Chapter 15: Dissonance (Or, the feeling of stability in relation to tension)

Start from the beginning

"I know," Genkai said. Her tone was kinder. "But we know proximity to whatever event is going to happen affects your ki. It may be easier for you to use Foresight in this building. I want to test the theory."

Asuka nodded. "I understand."

"Good. I'll be here in case you need something. But don't read my future, unless it has to do with events in the building specifically. And don't you dare fuckin' tell me when I'm going to die."


Genkai turned her cracked lips upward, then sat down on the opposite couch to Asuka with her eyes closed.

Okay. I can do this. I can control my ki and use Foresight to find out what's going to happen.

Asuka unfolded her ki and increased her output. She felt her power easily spread beyond her body and with little effort. She'd suspected her ki had been getting stronger, and this proved she was right.

In the house besides her and Genkai, was Kaito, his two friends, and...Yusuke? Asuka resisted the temptation to place her hand on her forehead. So, he'd gotten caught in Kaito's trap.

Of course he did.

Asuka was the most familiar with Kaito and he was toward the houses entrance, so she started with him. Her head began to throb, but so far, the pain was manageable.

She saw Kurama, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Botan walk into the mansion. They were confused, but out of all of them, Kurama had his guard up the most. He asked where Kaito had stashed Yusuke, and if he'd taken her as well.

"If I had Asuka, I certainly wouldn't confirm or deny it," Kaito sneered.

"If I find you've hurt her," Kurama said with a dangerous calm, "I won't hesitate to kill you."

Kaito snorted. Asuka found Kaito's blasé attitude toward a threat from Kurama rather stupid. It didn't matter if this was a training exercise. Kurama didn't know that.

Kurama and Kaito faced off in a battle of wits, which was fascinating to watch. Kaito obviously had a chip on his shoulder since Kurama had the highest grades in Meiou. Kaito desperately wanted to win, and it affected his judgement. Kurama had other reasons for wanting to win, but he was not desperate. Kurama was never desperate. Asuka thought this was a main factor in him winning. His calm use of logic allowed Kurama to best Kaito by a means he never expected. Kurama forced Kaito to laugh.

The pain increased in Asuka's temples and she rubbed them to try and soothe her mind. She'd only seen one battle. It was good, but not enough.

I have to pass this test.

The next room and Territory had multiple doors. Botan, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama were forced to split up, and journey to the next floor separately. It was so Mitsuanri could replace one of them with a fake, which was Kuwabara.

Yusuke managed to figure out the imposter, but only by lucky guess. After that, the training exercise was over. Genkai revealed herself, and Kurama said, "You never cease to surprise me Genkai."

Of course Kurama figured it out, Asuka thought.

Asuka's pain increased another level, and she knew it was time to pull back. In one swift motion, she pulled her ki back to herself and folded it down to her normal suppression level. She opened her eyes.

"Very good, Asuka," Genkai said in approval. "You've obviously gotten a lot stronger. Write everything down for me."

Blood dripped down Asuka's nose from the ordeal, but it was an acceptable injury. She eagerly scribbled everything she saw and handed it to Genkai when she was finished.

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