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I drove around thinking to myself then soon just sat and parked in a park as it was almost midnight. I didn't even want to tell anybody because I just felt fucking dumb letting another man get close to me like that. Chris was supposed to be the dream guy, he was supposed to do right by me and I do the same but it just feel like I'm reliving the shit I went through when I was twenty one only difference was I was married, not being abused, have a child and he didn't fuck them but he might as well.

I just cried to myself I didn't even want him to see me cry about this situation because I was vulnerable and I knew his sweet words was going to persuade me to stay. Part of me felt like maybe I'm being hard because of him and his anxiety I don't know how he's going to take it but then at the same time his anxiety wasn't kicking in when he was out with these women, lying and sneaking around.

I just placed my hand on top of the steering wheel and just stared off then all of a sudden my face frowned and I started crying like a baby. I placed my face on the steering wheel continuing to cry. This was something I was so afraid of happening again and on top of that my father saying everything he was saying, along with Jessica and Jenny and all of it is true.

I really wanted Chris to be my man and me not have to worry about him sneaking and doing anything but he just proved to me all men cheat. My phone was ringing as I seen Chris trying to call me. I then turned my phone off continuing to cry.

I was crying because I felt like I didn't think Chris could do that to me but I was mainly crying because I feel like I'm never good enough. Between when I was with my Exes, my father and now Chris . Lily James is a beautiful woman and I thought maybe it's because of me and my background maybe I wasn't classy enough? or understood him enough?Maybe I wasn't sweet enough for Chris? Maybe it was simply because I gave him the cold shoulder at one point but that was because he was dealing with these women and he kept pushing for a baby.  Maybe I was boring in bed? I thought to myself.

"Damn bitch he really hurt you" I said to myself continuing to wipe my tears away. I wanted to separate before he got comfortable and actually fuck these women which at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if he did. I continued to think to myself as I finally looked at the clock on my dashboard reading "2:34 AM" I was so caught up in my thoughts it was almost three in the morning. I decided to drive back home. As I was driving back home my phone was in shuffle and soon "Don't Hurt Yourself" by Beyoncé and Jack White begun to play as I turned it all the way up.

I started singing along to it wiping my tears off my cheeks

"Who the fuck do you think I am?
You ain't married to no average bitch, boy
You can watch my fat ass twist, boy
As I bounce to the next dick, boy"

I sung and Immediately faintly smiled to myself getting a little louder.

"And keep your money, I got my own
Get a bigger smile on my face, being alone"

I then got louder pointing to myself "BAD MOTHERFUCKER, GOD COMPLEX" I yelled loudly smiling big turning it up louder and sitting up in my seat. Continuing to listen and dance some. All the sadness soon slowly turned into anger.

"Fuck you hater, you can't recreate her no" I sung placing my middle finger up smiling. "You'll never recreate her no" I said again. I was going to pack some over night clothes and stay at a hotel and tomorrow I was going to start packing my things he can have the house and the ring.

"Blindly in love, I fucks with you
'Til I realize, I'm just too much for you" I sung then got louder. "I'm just too much for you!" I yelled laughing and turning a corner.

"I'm that bitch" I simply said to myself then smiled

"Hey baby, who the fuck do you think I am?
I smell that fragrance on your Louis knit, boy
Just give my fat ass a big kiss, boy
Tonight, I'm fucking up all your shit, boy!" I yelled loudly with Beyoncé to the song and it soon ended as "Ring the Alarm" by Beyoncé came on and turned that shit all the way up.

"Tell me how should I feel
When I know what I know,
And my female intuition
Telling me you a dog?
People told me 'bout the flames
I couldn't see through the smoke
When I need answers, accusations
What you mean you gone choke?"

I sung along then started dancing in my seat. I parked in front of the house continuing to dance and sing loudly as I seen Chris open the front door of the house. I just looked at him continuing to sing loudly. I soon just turned off the car grabbing my phone and getting out. I got out the car walking towards the door entry as he was just  standing there and looked pissed.

"Where were you at for the passed three hours?!" It's night time you don't need to be out this late-" he started off "yeah okay" I sarcastically said with a little laugh walking inside. "And why weren't you answering any of my calls and texts I was worried about you?!" He questioned clearly pissed but I didn't give a fuck. What he needed to be pissed about?.

"Because I'm grown" I simply said "you grown?" He asked "Yup I simply said throwing my keys on the island in the kitchen and walked out walking passed Chris heading for the stairs. "Where you go?" He asked "Don't worry about it just know I'll have your divorce papers as soon as possible" I assured continuing to go upstairs as he followed behind me.

"You can be with Becky as soon as i hand you the papers you don't even have to wait until it's finalized, because I'm damn sure not" I said then giggled packing some clothes. "The hell you mean by that?! And where there hell are you going?!" He questioned. "Oh I'm leaving for the night" I informed. "No you're not" he stated as I ignored him continuing to pack my bag but he grabbed my hand stopping me as I looked at him. "No you're not" he said once again as I just scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Don't you have things to do like catching a flight soon to see Jenny or lily or something?" I asked sarcastically. "You're really blowing this up to something it doesn't have to be" He stated. "No you're down playing it like it's something that isn't serious because you're not the one hurt by this." I explained. "You don't think I'm hurt we're about to get a divorce?!" He questioned. "What about the shit that was done that made me hurt leading up to this divorce?!" I asked zipping my duffle bath up.

"Y/N Don't leave.. please?" He asked looking me in my eyes as I just smiled and shook my head. "You wanted them and now you can have them I don't want to stop you from what you want" I said before grabbing my duffle bag and purse heading towards the room door. "Y/N" He called out. "No Bye" I simply said not even turning to look at him. I continued downstairs.

"You can have the house and everything that's been given to you. I'll be back in the morning to start packing my things." I informed. "And where are you going to go?!" He questioned. "I'll get another house you can keep this" I said looking around the house. "This house was meant for us two" He said. "Yeah and now it's just yours I'll find something else" I assured before walking out.

A Good Woman 3| Chris Evans (BWWM)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat