Tough Company

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Ash's pov.

The day of the champions conference came for me. I have thought it to be an exciting event before the draw is made for the World Coronation Series. I am naive about this all, I could not predict what was to happen next. I walked into the media room for the Champions of every region, as we began the press conference for the people of the world. Questions being raised about your family is not something one wants to face, but that didn't even cover the surface of what got to me.

Let me start from the beginning.

I sat down and waited for around 20 minutes for the conference to begin. Lance seemed to be irritating Steven, whilst Iris sat there looking as bored as me, the only thing keeping her there was Cynthia, it seemed. 

I flicked a pen on the desk, waiting for an opportunity to answer a question. The first question was directed towards Lance, asking him about potential Pokemon he may use and whether he feared anyone. The second question was towards Steven, about his research, the recent developments at Mossdeep. A lot of boring questions followed. However, after a while, I was finally asked a question.

'Mr Ketchum, there have been a lot of rumours recently, mostly surrounding the Kalos Queen and you, the Alolan Champion. Rumour has it that you two are dating, is there any substance to this rumour' The reporter asked.

I was taken aback by this question and before I could even realise it, I was turning red, so I knew I would have to redirect the question. Fortunately, someone else came to the rescue.

'Leave personal questions out of this, whether he is dating her or not, is not important, focus on actual reporting.' Diantha shouted.

'What about the fact that you two are related?' The reporter asked. 

I was surprised by this, what was the reporter on about.

'Next question.' Diantha demanded.

'I want to hear more' The reporter said in response.

'We'll take a break from this' Leon stated sternly, shooting a glare at the reporter.

Iris looked at me with a sympathetic look, she knew this was a lot for me.

I left the room to confront Diantha. She was standing there looking rattled.

'What the fuck was that about?' I asked.

'Look we're related.' She admitted.

'How?' I asked.

'We're cousins. Your father's brother is my father.' She said.

'Well, it's dad's fault once again for not telling the truth' I shouted.

'It was me who didn't want it known. For your sake.' She responded.

'Why?' I asked, irritated. 

'I didn't want to add more pressure onto your journey, but I suppose you've overcome it all.' She replied.

'Let's just go back in. No point in arguing about this.' I said, still stressed out from the recent revelation.

'Agreed.' She replied.

We walked back into the conference room and things didn't get any better. More questions were directed at me, they must have had an obsession with me and my love life because a majority of the questions were about exactly that. Afterwards, Diantha caught me outside, looking concerned about me.

'You ok? You looked hassled in there?' Diantha asked.

'That's putting it lightly.' I replied.

'You've not seen her in a while have you?' She asked.

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