LOMBF Chapter 16. Moving out

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Acacia's POV

Seb is always waiting in front of my class every time. But now he is nowhere to be seen. Guess Fabian keeps him busy. I call him.

"Babe, where you at?" I asked after he picked up.

"Cafeteria, bring our lunch here would ya?" He replied.

"Okay," I walked to the parking lot to get our lunch boxes and then to the cafeteria.

I bumped into a group of girls who look at me weirdly, one of them smiled, "Hi, Acacia," The brunette greeted me.

"Hi," I smiled back.

"Umm, why don't you open up about you already have a kid?" Wow, so straightforward.

"Kid?" I'm confused now.

"Sebastian is with him now, he looks a lot like you,"

"Ooh, he's not ours, we're babysitting," I chuckled.

"Oh, okay, thanks for your time," She said and walk back to her group.

I entered the cafeteria and find Seb carry Fabian, they watching the water fountain in the middle of the room. I hug Sebby from behind.

"Hi, handsome," He turns around and kisses my head. Fabian holds his arms to me and I take him to my arm, "You miss me?" I asked the boy.

Seb takes the lunch bag from my hand and takes my hand, leads me to a table where Bob busy play with his phone. He looks at us and smiled.

"What a beautiful family," He said.

"Thank you, Bobby. Go get your own then," Cassie chirped.

"Ugh, there's no woman as lovely as you out there," He pouted.

"Bob, are you make a move to my fiance?" Seb hissed. He lifts his hands and I giggled.

I pack more lunch and the four of us eat together, we come home after. I change Fab's clothes into a lighter one and tucks him for a nap while Seb prepares to give math class from 2 to 4 pm.

Sebby comes to my room to snuggle me a bit and kiss me, mumbled about I'm a good mother, and can't wait to have our own kids. I'm flattered, and horny, what to do, he won't snuggle me without groping my boobs and kissing my neck. After Fabian sleep, I get out of my room to watch Seb teaching.

I love to watch Sebby teaching, he is so patient toward the kids. And he is so smart, how could someone be that perfect? He often catches me staring and smirked. I just too proud to admit to him that he is so hot.

I scrolling through my phone, replying to emails, comments, and DMS. Seb is in the middle of his math class. Fabian walking to me sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

"You are awake? Wants to take a bath now?" I asked him and he smiled. I carry him to Seb and gives him milk.

"Babe, hold him for a minute, I'm going to prepare his bath," Seb smiled and take over Fabian from me, Fabian still drinking his milk, his lips pouting over the straw, so cute.

After filling the bathtub with warm water, I go to the living room to get Fabian. I catch Seth, one of Seb's students giving Fab his juice, "He is so cute, he looks like Miss Dawson, is he your son?"

Sebby smiled, "He is Cassie's Cousin's, indeed he is cute,"

Fabian run to me and I bath him, he loves bubble bath with his toys. I hope our future kids will be as sweet as Fabian.

Dave pick him up at 4 pm sharp, we have a tea time together and he was surprised that Fabian can play Minuet already. We tell him we will move out on Saturday and he will come to help.

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