Namjoon was under enough pressure as it was. He would be the one to usually take control in these kinds of situations but, Namjoon had to focus on trying to track her, not micromanaging them. Yoongi naturally, being the eldest, took control and tried his best to keep his friends sane. But being in charge came at a burden. He was ready to snap at them for anything. It was hard to hold back. He was thankful Shiro had finally come back when he bumped into them further up in the forest in the early hours of this morning. He told them to come back to the hut for supper.

Jungkook finally gave a small reply. "Oh," he finally said, guilt stitched into his face.

" Tell me. (y/n) promised she would, and if she didn't, I had to ask you." He demanded.

"I know." His eyes flicked to the side.

"Then why haven't you told me?"

Jungkook shrugged, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve. He had never more look like a kid than

right, now Yoongi thought.

"I'm not sure."

"Well, take your time then." He retorted sharply. He was annoyed. He needed answers before his curiosity ate him alive. He knew he shouldn't appoint blame on Jungkook and his lack of response. The guilt was an anchor around his neck, pulling him deep into the brine. He didn't know why a beast was whispering threats from his mind to force the longed answers from the boy. He didn't notice as it sunk its claws into his neck, whispering bad ideas when he was vulnerable and almost at breaking point. He just wanted answers.

"Right, she was the daughter of the chief of Myrrka, but she felt like no one cared about her there and that she was mad that Hoseok led her mother's ceremony, not her. "


"Yeah. (y/n)s mother died, so they held that in her memory."

"That it?" Yoongi said. Jungkook just nodded. His ebony hair fell into his eyes while doing so.

"Why couldn't I know that?"

"She said something along the lines of not wanting to come across as a spoilt brat that only left because didn't get her way."

What was it? That's what (y/n) needed to hide from him. Yoongi felt a massive weight off his shoulders. Now he knew the great secret she had kept. Granted,  it wasn't every grand or scandalous, but like promised, Yoongi now knew it. His mind unravelled

"Ah, that kid will be the death of me. For all I care, she could have been a monk, and I would not mind. And I hate monks."

It got him thinking. Maybe (y/n) had gone back there, missed her family. The trip they took could have made her want to return. It was unlike though, it sounded like her family weren't exactly saints, but you never know. He would send Hoseok down, but he would easily be recognised by


Namjoon was out of the question.  He had to focus on track.

Jungkook was still a kid in his eye. Which only left himself or Shiro. He didn't know if he could cope with the idea of adventuring out alone. He would end up in some kind of trouble. Yoongi knew he wouldn't be able to handle himself well. He hated that place, and the thought of going back to Myrrka send shivers down his spine, but if it was where (y/n) was there would try.

"What do you think Shiro wants?" The younger male said as he stood up and dusted the no

existing dirt off his clothes.

"No clue, kid. Come on," he replied, repeating his actions and leading them both off down the

winding trails.

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