forty six.

884 11 1

I'd Like To See You Try Pipsqueak

present !

After the weird dinner party with Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Everyone went home but Five was still talking to Sir Reginald Hargreeves and Diego, Luther and Maria went back to Elliott's home. Maria stopped crying but her face was stained with tears. When they got inside, Luther noticed it, but he figured she was trying to forget about whatever she was sad about and asking about it was only going to make it worse.

They walked into Elliott's home and they noticed a puddle of blood on the floor. Luther and Maria ran over to it and found Elliott dead in his dentist chair and he had tweezers and knives sticking out of his face. Maria looked at it and she instantly backed away. "Oh god."

"Shit. Elliott?"

"Oh Jesus Christ. Diego!" Diego walked over towards Elliott. "Holy shit."

Luther covered Elliott with a sheet and they all walked over to the kitchen. Luther sat down at the table and Maria and Diego were just standing. "I can't believe Elliott's dead."

"He was a good guy." Luther sighed and Maria was realizing how Elliott's gone forever and so is Caleb. "He deserved better than this."

"Yeah. Elliott must've been getting close to the truth." They walked out to the living room and looked at Elliott except for Maria. She was so grossed out, she couldn't even look at the puddle of blood. "This is so gross."

"You literally kill people for a living."

"Yeah, but it's a lot easier when you're hiding from a rooftop or you're running through a huge crowd of people and you have to shoot one of them and when you do, the people are covering it." She looked at Diego like it was the most obvious thing in the world but it really wasn't. "It smells like the feds."

"No, no, no, no, Diego, I know the feds and this isn't them." Luther agreed with her. "Yeah, Diego if this was the federal government, they would take him somewhere and question him. They wouldn't do this. No, this is the work of a psychopath."

Maria looked over the railing and saw Oga For Oga written in Elliott's blood. "Oga Foroga?"


"Look." Diego and Luther looked over the railing. "That a name? Oga Foroga."

"I'll look her up." Maria looked at them like, 'are you actually serious right now'. "Wait no guys it's Swedish."

"Alright, so the lady's Swedish? So what?"

"No it's-"

"Maria, it's fine. We'll find it." She sighed and wiped her face in frustration. Luther started looking in the phone book and he actually found her. "Okay...Holy shit I found her."

Diego looked at the phone book and Luther pointed her out. "Olga Foroga."

Maria was still trying to explain it to them that it wasn't a name. "No, guys, listen it's-"

"That must be her. Call the bitch." Maria raised her hands in disbelief. "On it."

Luther started dialing the number. "It's ringing. Uh hello, Olga? It's her. She sounds old. What should I say?"


"Excuse me, ma'am. Um, I was just wondering what? My name? Is, uh, Luther Hargreeves and" Diego then took the phone out of his hand. "You killed one of ours Olga, ow we're coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall."

"Diego!" He looked at her with a 'what the hell do you want'. "Oga For Oga is Swedish! It means an eye for an eye! The Swedes killed Elliott, you idiots!"

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now