"I would love to stay but I have to get to class early. I will talk to you guys later," she said with another big smile before walking away. As she turned, she eyed me and I saw the mask of her smiling face fade away before all I could see was her back.

Raven POV:

After Lexa turned around and walked away I realized how fine she looked. She seemed to be completely ok which is weird considering all that happened. I looked to Clarke and she was still leaning against the tree. I could see she was lost in her thoughts and she was looking down at the ground.

I nudged Luna a little until she saw Clarke. She had the same look on her face I can assume I had on my face. I was worried about her.

The bell rang and we all went to class. Clarke usually walks with us but she walked off without saying anything to us.

I grabbed Luna's hand as we walked until we got to my class. We separated and I went into my class. As the teacher was calling out attendance she stops on a name.

"Clarke Griffin," the teacher says and I was waiting for the cheerful voice that says 'here' but no voice came. I looked around to the seat she usually sits at. Empty. Clarke isn't one to miss school or classes without a reason so I was kind of worried about that. I'm just worried about her in general.

She was just here, where the hell did she go. "Clarke Griffin?" The teacher said again and nobody answered again. "Ok then," The teacher said before moving on. What is going on with Clarke?

After class was over I walked out of the room and Luna was waiting for me. "Have you seen Clarke?" I said as I walked up to her. "Uh, no. Don't you have class with her?" She asked like it was obvious. "Yes but she didn't come to class," I said and was beginning to panic a little.

"She's probably fine but let's go look for her anyways," she said as we walked down the hall.

"What the hell Clarke," I said to myself. We looked everywhere. We walked through all the halls and she wasn't there. We checked all the bathrooms and she wasn't there. We walked outside the school and down to the track and she wasn't there. Her car was still here so she didn't leave but she was nowhere to be found.

"Where else could she have gone?" Luna asked. I was trying to think but no other place came to mind. Something else did though.

"Hold on," I said as I stopped walking. I walked in the opposite direction of Luna. "Where are you going?" She asked as she followed me. "There is someone we can ask," I said as I continued to walk.

Lexa POV:

I was sitting on a bench with earbuds in. My bag was next to me and my legs were criss cross on the seat. I heard muffled talking from all the students around me through the music playing but I ignored it until I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

I jumped up and pushed them away from me before I realized who it was.

"Sorry Luna," I said as I took the earbuds out of my ears. "Yeah whatever," she mumbled back in a grunt. "Do you need something?" I questioned as I sat back down, looking at Raven for an answer.

"Uh, have you seen Clarke?" Raven asked and my head shot up. "No, is everything ok?" I said with worry. I was worried. Clarke cared about school and if Raven didn't know where she is, something might be wrong.

"I don't know," Raven responded. I squinted my eyes a little and looked between Raven and Luna. "Is Clarke ok?" I said, trying to get a better answer.

"Yes, we just can't find her, she didn't come to class and we have searched pretty much the whole school," Raven said and I could hear the worry in her voice as well.

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