💌 Chapter Twenty Two 💌

Start from the beginning

"What else?", she says, all innocence and charm, her red lips sticking out of her features that makes her look like your typical antagonist. "You know how boys loved girls who looks so innocent, yet behind their clean reputation, she's actually doing dirty things like sleeping with anyone available"

Finally, growing tired of hearing it and seeing how you weren't even trying to hide yourself from shaking a bit, Jay was the one you expected to confront them. Yet he hadn't, it was somebody else.

Instead of him bulldozing his way to Yana's table, it was Ni-ki who pointedly cleared his throat behind them and their chatter ended.

After taking a moment to shake yourself out of the shock, you watched as the girls were looking up at him in surprise at being caught out - not expecting he was the one sitting behind them. Not only were they not expecting him but they'd managed to forget how he can sometimes be out of the line in order to teach someonr a lesson.

He pauses for a second, biting on his lip and then glances at your way, before turning back to Yana who must loved the attention, she even smiled.

"You know what?", Ni-ki says to her in a low voice. "You need to grow up", he takes two long strides closer to her, bringing his soda can with him. "Actually, forget it. You're never gonna grow up, are you? So there's a reason you're always bitching out here like a sore loser that you really are"

You have to give Yana some recognition because despite of everyone now turning the judgement on her, she still have the guts to look surprised. "Excuse me? But what can I expect from one of the dumb boys who received letters from that slut -"

But today isn't the day to say it in Ni-ki's face and just as Jake enters the Cafeteria with Sunghoon, then your eyes caught onto Heeseung slowly standing up from his friend's table and there was Sunoo sitting with Jungwon for some reason along Daniel who's eyes were wide, then it began.

The proof the japanese boy were really serious about you.

He just let out a sweetest smile he could give to the most infuriating person before draining out the liquid content in Yana's face, and he knew it would make a big fuss when the girl is known for being called off from any teachers at wearing too much make up. And just like that, it feels like everyone has to stop to process it, as if Niki didn't saunters away after throwing the can to the girl who suggested writing to the teachers in particular, as if Yana's disgusted scream wasn't heard.

The minute the can fell from the table of the oppressed, you stood up and ran out of the room to follow Ni-ki, and before you could even say anything, before you could even catch your breath, the boy had wrapped his hand in your wrist to keep up with his long steps. Without waiting for your permission, he broke off for this certain place, bringing you with him and you knew it all too well.

To the rooftop.

When the two of you reached it and he locked the door, his eyes were shining and he leaned in close. "What did I say to you before? I did wait for you!", he said, like a kid declaring his feelings for ice cream, full of wonder and delight.

You stare at him for a moment, then smiles at him gratefully. "Thank you, Ni-ki for what you did in there", you say with as much as conviction, and he simply wrapped you in a bear hug.

"This is where you first bothered me, right?", you say a little breathlessly, hoping to jolt him out of the hug, to remind him. "Is that why you brought me here?"

To All The Boys You've Loved Before 💌 Enhypen x Reader [ On-Hold ]Where stories live. Discover now