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"Jenny?!" Y/N questioned "yes Jenny" I stated. "Your Ex Jenny?" She asked. "Yes What other Jenny?" I questioned sarcastically. "You about to get disrespectful and I'm not fucking with it tonight over a simple gift" She said getting up from the bed. "How is that being disrespectful?" I asked following her. "You being an ass hole. Please leave me alone"She simply said.

"All I did was ask if I received the same type of gift you received from Henry, from Jenny would you be upset?" I asked because I want her to see where I was coming from.
Y/N just looked at me "you really want to start with me over a gift from bath and body works?" She asked. "That's not the point." I said.

"Just answer the question so I can prove my point and go to bed" I said. "You're being such a dick over this and I knew you was going to start" She said rolling her eyes. "Just answer the question Y/N" I said looking down at her.
"First off there's no point to prove because we're in two different situations" She started off as I walked to close our bedroom door.

"Yes there is" I simply said "no there isn't. Me receiving a gift from Henry a guy who I've never had sex with, have boundaries with that doesn't even cross them due to having respect for not only me but you too." She started off.

"You getting a gift from Jenny, a person you've fucked, who you've dealt with and someone who has disrespected me is not someone you can compare to Henry and you fucked up for throwing your Ex in my face because you're jealous" She expressed. I just looked at the ceiling rolling my eyes then crossed my arms. "Jealous of what?" I questioned.

"Because although I've been getting attention from men now it's a man in the same boat as you who I have to work with and you're not feeling it" She said as I chuckled. "Y/N you're not going anywhere" I said "yeah I know that but do YOU know that?" She asked. "You throwing your Ex in my face who is disrespectful towards me is fucked up and you know it is but you don't care because you have an issue with Henry buying me some things from out of bath and body works." She said rolling her eyes.

"All you did was just prove my point that if you wouldn't like me receiving a gift from Jenny then you should know how I feel" I argued. "And you obviously didn't get the point" She said in a scoff walking into the bathroom. I then followed her "Alright Let's choose a different ex , Minka" I started off.
"Why does it have to be an Ex at all?" She asked.

"Again you've fucked her, took her out on dates that don't even compare to my situation" She stated off. "And are you still talking to them the way you're bringing them up so easily?" She asked turning to look at me as she placed a hand on her hip. "My birthday was in June-" I started off "with now it's the end of the year and you quote on quote didn't have Jenny's number because you deleted it" she stated.

"It's on Instagram and it's the holiday times" I stated as Y/N just looked at me. "It's just as bad" She said. "For wishing them "a happy thanksgiving?" "A merry Christmas?"" I asked. "To text through Instagram. Don't play dumb what are we sixteen?" She asked. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation" I expressed as she walked away "and I'm done with it, you do what you want to do" She simply said.

I sat on the edge of the bed watching her wrap her hair up. "What do you even mean by that?" I asked. "You still talking to your ex not only one but two. You claimed to delete her number but ended up going back texting her for I don't even know how long and you keep throwing your ex back in my face as an insult" she started.

"A man who is happy in his marriage wouldn't keep bringing up his Ex to his wife, nor entertain them because he would see no desire to do so.-" She started off but I cut her off. "Aren't you the same person who said I could talk to my Exes?" I asked. "Yeah to watch and see what you would do. You see I've never talked to any of mine or even sneaked to talk to them because it would be disrespectful to the man I love and I have no desire to talk to them because what is it something that I can't tell my husband?" She questioned.

"Like I said that whole little year of you trying to get with me, the five years after that to get engaged and the two years in our marriage about to not mean a damn thing if you keep it up" She simply said as I looked at her crazy. "You're talking about divorcing because of sending messages out during the holidays?" I asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. If you decide to think with your dick and not your head or keep things from me-" She started off. "Like the plan B in your drawer?" I questioned as she looked at me. "Yeah" I simply said standing up and taking my shirt off. "If you on birth control why do you have plan B?" I questioned. "The only person you're having sex is with me so why do you have a plan B?" I asked.

"For you. The only person I'm having sex with" She smartly said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't want a baby right now and you don't seem to understand that" she nonchalantly said trying to walk away. "We're talking and you're just going to walk away?" I questioned "because Chris I don't want to start this conversation back up, I only got it because I was taking extra precautions and you've been talking and trying to get me pregnant since I found out about this Lois Lane role. Almost as if you were trying to do it on purpose" She said as I just nodded my head not saying anything.

I changed into some sweats "Whatever" I said as she just shrugged grabbing her phone and her charger. "Where you going?!" I asked. "I'm sleeping in the guest room" She simply said walking out. I turned out the light in our room then closed the door. I got in the bed up for about two hours then decided to get up. I went to the guest room Y/N was in getting ready to walk in but realized she locked the door.

I just chuckled to myself then went downstairs going to open the Whisky I got from Henry pouring it into a glass as I started drinking some. I heard a door upstairs open as Y/N soon made her way downstairs rubbing her eyes then yawned not saying a word to me. She opened the fridge getting a water bottle out.

She then closed to fridge and opened her water bottle about to go back upstairs but I stopped her. "Babe" I said as she turned around to look at me. "I'm sorry, I should've never reacted like that and brought up my Exes" I said as she just simply nodded "I'll see you in the morning" She softly said before going upstairs as I watched her and felt bad.

I felt bad another man knew something about her that I should've known all because I wasn't paying attention. Which has me wondering what else am I not paying attention too when it comes to her? I went and sat out in the car thinking to myself.

 Which has me wondering what else am I not paying attention too when it comes to her? I went and sat out in the car thinking to myself

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"I really fucked up if she doesn't even want to sleep with me" I thought to myself then sighed.

A Good Woman 3| Chris Evans (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now