Chapter 53

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Storm had managed to get inside before the rain became worse, his mind was on hyper drive. He was finally here! He had finally found the two men and an added bonus was also having Graves here as well. The three men have been reunited in the worse possible way. 
Storm moved quietly and spotted the clearing up in the middle, where a vehicle sat. His memory never failed, as he recognized it. It belonged to Foils and Humphrey, which meant that they wouldn't be too far a head and they certainly would not have gone off in foot, considering how much they would leave behind. 
A noise to the left grabbed Storm's attention and he pulled out his gun whilst moving towards the source of the sound. The more he walked further, the more he could recognize the noise to be voices. But the voices weren't coming from ground level. It appeared to be on top of him, like there was another level above, and when he looked towards the corner, he noticed some stairs. But he quickly moved out of sight when he saw Graves slowly making his way up. He too, had his eyes set on the men and he was no far off from catching them. So many things rushed through Storm's mind, should he let Graves reach the next level? Or should he shoot at him to stop him from reached the two men? Because if he let him go, he might shoot the both of them.

Ah screw it!

Storm raised the gun and fired at Graves, but not too direct as he didn't want to kill him. He saw that the bullet had hit the metal railing and Graves tripped over one of the steps and landed with  crash. The voices above had stopped and a few moments later Storm could hear hurried footsteps, they were on the move. He locked eyes with Graves and he could tell that the man was not impressed. But he didn't choose to shoot back, instead he decided to keep moving up onto the next level. Storm rushed after him, his shot was a warning and it did it's job as it alerted Humphrey and Foils from the next level. 

'Leo, Marcus! I know you're up there, come down and face me!'

Storm could hear Graves scream as he started the climb, but Storm had to be careful because Graves could be standing right at the top of the stairs and he could easily shoot at Storm and this time he wouldn't miss. Storm listened carefully as Graves slowly made his way across the next level, his footsteps were slow and steady. He was set to kill these two men and it was Storm's job to try and stop him.

Leo gripped the railing tightly as he slowly began to move, making sure that he didn't make any sudden movements which would cause the bridge that he was on to move. Marcus had chose the other side, that way Graves would on be able to take a shot at one of them. Although Leo didn't like that idea, he knew that they didn't have a choice. When he looked over the little bridge, he could see Graves below, but he hadn't looked up, yet.
Leo suddenly noticed movement in the corner of his eye and he looked over to the top of the stairs and he spotted another man. His gun was trained on Graves, who the hell was this guy? Could he be with the FBI?
Leo almost collapsed with relief, but then he also remembered that the FBI were also after him and Marcus. Who knew if they were on their side. So Leo began to move once again and he was glad that the sun was no more, because his shadow would have fallen onto the ground before Graves, effectively giving away his 'hiding' spot. 

'It's over now!'

He heard Graves again, 'you know that I had the chance to receive all those diamonds, and you chose to take me down, I could have split it with you', yeah, like that would happen
He looked over to see Marcus going at the same pace as him, his eyes were downcast, keeping an eye on Graves and making sure that he wouldn't be spotted. 

'I know you were behind all of this, you made a deal with the boss to kill my wife, that way I would become scared and broken, because I also had a daughter as well, so that way, I would give the diamonds to you in order to keep her safe!'

It was never like that! We had never interacted with the boss at all, and we were unaware of the death of his wife.

It was all a setup, but of course with Graves, when he was in the state that he was in, he would never believe the both of them, so that was why they ran, because the knew that their lives would be in danger. 

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