Chapter 52. Half-sister

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Delilah's POV

"Give me her name." Dave said. My heartbeat quickened.

"Jocelyn Adams." She-devil said. Dave sighed.

Bazzilion people on earth. Why? Why my biological family is these people? First a murderer Jocelyn is my mother, and now Marietta is my cousin? Good thing now I have another family, that way more lovable than them, at least my child would have a great family and grow happy, unlike me.

"And your father?" Dave asked again. She looks reluctant to answer his question.

"It's just an interrogation for him, don't worry. Well, unless he was involved. As for your Aunt, she's been a fugitive for few weeks already, she will be behind the bars for murdering his husband, and if she is proofed behind murder attempt to Sebastian, it will be added to her punishment."

"I don't know if she had a husband, I thought she is a lesbian." Marietta mumbled, "She told me that she broke up with her girlfriend recently. She still has her maiden surname."

"They not broke up, Marietta. I'm sure you already heard about Acacia who lost her unborn child after getting kidnapped about two months ago. Jocelyn's girlfriend, May Wallow, is the one who did that. And did you hear about the CEO of Ashton group's death about two months ago?" Dave asked and her brows furrowed.

"Dorian Ashton was her husband? She never tells. That means that Delilah Ashton is my cousin, and I seduced her man in front of her eyes. I'm a shitty person," She sighed, "Jared Adams, my father, and also the owner of Madman Garage and repair shop."

"Jocelyn has killed her own husband. This all doesn't explode on media because we want to solve this case first, and don't want my family getting stirred inside until it's solved. Do you know where Jocelyn stay and hide these past few weeks?"

"Of course, she was logging in my apartment. Now that explains why she doesn't go out at all, using her break-up as the reason." She said. Dave nodded, then leave his seat, opened the door.

"Vaughn!" He yelled. Vaughn approaches him, "Bring a team of three, Jocelyn is in this address..." He disappeared behind the door and we can no longer hear him. The fact that he knows Marietta's address without asking makes my heart clenched. What to do? He is the father of my child.

The door to the monitor room opened and Dave stepped in, "I'll drop y'all home then goes back here to interrogate Jocelyn and Jared." Then his eyes find me, "Hun, why did you crying?" He hugs me. I didn't even realize that I'm crying.

"Nothing." I muffled on his hard chest, he smelt so damn good. He leans away to look at my face, wiped my tears with his fingers.

"I thought we have passed this phase. Tell me, Love." God, this hunk owns me.

"The fact that you remember her address, I guess I'm jealous." I told him while his eyes boring to mine.

"That's because it is in front of my apartment building, Love, not because I going there often," He said. Relieved, I nodded, "Let's get you home, you are pregnant and need more rest." Jeez, I want him.

"Let's go, I'm driving." Said Acacia while walking away. Sebastian laughed.

"Seems like tonight you will be crashing at their house again." Dave said, we were left Fabian and Tofu there with Mom and Aster, to get Sebastian and Cassie from the hospital.


That night when everyone already sleeping, Acacia and me watching a random Korean drama on TV, while painting our toenails. That weird girl paints her every toe nails with different colors, a moment later, she wiggled her toes in front of my face, bragging about how pretty they are. If only I don't remember we are pregnant, I would pin her body and tickle her to death.

Then she jumped to hug me, I swear she breaks several ribs of mine, "Delilililalalalalah, are you okay?"

"Get off of me, Acacia! Or I dump these nail polish on your head," I hissed. She laughed and release me, "I... uh... okay, mostly. Just a little bit horny, I guess. And a bit sad about my family."

"Your Mom?" She asked and I nodded.

"And surprised that the bitch is my cousin."

"I'm so sorry. You have us, you know? I can be your Mom if you want me to." She chirped. I squint my eyes, she shrugged.

"Deep in your heart, you know that I am the mother in our relationship." I deadpanned.

"Touche," She said, and we burst into a laughter, "Seriously, tell me if you need anything."

"I will, Cas. Thank you, I love you." I said, truly grateful for her presence, but all I see is her face turning sour.

"Don't you dare to kiss me again, I'll throw you off from the balcony!" She hissed. I heard Sebastian laughed his ass out behind me before I even reacted.

I look at Cassie and we both smirked, we have a victim here. We drag him to the middle of us and painted all of his nails, and put makeup on his face, ignoring all of his complaints. Despite the thin stubble, he is really pretty, well, it's his fault appearing when we were so bored.

Then we went online to make a live video and make a really fun quiz with their followers, with interesting prizes of course. With Sebastian still on makeup.

I stretch my upper body while watching Cassie wipes the makeup off from the nonstop whining Sebastian's face. I wipe clean the coffee table and put back the nail polish bottles to their box. When I look back, those two already locked on a heated kiss. They are fitted to each other. I walk away to their nursery room, where I sleep tonight, I check the sleeping Fabian and covering him with the blanket that a moment ago dropped to the floor, then went to sleep.


The next morning, I help Cassie preparing breakfast. We were working while listening to Fabian's laughter, he is playing outside with Tofu and the cats, Mom looks after them while planting some vegetable seed in new planters she bought online, that was arrived just now.

Dave surprised me by coming so early and hug me from behind. I turned around to pecks him on the lips. He is still in yesterday's outfit.

"Cas, I'm using the bathroom, I need a shower. Join me, Hun?" He said shamelessly while wiggling his brows. Cassie giggled seeing my blushed face. I tempted, really.

"Just go, Del. I'll hold the force. Use the bathroom in the guest room." She said, winked to Dave who now smiled goofily. We scurry away to go to the bathroom after I fetch a set of fresh clothes for Dave.

We have a quickie and have a little conversation while showering. Dave told me that he brought Jared Adams, aka Jocelyn's older brother and my uncle here, because he wants to meet me. Dave told him about me, and he wants to know me and this family before Dave drop him at his repair shop. He is waiting outside right now. Dave already told Mom and she said okay because he is my uncle, and considered him as a part of this family too.

When we get back to the kitchen, the dishes are ready. Sebastian already wakes up and currently hugging Acacia who makes fresh pineapple juice. They are so cute. Aster sits by the dining table, in her uniform, ready for school. She types on her phone furiously. I sit beside her.

"What's with that frown? It's too early to frowning, girl," I said. She pocketing her phone and groaned.

"It's Bobby. He delayed going back here again. I just... miss him." Aw, so cute.

"And you trust him?" I asked.

"Of course," She said, "Just, it's been almost two weeks, and the signal reception there is horrible, we can't even video calling." She pouted.

"How about Cassie and I pick you up after school, then we going to the mall? Do you still want the makeover?" I asked and her face lightens up.

"I'd love to!" She squealing and hug me, then jump from her seat to talk to Cassie. I laughed, I want a daughter as sweet as her someday.

Dave sits beside me and places a plate of omelet in front of me, "Thanks." I mumbled.

This man loves me.

Cassie And Sebbie (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon