forty five.

865 17 9

I Have The Power Of Sarcasm On My Side

present !

It had been a while since Maria had come home and her and Caleb had their little heartfelt moment. Caleb was sleeping in the other room and Maria was just waiting for anyone to come home. Diego, Luther and Vanya had come back and they all met in the kitchen. The whole time they were talking, Maria was a little confused. "Diego, this is a setup."

"Maybe. But we should go anyway."

"Says the guy who's already been stabbed once this week."

"Oh, don't worry, me and him are gonna have some words." Maria was looking at them all confused. "I'm sorry, what are we talking about and what are we going to?"

"We got an invitation from Dad to go to some sort of dinner party."

"Okay, I'm surprised I'm actually saying this, but I agree with Luther, I think it's a setup." Diego looked at her surprised and a bit offended that she sided with Luther over him. Luther looked at Vanya, hoping she would side with him and Maria. "Would you tell him that he's nuts?"

"I think we should go." Diego pointed at her in success. "See?"

"Vanya, of all people, you should hate Dad the most." Vanya rolled her eyes not believing him. "Come on, can he really be that bad."

Maria laughed at her. "Alright let's see. He isolated you from the rest of the family. Kept you hopped up on pills and he brainwashed you into thinking you had no powers. You weren't even the only one who got it bad, we all did. Luther got sent up to the moon, Diego got shanked, Allison made you forget a very important detail about your life by force, Five got so underestimated that he got stuck in the future for forty years, Ben got killed, Klaus got stuck in a room filled with spirits when he was thirteen which caused him to become a junkie and I was never acknowledged and I was pushed past my limits that I would start coughing up blood or fainting."

"Jesus, this guy."

"Yeah. He's an asshole."

"I mean, come on. I have to meet him." Maria smacked her forehead and sunk into her chair in frustration. Luther then interjected. "You already know how this is gonna go. Dad is gonna play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads and he's gonna turn us all against each other. You watch."

"Luther, we're not twelve anymore. Alright? We're grown ass men." Maria took her hand off of her face and looked at him like he was forgetting something. "And women."

|Hey, we can handle him. Wanna know what's different this time?"

"What's that?"

"You got me. We go in there as a united front. No more Number 1, Number 2 bullshit. From now on it's Team 0." Maria covered her mouth, trying not to burst out laughing. "Team 0?"

"Team 0. All the way." He put out his fists for Vanya and Luther to fist bump but they just looked at him. Maria couldn't hold it any longer. She burst out laughing and Diego lowered his fists and looked at her with a 'do you really have to mock me' look. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh it's just that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I mean, you named a team after me."

"I may have forgotten that 0 was your number." Luther looked at him with that 'really' look on his face. "Are you serious?"

"Shut up. Look I still think we should go."

"It's a setup I'm telling you, but we should go just to see." Maria then realized something. "Wait guys."


Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now