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I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV as it was 7:30 at night. I was thinking about Y/N not coming back home to me. It was bothering me a lot and we didn't even live separately yet. I seen a DM from Jenny come in as I seen she gave me her number. I just tossed my phone beside me I then heard Y/N coming through the door. She greeted me before walking into the kitchen as I was in my seat leaning on the island watching her.

"How was your day?" I asked as she placed her take out food in the fridge

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"How was your day?" I asked as she placed her take out food in the fridge. "It was okay, I needed it" She assured with a small smile to herself.  "where'd you go?" I asked sitting at the island watching her. "Me and Aaliyah just hung out went out to eat twice, got our nails done stuff like that" she said not looking at me "what do you want for dinner?" She asked as I faintly smiled. "Wow you're still going to cook dinner for me?" I questioned as she had a black plastic bag in her hand with something in it as she continued looking through the cabinets for pots and pans.

"Yeah you want to eat or not?" She asked finally looking at me before going to look in the fridge. "I got stuff for tacos or nachos" She said. "Tacos" I said "Nachos it is" she stated as I just chuckled and she faintly smiled talking the ingredients out of the fridge to make Tacos. My phone vibrated again in my pocket as she then went upstairs bringing the black plastic bag with her. I looked down at my phone seeing Jenny DMing me again.

"I'm in New York next Saturday and I wanted to know did you want to meet up again? I had so much fun last time"

she expressed in the message as I was getting ready to text her back but I heard Y/N come into the kitchen. I placed my phone faced down immediately as Y/N just looked at me weird and started playing music throughout the house beginning to cook.

I watched as she was cooking from my seat as she then turned going to the sink washing off the heads of lettuces along with tomatoes. "You can keep Christiana until I'm done with my premieres and I'll come to get her" She said as my phone vibrated again "okay when do I get to see her again?" I questioned. "You want to do it by months?" She asked. "No this is stupid" I simply said getting frustrated.

"Then figure out how we do it then Chris " she stated aggravated. "I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the whole situation it's fucking stupid Y/N, I said I was sorry and now you want to live separately in two different parts of the United States while married, on top of that we have a child and you're expecting us to co-parent. How the hell is that supposed to work?!" I asked pissed.

"It's not stupid and if you have such an issue with it then let's just divorce" She simply said shrugging her shoulders turning her back away from me beginning to cut up the tomatoes. "Why does everything have to end in divorce with you?!" I asked. "I recently started saying it, I'm fucking tired of having this conversation with you, you sneaking behind my back talking to your Exes, me feeling like I'm never good enough I'm tired." She expressed.

"Y/N I'm married to you why would you even feel like that?!" I asked. "The dumb shit that you do. Fuck you mean why would I feel like that?!" She questioned. "Y/N you have nothing to be insecure about look at you, I'm married to you" I argued as she stopped and looked at me. "I didn't say anything about insecurities" She said. "Yes it does have to do with insecurities. You wouldn't have felt not good enough if I wasn't talking to Jenny, but now that I am you think it's a threat because you think possibly I'll leave you and go back to her" I explained.

"So what about lily James I'm insecure about that situation too?" She asked as I just looked at her. "What are you talking about?" I questioned. "You know exactly what I'm talking about Chris. You want me to pull up google?" She questioned then rolled her eyes. "We were just hanging out" I said. "Okay Chris" She simply said. "Y/N" I called out
"Y/N !" I said louder. "You left and went to the UK" She started off "you were pissed not talking to me, I was pissed and I needed to get away" I explained.

"Where was our daughter?" She questioned. "She was with my parents" I answered "and you told them where you were going?!" Y/N asked. "I told them I was going out for work" I honestly stated as she just shook her head. "Did you sleep with her?" She asked looking at me. "No" I answered "She kissed me and we haven't spoke since" I honestly said as Y/N shook her head turning off the stove. "Dinner's done" She simply said throwing the knife into the sink and going upstairs.

"Babe!" I shouted after her but she ignored me going upstairs and slamming our room door. "IM SO SICK OF THIS SHIT!" She screamed as I went upstairs trying to go through the door but it was locked. "Y/N" I said knocking on the door. She then swung it open "six years together and two of them we were married and this the shit you do?" She questioned before pushing me.

"I gave you a child, went through psychological shit after having her still going through shit. My weight out of whack, letting you get into my head about having another baby right at this moment when I knew I didn't need to have one right now but I wanted to please you. Whole time you out here bullshitting while I'm here trying to not go fucking crazy in the head. And yet you said you'll be by my side the whole time and like a dumb ass i believed you" she said shaking her head.

"I'm leaving before it gets any worse" she simply said walking away from the door. "Y/N we can't talk this out?! It's not like I cheated on you" I expressed walking behind. "But it's the fact you lie, sneak around and the fact you even dealing with these women on this type of level that's also equivalent to fucking them" she explained with tears in her eyes as my face softened.

I was about to hug her but she moved away from me walking around me. "Where you going?" I asked as she ignored me, I heard the front door close as I just sighed pinching the bridge of my nose pissed before letting out a frustrated sigh.

A Good Woman 3| Chris Evans (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now