LOMBF Chapter 27. Baby bump

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Acacia's POV

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Acacia's POV

Our wedding is wrapped. I can't believe I forget my own birthday, and Sebby could keep it from me, he usually can't keep a secret.

The wedding presents we received are so... spectacular. A few colleagues have their share to give us a car, not any random car, but a white mini Cooper, my dream car.

Bobby gives us all knick-knacks that we need, scratch that, that he thinks we needed to taking care of the kittens, and way too much. Alan gives us sex toys, all kinds you could imagine. Dave being too much with buys us, I mean me, a new set of the easel and all kind of paint, plus several canvases in so many different sizes, also a few sketchbooks. Our parent gives us so many house tools, from electric drills to a new vacuum cleaner. Aster gives us a few books, one of them is 'baby names A-Z'.

We also got so many baby and toddler toys, clothing, and equipment. So many more, and that's not even half of the present we opened.

We get several vouchers of a week on a honeymoon suite, from local hotels, that are valid for two years from now. We surely use one after this, we need a short honeymoon, or babymoon, whatever. We will use the new car, drive home to get our essential stuff, and choose a hotel and don't need to tell anyone where we will go. Mom, Dad, Uncle Dom, and Ash will go home tonight, Bobby and Alan will at our house to cat sitting.


Few months later...

I stroke my baby bump. Our baby inside kicking ferociously. I chuckled at the ticklish sensation.

Sebby is at the receptionist desk, registering my name to get the line ticket. We are at the hospital and I sit in the waiting area. We have an appointment with Dr. Griffin for the pregnancy check-up, and 3D printing if we are lucky, sometimes the baby will hide their face.

"The baby wake up?" He sits beside me and places his palm in my bump. He chuckled when feels the movement on his hand, "What a little kicker," He mumbled.

"Sebby, I want that choco milk," I said, pointing to the chiller beside the receptionist desk. He walks away to purchase some, then walks back to me, "Thank you, hubby," I said while taking one from his hand.

"You are welcome, wife," He said and kiss my head. He is sure a dream husband.

We get line number 14 and it's still number 10 inside the gynecologist room. We waiting while snacking on mixed nuts that I brought from home in a container, I mixed smarties and raisins inside it.

A couple about our age coming and do the registration together, they keep glancing at us. After they are done registering, the woman approaching us.

"Excuse me, Cassie and Sebby?" She called and we look at her, "Wow! It's really you!"

I smiled, "Can we help you?"

"I'm a fan, can I have a picture with both of you?"

"Of course," Sebby answered. The girl turns her face to him and blushed. I know it's not his fault for being charming, but it always pissed me off when a girl watching him with a flustered face like this.

Sebby snakes his hand on my waist and kisses my temple. The girl regain her consciousness and called her man to take the picture. She sits beside me and her man snaps a few pictures. She thanked us and walk away.

"I'm yours, Acacia," Sebby whispered in my ear. He must be feeling the change in my demeanor.

I lean on his arm, "I know," He chuckled.

Just when the mixed-nuts container got empty, the receptionists called us, "Line 14!" And we entered the room.

Like always, the nurse at the front desk measure my blood pressure, then I step into the body scale. I gasped. Sebby who is sitting on the couch panicked, "What is it?!"

"I gained five kilos," I whimpered and he sighed.

"Of course, babe, you grew a human inside you," He deadpanned.

"I'm getting fat, I have to diet,"

"No, you don't,"

"You want me to turn into a giant penguin?!" I hissed.

"I will still love you even if that's happening,"

"You won't,"



And the nurse bursts on laughing, "Okay, guys. No one going to turn into anything, Dr. Griffin is waiting inside,"

"Thank you, Noelle," I chirped and sprint inside the chamber.

"Don't run, Cas!" Seb yelling but I already disappear behind the door.

"Good afternoon, Laura!" I greet the lady and she laughed.

"Energetic like always did you, Acacia," She shook her head.

"Yes, please inject her with whatever serum that could make her walks slower, Doc," Seb hissed and sit on the sofa.

"You better listen to him, Cas," She said and I climb on top of the bed, lift the skirt of my dress to reveal my swollen belly.

She spread some cool gel to my skin and run the transducer around my torso while looking at the screen, "The baby grow a lot since the last appointment," She said, now is the sixth month of my pregnancy, the last appointment was a month ago.

"I gained 5 kilos," I said.

"It's fine, you will get your body back with the right diet and breastfeeding," She said and I calmed a bit, "You have a boy, a healthy and active one,"

She said while showing us the genital on the screen, we have a son! Seb walked to get close enough to the screen and see it, "We can prepare a name, then," He said happily.

"We can try the 3D USG, who knows we get a picture of his face, no promise, tho," She said while clicking the mouse to change the software. She glides the transducer again and a face appeared in monochrome, "There he is,"

Our son looks just like Sebastian, but chubbier, "He looks like you," I mumbled and look at Sebby, a single tear rolling from his eye, "We have a little Sebastian,"

"Yes, I wonder if his eyes would be blue like yours or hazel like mine. I don't mind, he will be beautiful either," He said.

"Aww, you two make me want to get married and pregnant," She said.

"Oh, I thought you already, sorry, how old are you?"

"I'm thirty," She said. Sebby and I look at each other knowingly.

"Are you in a relationship?"


"I have two older brothers who are single,"

"Are they hot?" She's interested.

"Oh, I probably marry one of them if I don't know this one," Sebby gasped, "If!" I hissed. Then I see a weird expression on her face, "Oh, we're not a biological sibling," I said and she sighed.

I show her our family picture, zoom in, "This is Alan, and this one is Dave,"

"Alan Sinclair?" She asked while wiping the gel off of my belly.

"You know him?"

"We bumped on a party once, I woke up at a hotel room the morning after, with him, that boy took my V-card," Uh oh.

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