Out Of My League

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“Hello?” I asked. It was dark and seemed vacant. I turned on the entry way light and took off my heels, holding them in my hands. I locked the front door. I grabbed the nearest thing as a weapon, an umbrella. I slowly walked up my carpeted stairs, careful not to make any noise. I felt the soft carpet move among my toes.

I looked at my door, once I reached my room. I saw a light shining through and heard the sound of maybe a television? I laid my left hand on my doorknob and held the umbrella in my right hand, ready to hit anything that might be in this room. I hope that I don’t open this door to find out that I just left my television on and the front door unlocked or you know some crazy murderer about to jump out and kill me. That might be horrible.

I slowly turned the handle. As I opened my door the image before me was scary…..it is Sam’s ugly face! “What the flipping turtle shells are you fudging doing in my room?!” I yelled. I must have truly frightened him because he threw popcorn all over my nice clean vacuumed carpet. “Sorry. You let the door unlocked and I didn’t want to leave it open for a criminal.” He said, adjusting himself to a sitting position. “That’s why they make phones dummy.” I criticized him.

“I can’t lock the door with my phone.” He said, making me want to take this umbrella and beat the living crap out of him. “Are you blonde under that brown hair, because you are acting like you do? You would use the phone to text me, or you could have just locked the bottom.  You also could have put a sticky note above the light switch saying, “Hey you dummy, you left the door unlocked. I am going to go up into your room and invade any privacy you might want. Also I am going to eat your popcorn even though you probably won’t be okay with it. Sound good? I hope so because it’s happening. Sincerely, Sam.” I said, putting the umbrella down. While Sam paused the movie he was watching.

“I hate to break it to you, but there is no way all of that would fit on a sticky note.” He laughed. “Thanks genius.” I said sarcastically. “Hey I am always here to help.” I laughed. I have to get out of this dress. “Do not look I am going to change.” He laughed, “I am a guy. I do these things.”

“Just don’t please.” I said turning away from him as he closed his eyes. I tried to peel this dress off for at least five minutes now.  “Are you done yet?” Sam asked impatiently. “Could you help me.” I asked. I didn’t want to ask because I do not have a model body. I am not skinny, yet not fat (in my opinion). I have a lot of confidence or as some people call it cockiness. Sadly, I do not have self-confidence.  “Sure.” Sam said kindly. I hope he respects me enough to try not to look. I wonder if Abby is having a good time…..

Abby’s POV:

I have had so much alcohol. I don’t know where Abby went, but drunken Abby has arrived. “Abby I think you might have had enough for tonight. I will take you home.” Niall said.

“Are you always so sweet? Is there a dirty side to you?” I asked losing my balance.

Niall caught me and held on to me before I fell onto the floor. “Not really. I have a hungry side though, and if we don’t get food soon you will see that side.” I laughed.

“Niall there is a guy out back who wants to make a deal. We need this money.” Harry said.

“Okay I’ll be back. Watch Abby. She is a little….. Insane?” Niall said kissing me on the cheek and walking away. Holy potato Niall just kissed my cheek! I am surely going to fall over at any moment.

“Can I kiss you?” Harry asked. I turned around looking for who he was talking to. The only thing behind me was a wall. “Are you talking to me?”  There’s no way that he is actually asking if he can kiss me.

He laughed, “Yes Abby. I want to kiss you.” I am speechless. I nodded and blushed as he leaned in. I suddenly felt a hint of guilt. Niall would be upset if Harry and I kissed. Who am I kidding there’s no way Niall likes me and why not kiss Harry? He is defiantly attractive. Definitely. Those dimples could kill.

His lips soon landed on mine. I tasted a mixture of alcohol and some more things. Kissing him was quite enjoyable, but it feels like it’s missing something. He pulled away. “Do you like me Abby?” Harry asked seriously. “I have only just met you, Harry.” I said. “I know. Do you?” Harry asked. I suddenly had this funny thought. “What if your last name was butt or armpits?” I laughed and almost slipped.

“We should go. I will text Niall that we’re leaving.” Harry said.

 “Do you know where I live?” I asked. “No. Where do you live?” He asked.

 “Gumdrop Lane.” I laughed. He laughed, “Seriously, where do you live, Abby?” I am being serious. I really do live on 1500 Gumdrop Lane. “I am being serious!” I said rather loud. I can see where I might not sound believable.

“Okay you are coming to my house.” Harry said.

Athena’s POV:

I am so tired. “Thank you Sam for helping me out of that monster and not being mad at me.” I said leaning against Sam’s chest. He is so built. “I did not say I was not mad.” He joked.

“I really am sorry. I just wanted to live for once. I am always seen as the goody, maybe I want to be bad.” I said looking up to him.

“I hope not because I love my angel.” I snuggled into him more. Who is his angel? “That’s you by the way.” He said.

“Stop reading my mind. You know I hate when you do that.” I said. “I can’t help that you are so clueless sometimes. I am serious though. I really love you. I hope you see that.” He said making me blush.

“I know you love me as a sister.” He took a deep breath as if he was trying to make a point and I did not understand. “Sometimes I feel like maybe I like a certain person, but that person is out of my league.” I say meaning him.

“No one is out of our league. Anyone is lucky to have you. You are beautiful and if that person can’t see that, then they are stupid. If that person is me…I hope you know I am not out of your league. Now go to sleep.” He said hushing me from saying anything more.

I slowly fell asleep against Sam’s warm body as he wrapped his arms around me. I heard a muffled ‘I love you’ but I was probably imagining things.

So that was a sweet moment that made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. How about you? Let me know if you liked this chapter in the comments. Happy reading! If we keep getting snowdays, then i will keep updating. So do the snow dance. lol hope you are having a good day! If i get five more votes i will make the next chapter.

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