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Didn't I just tell y'all hoes I'm in school and working and hall still harassing me smh..🖕here damn-Dajah❤️


I just got done taking dodger out to use the bathroom about to lock up for the night but there was a knock on the front door.  I looked down at the time reading midnight and I automatically thought it was Jenny. she told me she was in town this weekend before I cut all communication off with her and changed my number so I thought she might have took it upon herself to come to the door.

I then opened the about to say something but it was just
Y/N. I looked at her as she looked at me.

"You're just going to stand there or come in?" I asked

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"You're just going to stand there or come in?" I asked.
"Did I wake you up?" She asked hesitant to walk in. "Just come in" I said stepping to the side as she walked in.
I closed and locked the door behind her. "I wasn't sleep I just got done taking dodger out" I said as dodger came running towards Y/N as she smiled and he jumped onto her.

She smiled at him petting him as I faintly smiled watching them. "Alright dodge go get in your bed" I said grabbing him . "And I said YOUR bed not the BED" I said as dodger walked to the room and Y/N giggled. "What's up?" I asked looking at
Y/N "oh nothing I just wanted other people to see my outfit, my hair and everything before I went to bed" she said as she just smiled and I chuckled shaking my head.

"You do know if you want to have sex you could just say that" I said closing the blinds to the living room as Y/N just stood There. "But I don't want that" she said as I looked back at her "so what do you want?" I asked. "What do you mean?" She questioned. "Any other time you can't stand being near me, don't want to talk to me really and you handed me divorce papers earlier like I said if you want sex just say that" I explained before turning to look at her.

"What the hell are you even talking about? I handed you the divorce papers because YOU said "give you the papers so you could be done with this" she argued. "Because you said you were doing you" I simply said as she just rolled her eyes "whatever" she simply said. "SO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO DO Y/N?!" I shouted as she turned and looked at me.

"Stop before-" she started off "no Christiana is fine" I simply said. "what the fuck do you want to do so I can know what I'm doing. There's no sense in keeping this up knowing the end result is you divorcing me. You either stay and we figure this shit out like we're supposed to or you leave and we divorce each other" I started off.

"Because I love you and I know what I did was wrong and it's going to take time to build that trust between us again but at this point you just showing your ass" I said.
"Did you cheat on me?" She asked "for the last fucking time no I didn't. Lily kissed me and I left yes I was wrong for entertaining them and going out with them but I didn't sleep with either one of them" I said truthfully.

"I did not sleep with them" I repeated again so she wouldn't ask me that dumb ass question again. "Did you cheat on me?!" I asked "why you asking me that question for?" She asked "I know the answer just answer the question so we can get past this part so we can dead the cheating shit" I said as she shook her head "no" she admitted as I simply nodded.

"Good now we can leave THAT alone, that means don't ask me that question again because you'll get the same answer again" I instructed as she simply just rolled her eyes. "Y/N honestly I don't give a shit about none of that, this is someone who's trying to fix something with YOU. I was wrong so let me fix it" I stated as she just bit the inside of her cheek looking at me.

"Yes I was out with them but it wasn't because you weren't enough it was because at the time I wasn't thinking I was just thinking about how I was feeling and at the time I thought I wasn't good enough for you and that maybe you found better in another man" I admitted as her face softened.

"Jenny had a miscarriage when she was with me and I felt guilty behind it and I always had a spot for Jenny but if that jeopardizes us She's going to have to go" I said. "You've said that before though" She brought up. "Yeah but I now realized that's not an excuse to keep dealing with her when that was in the past I need to worry about the present with you and make sure you're not miscarrying by my mistakes" I stated.

"Lily cheated on her own husband I wasn't going to do anything anyway because I didn't want to get caught up with you nor what she had going on all of these interactions was friendly ones there was no malicious intent on my end I was just looking at them as friends" I explained as she looked up at me.

"Do you have anymore questions?" I asked "do you love me?" She asked "if I didn't love you and didn't want to be with you I wouldn't be fighting this hard to keep you here with me" I admitted as a tear left her eyes. "See how quiet this house is?" I asked "you know usually it's not this quiet because we're either watching a movie or up laughing and talking about something. Why would I give that up that easily?" I asked as She wiped her tears away.

"Do you love me?" I questioned "yeah I wouldn't keep threatening you and giving you chance after chance if I didn't. I did all of this for you not for anybody else" she said referring about her outer appearance. "I got my own place wasting money so I can show you I'm not playing. I got the divorce papers to threaten you not for you to actually sign. And I'm not here right now to have sex with you" she admitted.

"So what are you really here for Y/N?" I asked "to be with you" She said as I faintly smiled. "Come here" I softly said as we shared a hug and in between the hug I repeatedly kissed her head. "You know I love you" I said as she nodded and wiped her eyes. "You made me buy that house for no reason" she said as I chuckled "I told you not to do it but you wanted to live separately" I said rubbing her back.

"It's not a bad thing maybe it's something we do need I can honestly say it helped on my end" I said "what you don't want me in the house?!" Y/N asked looking up at me as I chuckled. "No I miss you and you being in the house with me" I admitted. "But if that's what it'll take for us to work right now then I'm all for it. You're only five minutes away anyway" I said as she just laid her head on chest with her arms around me.

A Good Woman 3| Chris Evans (BWWM)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя