💌 Chapter Fourteen 💌

Start from the beginning

"Wow", Jungwon says, leaving his cake for the sandwich and gives a good job sign. "Your sandwiches are always the best, Uncle!"

Daniel choked back a giggle. "Is that why you always liked to be here in our house?", then his eyes shifted on your seat. "I thought it was because -"

This is why you're dreading this meeting for your brother is trying to mess with you to make it another misery for you. Realising this before he could finish his word, you snatched your own sandwich to shove in his mouth and you would have offered him a glass of water - had someone not stopped you, putting a hand in yours as you grasped the glass.

You looked up meeting Ni-ki's eyes and paused. It was unfair that this was supposed to be about him, but there's two boys who intruded.

You retract your hand from under his and asked, "Do you want another drink or?"

He shook his head, pulling his own hand back with a smile. "I actually needed to talk to you. Alone", he let his gaze look around and find it odd to see Jungwon and Sunoo is eyeing him, like a CCTV and you were the price of their security.

"Outside. Maybe in the porch?"

"Let's talk outside", you repeated, grabbing his hand and hurrying to leave the kitchen. It's a good opportunity to finally leave the tension there.

He followed behind, smiling slightly at the jealousy that was obvious in Jungwon and Sunoo's eyes. "So the one who called your dad Uncle? Is that the boy you liked?", he asks.

As you led him back in the front porch and beckons him to sit with you in the swing, you raised an eyebrow - there was at least three heads peeking from the window inside. "Be quiet, they're watching us here. Any word you said could be used againt me"

That was when you caught Ni-ki looking at you. You'd seen that look before. In the first time he met you at the first day, like he was awestruck.

When he saw that you were watching with a contemplative look of your own, he smirked. His smirk makes you nervous. It doesn't look happy, like one should; it look as though he couldn't think of anything else to say or do.

"I thought your dad would have my head, but he's really nice", he remembered, almost reaching out for your hand when a whistle tunes in and he hesitated. "I wasn't sure what to say about your brother"

You nodded your head, fighting an affectionate smile. For once, Daniel is not impressing everyone. "Don't mind him. He is just the last resort of my mom to give my dad a boy. He'd always been a disappointment"

"It feels like he doesn't approve of me?" He rattled out a little more nervous laughter. "I've never seen a younger brother so invested in his sister's love life than him"

He had never cracked a joke before in your presence. This was the first time it seemed like you might have an associate in hating Daniel's antic.

You laughed, too, enthusiastic and encouraging. "Well, you will be confused on what was going on in his his mind. It's dynamic, always changing", you say as there is a loud sound of grunt from the window.

Ni-ki, however, had stopped laughing and his eyes widen in realization, following his own trail of thoughts. Instead of replying to you, he says it in a whisper. "What if he doesn't like me because he prepared Jungwon more?"

To All The Boys You've Loved Before 💌 Enhypen x Reader [ On-Hold ]Where stories live. Discover now