Chapter 41- Ammortia

Começar do início

"Did what?" To my horror Fred was walking over to the three of us. My eyes widened in alarm hoping the boys wouldn't let my secret slide.
"Oh erm. Y/N's just finished her potion." George says, returning to his seat.
"Ooo Y/N. What do you smell?" Fred asks his mouth widening at my expression.
"Oh I Erm."

"Mr Weasley!" Few! Saved by Snape, "what are you doing out of your seat?"
"Oh I Erm." Fred muttered.
"Get up here... NOW!"
And with that Fred was forced to face the class.
"Now tell me what you smell in your Amortentia. And don't lie as I'll be able to tell!" He shouted.

"I... I smell, fresh grass, Erm, lavender, and a familiar perfume." He says, avoiding anyone's eye contact as they laugh at the boy. I wonder who that could be?
Snapes face seemed to hide an expression and he quickly replaced it with a glare. "Back to your seat Weasley. And don't let me catch you out of it again!"

After class:

I was alone in the classroom, after telling the boys that I was going to ask Snape about a potion.
"Miss Wood, or should I say, Miss Black. What are you doing here?" He said.
"Sorry for the interruption. It's just, I was wondering, is there by any chance a reason that the Amortentia can pick up the wrong smell?" I asked.
"This is about that Weasley isn't it Y/N? Don't deny it, I've seen that you like him, and he likes you too. But no, there's no way that it can be wrong, the potion never lies." He says.
I sighed, "thank you....... Professor."
"Woah. My real name, must be my lucky day." He smiled.
"Wow a smile, must be mine." I laugh.

He scoffed and so I began to walk out of the room. "Oh and Y/N. If he hurts you. You come to me, you know where to find me."

I nodded before exiting the room.

Time skip:
"Hey Fleur." I was walking towards the Great hall when I caught a glimpse of my best friend.
"Y/N! There you are! I was wondering, do you want to go for a walk around the lake?"
"Oh yes. That sounds lovely." I say with a smile.
We link arms and begin to skip through the corridors, ignoring the uncomfortable glances and remarks that were made about us. Being fairly popular, we got used to the horrible comments that came mainly from boys, they were very disturbing.

"So. I have to say. You did amazing in the first task." I tell her.
"I finished last Y/N! Last! My skirt caught on fire." She groans.
I laugh, "Fleur it doesn't matter! You'll do great on the next task, I know it!"
"Thanks Y/N. I have to say though. You did awesome in the task. I never knew you could speak to dragons? You never told me?"
"I never knew." I said bluntly.

"Anyway. Anything new on that ginger boy." She said wiggling her brows.
"I'm kind of screwed." I said. She looked at me confused so I continued, "I smelt him in my Amortentia!!"

She burst out laughing, "Y/N this is good! I don't want to mention the bastard from before, but you've moved on. That's the best way."
She hugs me, which I gladly return.
"I've missed you Fleur. It's nice to have a girl again."
"I've missed you too. More than you know. I've missed my best friend."

"Hello ladies." Fred, Lee and George had begun to walk over to us.
"Hello Love." Fred kissed my head, why did he suddenly start doing this? Not that I'm complaining.
"Hey Freddie."

"Bonjour Fleur." He said, in his best possible French.
She laughed a little at the mispronunciations, but I found it cute how he tried.
She then started to talk to him in full on French and he stared at her wide-eyed. This was all too funny as he nervously scratched the back of his neck, not daring to interrupt the girl.

Meanwhile Fleur was talking nonsense in French to confuse him, "I have a dog. His name is Rex. We take him to the park. Where he does tricks."
"What the hell Fleur," I laugh at the randomness.
She shrugs, "only kidding ginger boy. I thought your girlfriend and I could have a laugh."
I'm quick to elbow her in the ribs which makes her cackle more and Fred just ignores her. "Oh."

"Hey George. You never told me what you smelt in your Amortentia. You either Lee." Said Fred.

Both boys turned scarlet and looked extremely uncomfortable, so I was quick to jump in for them, "oh they both smelt unknown scents. Very common actually."

They both shot me a look of appreciation and nodded along quickly.
"Who did you smell then Freddie? This perfume?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, I wanted to be there for Freddie, and if he didn't like me, I may as well help him out.

"Yeah Fred. Who did you smell." George smirked, and Lee's face lit up.
"Am I missing something?" I ask.

"Oh no. Your not. I didn't know mine either." Fred said, too quickly. He must not want me to know.
"Alright?" I said.

Fleur was besides her self as she watched the group. The blushing faces were all too easy.

"Shut it Fleur! Or do I have to remind you about who you smelt in your Amortentia all those years ago." I grinned at the girls widening expression.
"You wouldn't." She said, I opened my mouth to speak again but she cut me off, "no PLEASE!"

I just laughed at the girl, and dismissed the boys hopes of them getting me to tell them it was actually their brother Bill, who Fleur had met when I helped him.

"Anyway Y/N, I best be off. Madam will be looking for me." Fleur says to me.
I hug her goodbye as she makes her root back to the carriages.

"Anyway guys." I say to my best friends, "I've got to go do an interview tomorrow, awful Rita Skeeta woman in Hogsmede. Anyone wanna tag along?"
"No thanks." George and Lee said.
"I'll go with you." Fred said.
"Thanks Fred. That means a lot." I say.
"It's a date." He says.

Hey everyone. Short chapter again but I can't wait for the next! Hope your all alright! Xx

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora