LOMBF Chapter 15. Babysit Day

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Sebastian's POV

She is torturing me. I wake up with her on top of me, her core on my dick, and she does not stop moving around. I need to be inside her.

"Baby, you're hard," She muffled in my chest.

"I need you, princess," I whimper.

She doesn't answer me and grinds me instead. Damn, I can't hold it anymore. I flip her body so she lay on her back and kiss her lips, I grind on her until she moaned then trailed a kiss on her neck while kneading on her mounds. I undressing her and she does mine, sex in the morning is amazing. We get our climax at the same time. The alarm goes on just as our pants wind down.

"I could get used to this new morning routine," I said and give her a sheepish smile.

She hugs my neck and pecks my lips, "Me too, you are amazing in bed," pecks, "Tell me," pecks, "How many girls ended in your bed before me," pecks again.

I pull her to my lap, her legs circling my waist, "I swear you are my first," I peck her shoulder.

"Good," She said then nipping on my jaw.

"We better get a shower before Fab coming and seeing us like this screaming 'holicrap', Dave will doubling my babysit hours," She laughed.

We take a quick shower when the doorbell beeped. Cassie still applying lotion all over her skin. I dry myself and wrap a towel around my waist, stepped out while drying my hair with another towel.

I opened the door and found Dave with Fabby in his arm. I fist-bump the toddler, "Come in, guys," I said. They stepped in and I lock the door back.

"Where can I find the dishes?" Dave asked. I point on the cabinet in our kitchen.

"I go get ready," I said, Cassie stepped out of the bathroom.

"You both showers together?" Dave asked with an amused face, Cassie blushed and ran away to her room.

I chuckled, "Yes, we do," Dave fist-bumping me.

"Man, you both are really cute. Wish I would find another woman for me," Dave chuckled.

"I'll help you," I wink, he laughed and go find the dishes. I entered my room to change.

I change into white polo shirt and short denim, then goes out. Cassie is eating while feeding Fabian in her lap. Dave brings so many assorted croissants. I join them and starts to munch.

"Dave, this is amazing. Please tell us where we can get them," I said.

"My neighbor made them by request, I'll send you her number. And she is a fan of you,"

"I don't want you to call any girl," Cassie pouted, Dave chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, Cas. Miss Martinez is Sixty," We laughed when Cassie blushed.

We are still sit by the pantry after breakfast, "Guys, I checked on your academic record. Both of you have almost spotless GPA and could graduate at the end of this semester. Why did you still taking classes?"

"Me, to make it spotless 4.0, but Sebby to graduate at the same time with me," Dave chuckled.

"We planned to graduate at the end of this semester. Well, I can't pay for another semester's tuition," I mumbled while swirling my glass.

Dave lift his brows to Cassie, "Seb is broke," Se said.

"On what?" He asked.

"He buys a house for us without telling me," She said again, I blushed.

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