LOMBF Chapter 22. Nightmare

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Sebastian's POV

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Sebastian's POV

I change into the white tuxedo and Manolo, Camilla's husband, said that it is already fit for me. Mom look at me with glazed eyes said that I will be the most handsome groom ever, I know she just said that because I'm her son.

"Spawn, get my phone, would ya?" Dad who still stuck with the fitting called me. A woman gives the jacket that he wears a stitch in the sleeve.

"Where is it?"

"The drawer on the nightstand, right side of the bed, my room,"

"Okay. Just stand still, Dad, you give Irine a hard time with wiggle around like that," I said, Irine who stitch the jacket laughed.

I entered the guest room, completely forgot that the room is used by Cassie for fitting her gown. I opened the door and see my bride in her gown, she talked with Camilla who fixing the veil, then her eyes find mine and she blushed. She looks like an angel, beyond beautiful.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Irish asked me. Camilla and Irish giggling seeing our stunned gaze toward each other.

"Yes, she is," I smiled at Cassie and she gives me a shy smile, "Sorry to bother you, I'm here to get my Dad's phone,"

I walk past Them to get the phone, then turn around to get out. I stopped in front of Acacia to stroke her cheek and pecks her lips, "My beautiful bride," I said, squeeze her hand and get out of there.

I hear Irine squealed, "OMG! I'm so jealous of you!" And they all laughed.

"Thanks," Dad mumbled when accepting his phone, "What's with that goofy smile?"

"My bride is so beautiful," I said, unable to erase that smile off of my face. I look like a moron.

Irine giggled and Dad chuckled, "Of course," He said, "My son is drunk in love," He laughed.

For the next few hours, we all busy with the family photoshoot. We have to retake for so many times because Fabian can't stay still.


All of the wedding preparation has been done. Tomorrow, we boys will go hiking, we camping for a couple of days and will spend the time with bonfire and fishing. Honestly, I'm reluctant to leave Cassie for this long, she is pregnant and being clingy, she needs me.

We are in the swing, spent some time together, looking at the stars. My head is in her lap. We talked about everything that crossed our minds. The other seems like busy themselves to give me and Cassie some time together before separate tomorrow.

I have spent my whole life with this woman and never, even once get bored. She just tells me about going back to school for a master and doctoral degree, and it got me thinking, I will do it once I gather enough money, we can't depend on our income on this entertainment business forever.

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