys) and badminton(girls) but the other two will be tough especially the grandstand. 

They asked about the freshy event. I told them about the idea I selected for performance and explained them the reason. They were all glancing at them. I guess they are pleased with it.

"Hmm.. We are happy with these reports.. we do hope that they will win like every year." P'Ple said and we all nodded.
"Kong your idea for the event is also good.. just make sure you check their costume and makeup as well the instrument." P'Deer said.
"Khab P.." I said.

"Now about the values you tried to teach them through SOTUS. How much do you think they received." P'Deer asked.
"P.. about that.. I am sure they learnt about time sense, respect and unity. Also they did not learn about following orders and they lack spirit P.." I said. I have an idea in my mind.. but I am still thinking weather it is the right way or not.. So I was in denial weather or not.

"Kong.. everyone here know that you are up with some idea.. Spit it out.." P'Deer commented while chuckling. 
"P.. I need your help in that.. After the freshy event.. in the next hazing session.. we want you to enter and order us to do all the punishments we gave them with some or the other reason.. And we will prepare to do them one after other.. also we will do them together, maintaining an uniform pace and let me say it as unity. It will show them that some orders are meant to be followed.. through the punishments we will maintain co-ordination and also show them how we will care for one other.. and we will try showing our determination to fulfil the orders through our eyes.. even with pain." I said.

They were all silent for few minutes. I glanced at my friends.. they all nodded their head saying they are good with the idea.
"What are the punishments you gave them?" P'Deer asked.
"200 squats, 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and 54 laps." I said.

"Hmm we will go with your idea.. but Kong.. it will be you who will be punished with 54 laps.. you can do around 20 and stop.. Deal?" P'Deer asked. 
"Deal P..! Thank you for the support P." I said.
"Nong.. you proved us right for selecting you.. we are proud of you.. this is the least we could do to help you fulfil all the duties." P'Deer said. 

We had a little conversation.. and then dispersed. I made my way to the condo and saw Dae and Arthit unpacking things.. They did not notice me.. so I went behind them and screamed making them scared. I was laughing seeing their expressions. 

"P.. you scared us.." Arthit exclaimed..
"Pa.. I nearly had a heart attack you know.." Dae added while he came and hugged me.
"How was your day.?" I asked. He pulled me and Arthit and started telling.

"Pa.. you know many of my classmates saw you dropping me.. they all tried bullied me saying that I found a sugar daddy for myself with my body.." He said with a little hurt voice.. I was scared and angry at the same time.. but when Dae continued I smiled widely.

"I smirked at them and said that you are my family.. I am adopted into a happy warm family.. after that no one spoke about it.. a girl and 2 boys spoke to me today.. I like the two boys.. they were good to me.. and the girl greet me when ever she sees me.. Also today Dad came 20minutes early and stood in front of the car door while waiting for me.. None of their parents come to pick them up.. so they were getting jealous of me." He said happily. I feel like he wants to tell something.. So I waited for him to continue..

"And Pa.. Dad.. Can I will call you both P when we are outside like near school or your university.. I want to wait till Dad's graduation to reveal my identity.. is it okay..? Our if situation demands.. we can do it before I would be happy but I don't want a lot of attention.." He said. We nodded and assured him that it was okay..

After that we three of us unpacked his boxes... He even showed me his dresses which he did not wear and was keeping them for university. After that we cooked together.. talking about plants which Dae wants to grow in the garden. I will surely arrange them tomorrow before he arrives as I don't have any work tomorrow other then submissions. 

We had our dinner and he spoke to us about his Orphanage.. and also about his friend in middle school who shifted to states. We also spoke about some random things we used to do when we were young. I was surprised when our parents called. They seem to be liking Dae a lot.. After dinner.. Dae sat on the kitchen counter talking to them about his day.. while I was washing the utensils and Oon was wiping them with cloth and placing them in their place.

I and Oon are really happy that Dae came into our life.. and I can say the same thing to my parents.. They are really happy talking with Dae also.. Dae seemed to be smiling genuinely.

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