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I was out with Christiana and the rest of my family as we was at a restaurant and everyone was talking meanwhile I was on my phone finally getting up the courage to google the two medications Y/N took to have an abortion. I was still in disbelief that she did it and the fact she didn't have to go to a clinic and get it done the original way made me think did Jenny ever had a miscarriage.

The same symptoms behind the abortion pills and the same feeling is as if the woman is miscarrying. I started reading how the pills worked.

"First, you take a pill called mifepristone. Pregnancy needs a hormone called progesterone to grow normally. Mifepristone blocks your body's own progesterone, stopping the pregnancy from growing.

Then you take the second medicine, misoprostol, either right away or up to 48 hours later. This medicine causes cramping and bleeding to empty your uterus. It's kind of like having a really heavy, crampy period, and the process is very similar to an early miscarriage. If you don't have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second medicine, call your nurse or doctor."

I read "She really did this shit" I said to myself. Continuing to read more about the process

"People can have a range of emotions after having an abortion. Most people feel relief, but sometimes people feel sad or regretful. This is totally normal. If your mood keeps you from doing the things you usually do each day, call your doctor or nurse for help. You can also call Exhale or All-Options for free, confidential, and non-judgmental emotional support after an abortion — no matter how you're feeling."
I continued to read as I scrolled down.

"How soon can I have sex after a medication abortion?-
You can have sex as soon as you feel ready." I read as I felt Scott nudge my arm.

"You alright?" Carly asked me as I placed on a fake smile then nodded. "Yeah I'm just full" I lied. "Alright we're about to head out kiddies" Carly said standing from the table. "Bye daddy"Christiana said as I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Have fun with your aunt" I said as she smiled and I walked Christiana with Carly to the car. "Tell Y/N I said hey and I hope she feels better" Carly said as I faintly smiled. "I will" I assured.

I then got into my car driving over to Y/N's house just wanting to finally talk about this whole abortion thing. I pulled up pulling into her driveway as she just turned her headlights off before getting out of the car. I did the same as she just looked at me. "Hey?" She said confused "hey I just wanted to talk" I said as she just turned around and walked to her front door as I followed.

I closed and locked the door behind me as she took off her sandals and walked into the kitchen. "Where's Chrissy I thought you were watching her?!" She asked placing something in the refrigerator. "She's with Carly and Stella." I said as Y/N just nodded her head. "Since you're out of pain let's talk" I simply said as she placed her purse on the island.

"Where's the papers at so I can sign them?" She asked "what papers?" I asked confused "the divorce papers" She said as I just chuckled. "You really want to go there?" I asked "yeah we were going to go there anyway" she simply said rolling her eyes. "Too be honest if you don't have the papers why are you here?" She asked as I just gave her a look. "You know exactly why I'm here, you were wrong" I simply argued.

"you said that if I gotten the abortion then you would be done with me and I did just that, why are you here? You're done right?" She asked. "Don't be a smart ass" I shot "and don't be a dumb ass" she shot back. "I'm only saying what you said" she added going to sit on the couch. "What are we doing?" I questioned sitting next to me. "You supposed to have the papers remember?" She asked looking over at me.

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