Chapter 15

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Kong's POV

I have come out and started running the laps. I need to do all the 54 laps.. to make sure no one thinks that it is just some kind of show off.. I know it is planned but I need to do it and make sure we fulfil the responsibilities we took over as hazer. 

I saw the Em, Tew, Wad and Oak standing beside the track with worried eyes. They were soon joined by my classmates. I have completed 7 rounds.. I was still running.. I felt the crowd slowly growing.. I noticed that the second years have joined.. They were also standing along side the track trying to cheer for me. Em was keeping a track of number of laps I completed..

Suddenly it started raining heavily.. Em, Tew, Wad and Oak tried to stop me but I glared at them making them go back to where they were standing.. I heard them shouting at everyone make them take shelter from rain. 
"Kong would not like this.. he will blame himself if anyone of you will get sick." Tew shouted and everyone took the shelter except these four. Soon I saw some first years around.. they were seeing me running with shocked expressions. This is not going to be good.. I glanced at Em asking him how many more laps left.. he replied 23 more to go.. I hope Arthit doesn't know yet.. I am sure he will pester me if he comes. 

After 5 more laps, I saw first years also standing in the shelter along with seniors.. I saw Knot there along with Wad.. I am pretty sure they will call Arthit now. After two more laps they were joined by Tutah and Bright.. Arthit is still not here.. that was when it clicked me.. He must be picking up Dae.

I slowed the pace a little feeling tired.. 'Only 16 more laps Kong.. you can do it..' I cheered. I even heard my friends cheering for me.. I continued running with the before pace.. I felt Arthit coming.. I could smell his scent.. Shit.. 

I glanced at the direction of entrance.. He was running along with Dae beside him. I saw Tew stopping Dae and explaining him.. I can see Dae was sad but he stood with Tew cheering for me. Arthit ran behind me with an umbrella.

"P.. stop.. please stop P.. it is raining heavily.." He pleaded.. 
"Oon please stop running and stand there to the side.. and don't let Dae soak in the rain." I said trying to dismiss him. But he would not stop.
"P.. There is no way I am going to let you run." He shouted.
"Stop it Arthit.. Let me complete them.. and if you want stand aside." I too replied with the same pitch. Em came forward and took him aside while I continued.

Arthit's POV

I was dumbstruck when he shouted at me.. I let P'Em pull me aside and saw P'Kong running again. I was staring at him.. it was hurting to see him running like this.. If only I would have not done things to rile him up in hazing because of our personal issues.. may be this would have been different. 

I felt someone patting my shoulder. I looked at the direction and it was P'Wad.
"Don't blame it on you.. we were taught these values and you know how stubborn he can be. It is not your fault... but all we can hope is that today you batch will exactly understand what we have been trying to teach you all." He said and I just nodded. 

I glanced at everyone including Dae who gave a comforting smile. I took the umbrella and stood with Dae under it remembering what P said. All of them smiled happily seeing me this. We all started staring at P'Kong again. No other people have noticed Dae yet which is good. 

"Kong this is the last round Kong.. come on.." P'Em shouted making all of us look at him. P'Kong was still running.. The hazers went and stood near the finish line. I was joined by my friends as they asked me to stand to the side.. not wanting to get more attention right now. 

We saw P'Kong falling in the half way.. we wanted to run to him but all of us stopped seeing him shaking his head. 
"Kong get up.. you are almost done Kong." P'Tew shouted..
"Last half round Kong come on.." P'Oak shouted while P'Em and P'Wad were looking at him concerned..  When he stood up and started running again.. we all shouted cheering him.

 As soon as he made to the finish line.. he collapsed while P'Em and P'Wad caught him. They rushed him out of there.. I and my friends along with Dae went towards the vehicle.. They let him lay on the back seat. I and Dae were at the front.. I took them to the condo.. P'Em said that they will come with the doctor. I nodded and started the car. 

I and Dae helped him into the Condo.. I helped him to shower while Dae arranged dry cloths and went to cook some porridge. I changed P'Kong into dry cloths and tucked him into the bed. Dae brought the Porridge.. He fed P'Kong while I called for P'Em.. They said that they will be here in 5minutes.. By then my friends have already come.. they were worried about P'Kong.. 

As soon as the doctor came.. we went upstairs to the room where P'Kong was resting. We told doctor what happened.. he prescribed some medicines and suggested P'Kong to take rest for a couple of days. My friends decided to send the doctor back. Everyone left telling to come tomorrow. My friends decided to come in the morning with breakfast while the seniors said that they will join with lunch for everyone. With that they bid their farewell and left.

I went back to the room.. and saw that P'Kong's phone was ringing.. it was from his parents.. I am pretty sure they would have known by now.. I lifted the call.
"Swadee Khab Dad.. sorry I did not see the previous calls." I said as I noticed there were multiple calls.
"It is okay son.. How is Kong now..? We are out of town.. we will visit you both tomorrow evening.. I have seen the university forum already.. no need to try covering up." Mom said. I was having tears in my eyes..

Dae saw and took the phone from me.
"Yai.. Ta.. Relax.. Doctor has come and checked on Pa.. He is resting now.. " He said. He then converted the call into video call and showed them P'Kong.. who was sleeping.. I did not care about anything.. I just sat beside him holding his hand and stopping myself from crying. 

"Son.. don't cry.. he did it as a part of responsibility.. so don't worry much about it.. " Dad said trying to comfort me.
"Son.. don't worry we will give him an earful tomorrow after I come.. Also you parents will also come along with us." Mom said. I gave her a short smile.
"Pu and Ya will also come." Dae exclaimed.. 
"Yes.. all of us will come... at stay for a day.. " Mom said smiling although she was worried. 

Dae talked to them for sometime.. I am happy that Dae is with us.. He lifted up the mood for Mom and Dad.. He cut the call after sometime.. He went to his room and came back with books.. I did not understand what he was doing. 
"Pa won't like it if I miss the study.. I still need to prepare hard to study in the same university along with you both." He said with a huge smile.. He sat on the bed beside P'Kong and started studying.. I kept helping him when he was stuck.. We have been changing the cloth on his forehead after every 15minutes. 

P'Kong got up after an hour.. we made eat a little more and then the medicines.. and after few minutes he slept again. I and Dae also slept while studying there itself.

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