In my job it isn't rare to see something like this. But my heart broke for her .She's only 16. No one should face this. I wanted to cut those guys dicks in half and torture them .


I slowly made my way to her .I didn't want to scare her away. She looked so malnourished as if she didn't have food in days. I reached right in front of her . I didn't touch her . No. She's traumatized . She wouldn't want anyone to touch her .

She looked up at me .Eyes full of tears . She looked up at me as if if i was a monster . She opened her mouth .

' Please. ' That's all she said and I felt my heart break a little. No matter how many times I saw these things, it was always hard for me .No one deserves this. I still kept on my emotionless face .That's my job .

' I am not gonna hurt you ,I am not here for that. I am gonna get you out of here ,okay .You'll be home soon .But you need to listen to me carefully.'

'You can't . I tried so many times many times..each time they caught me and then they ..they.. ' She didn't finish.She didn't need to .She sounded so broken and hopeless .

' No .I am gonna get you out of here and get you back to your family . You need to trust me. '

' Why should I ? Who even are you ? '

' I can't tell you a lot but I am from the government . I am gonna help you. Now ,let's get to the plan. All you have do is pretend to not know I am here to save you. Okay? Yeah you can do that? ' She nodded .

' Good.Now we are gonna get out of here. '

I made my way out of the door alone and to the hall . The five guys looked up at me with a questioning look .Matthew opened his mouth first.

'What happened mate ? Did she give you hard time .That bitch -' He stood up and made his way to the door .Before he could as much as 5 steps I caught his wrist . The way I wish I could break that wrist . Control.

' Oh no she didn't .But can I take her to the bathroom ? '

To say they were confused was an understatement. I looked at the floor.
Pretending to be shy .

'Oh you know..I just ..I just have a bathroom kink. ' Really ?? You do ?? Never knew about it ,said my subconscious. Oh shut up already .

They laughed . ' Lad you look 19 and you already have kinks ? ' said one of them. I pretended to be shy and embarrassed .'Fine ,fine you can .Kids these days .The bathroom is there upstairs on the left. '

For kidnappers they were pretty stupid. Well good for me .Not a lot of work.' Thank you ,thank you so much. '

I rushed back to the room 'Come on we are gonna get you out of here. ' She tried to stand up but she couldn't . I held her up. She looked at the stairs and then at me confused .I didn't bother explaining. I didn't have time for this.

I took her upstairs but instead of going to the bathroom, I took her to the room farthest away from the bathroom. I entered the room and stood right in front of the closet.

' Now listen Natalie .I want you to go in that closet and hide .Don't make a sound. And don't even get out of here until I am back .Okay ? '

She just nodded and went in the closet and closed the door .

The police is gonna be here at any moment but before that let me deal with these fuckers.I can't kill them but surely a little wound won't bother anyone

I took a deep breath. First of all I removed the fake beard ,these fuckers have to see how a girl can defeat all of them and let my brown hair loose .I took out my two guns from my pants and made my way downstairs.

Well ,this is gonna be interesting. Time for the show to begin.

As I came down back to those fuckers they looked at me with shock. Ha ,take that. My face still remained emotionless .Their eyes looked at my gun .

One of them grabbed his gun.I shot straight on his wrist before he could even pick it up. His scream was music to my ears. Oh how much I loved it.

' Who the heck are you?' said Matthew.

I didn't answer . I made my way to them . The emotionless face still on . I shot each of them on the wrist before they could as much as pick up their guns . I can't kill but no one said anything about hurting .That thought made me smirk.

I put the guns in my pants .I had some knives hidden in my shirt but I don't think I'll need it. Time for some hand to hand combat .Time to see how much strength these rapist got.

They all ran towars me but I was faster .I kneed Matthew in his balls. HARD. Two of them caught my hand but I flipped causing them to crash on each other.

Five minutes later I was sitting on the couch bored out of my mind with five people lying on the ground . Damn why is this police so late .I can't get Natalie out of the closet . Not yet.

I head the police siren .Finally .

There were almost 10 police cars. Made sense after all this was a big case.I opened the door .The police officer looked at me with shock .' Miss Cordell ?'

I nodded.My face showing no emotions. I remember these fuckers saying it wasn't suitable to give this case to me because I was a " girl " .I'll never understand their logic .How does having a vagina instead of a noodle make me weak ?

' They are in there .Arrest them . I'll get Natalie. ' They nodded

I made my way upstairs and opened the closet .She was sitting there. I had clothing under too therfore I took of my shirt and pants revealing my black skin tight leather clothes. She needs to be dressed if she's gonna face people.

' A- Am I fr- free ?' I nodded.And the next thing I knew she was hugging me .Hugging me as if her life depended on it.I didn't return the hug .I couldn't.I didn't do hugs . ' Thank you ,thank you so much .I thought - I thought I'll never make it out of here .Thank you.She was a crying mess now .I just nodded .I couldn't comfort her .I just can't.

30 minutes later Natalie was on her way to home with the police ,those fuckers were arrested and I was on my to my home.

I am Adrianna Rose Cordell and I like to kill.



Did you like her name ? Or should I change it?

I know it's not really interesting but give it some time .I promise there's progress .

Views on first chapter ? Constructive criticism allowed .Please tell me 😊

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