I had been at Thor's house for a couple of days and I was starting to feel real "Sister Nature", I now understood why those rich guys went out in the middle of nowhere to decompress. Usually, when I was out at Thor's property I complained about one thing or another, being woken up by the roster but this time around I was always up and ready to go before he starting cockadoodledoodling. Thomas had tried to contact me through email and Nora through the work phone but both of them were blocked with a quickness. Those fools had to be trippin', they did me dirty and now wanted to come out and be truthful. One thing about Charlotte Deana Monroe was I might have blinders on when it comes to certain things but once that shit is brought to the light my vision is 20/20 and suddenly all the red flags I missed or ignored out of loyalty hits me like a bullet train.


"So God of Thunder do you want to come with me to my parent's house?" I plopped down on the couch after taking a well-needed shower, choring was hard work, and after I smelled like ass and BO.

He squinted leaning against the door "Don't they live far?"

"Mhm... California it's just a three-hour flight. Wait do you even have an ID? I mean if not we can drive we would need to leave like tomorrow."

He nodded reaching into his back pocket pulling a little rectangular card out bring it over to me me. I looked at it shocked to see a much younger-looking Thor glaring back at me and the address on it was a city about 5 hours away. I handed it back to him waiting for him to take a seat in the worn-down recliner in the corner.

"I don't know how to fly," he mumbled.

"Well, my Thor my friend no one does." I laughed as he rolled his eyes kissing his teeth, I swear I rubbed off him way too much.

"You know what I mean asshole."

"I do, but no need to be freaked out I'll be right there with you the whole time. But like I said if you want to drive it will take about a day but I'm down."

"I don't think you can help if a plane goes down."

"True but I'll be there."


"Yay! I'll book your ticket now. I'll be coming back on the 8th, but I'll only book you a one-way so you can let me know when you are ready to leave I'll book you another one." I pulled out my phone doing a little happy dance, I was excited to show Thor my city and go to the beach.

"I'll pay for my ticket."

"No way Jose, first of all, you don't even have a credit or debit card, second of all I asked you to come along it's the least I can do, plus you are letting me bum off you using up your resources," I said without looking up after I finished booking this ticket I would need to call my parents to let them know Thor was coming along. Although my mom had been asking/ telling me to bring him for Christmas for a few weeks now.


I looked up confused as to why Thor was calling me Charlotte, he usually just called be Lottie.

"You aren't just inviting me as a placeholder for Thomas right?"

"GOD NO!" I screeched placing my phone on my lap "When you were still with Sarah I assumed you'd be going to her house on Christmas, so yeah I had made plans for Thomas to go to my parent's house with me, but now that shit has hit the fan and I wasn't sure of your plans so I thought to extend the invitation. Not to mention my mom has been wanting me to ask you to come for a while I just know how you and Thomas didn't get along so I didn't want to subject to being around him more than necessary. Not to mention you would NEVER be a placeholder for anyone, you have and always will be my best friend, and the next person I date in the faraway future will have to understand and respect that."

"Okay," He nodded getting up and leaving the room.


"Okay, just breathe inhale AND exhale" I stressed as Thor gripped my hand in his, holding on for dear life to the point it was almost painful; but he needed to be grounded as the plane started up. I didn't think his grip could get any tighter but once the plane was actually off the ground his knuckles had gone so white if I didn't feel his hand tremors I would think he'd died and turned into a ghost.

"Hey, bud? Your holding on kind of tight there." I put my other hand on top of his.

"Sorry" he mumbled not letting go completely but his grip loosened substantially.

"Look out the window this is my favorite part." I giggled as he shook his head it reminded me of a little boy almost, his eyes had been closed since the captain made the departure announcement. "Please you won't regret it." I squeezed his hand, and his eyes slowly started to open and he turned to look out the window.

"Wow," he said in complete wonderment, I watched his eyes go wide with surprise.

"I told you! Isn't it pretty? And it gets better." And just like that Thor spent the whole flight looking out the window, even when it was endless clouds his attention never left the window; which was fine by me because I got his drink and snacks and every time there was the slightest turbulence he would reach out for my hand. When the plane landed we grabbed our luggage and hopped on the shuttle to the rent-a-car place. My parents offered to pick us up and let me use one of their cars while we were here, but my parents were very particular about their cars, and ain't nobody got time for that. I mean you use your mom's car while your parents are on vacation and accidentally crash it into your dad's car and now anytime you use them they check for the tiniest scratches.

"This is going to be so fun! Although I'm pretty sure my mom is more excited to see you than me."

He shrugged "I doubt that."


HELLO! I was doing so well with updating every week >.<  but if you didn't see the post on my page I started my new job and the time I don't spend working I spend being way too tired to do anything, but I'm glad I can get this chapter out!

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