thirty four.

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Five You Sick Son Of A Bitch

past !

Five dropped to the ground , falling out of the blue vortex he created. "Luther! Diego!"

The blue vortex disappeared. He looked out into the street and saw soldiers running towards each other. He stepped out into the street and saw a newspaper. "Soviets Attack US? No this can't be right."

He dropped the newspaper and looked up to see soldiers being shot down. "Gonna get you out. Keep your head down!"

"Medic! Medic!"

"Hey kid, get down!" Five was standing next to a giant tank and someone was loading it up. He looked out at this giant war that him and his siblings had created. "What the hell did we do now?"

The tank then shot a missile causing Five to cover his face and fall down. The missile was headed right towards a girl, but she stopped it, making it explode. It was Vanya. Her eyes were glowing blue and her fists were out right in front of her, helping her stop the missile.

A bunch of soldiers came up from the dead as ghosts and attacked the alive soldiers. There was a bomb coming right near Klaus, but Luther jumped in front of him, blocking the impact with his body.

Ben was a ghost, but he was visible. He was up on top of a building, using his tentacles to kill the soldiers around him.

Allison then came into the picture. She had straighter hair and she stepped in front of a few of the soldiers. "I heard a rumor that I blew your minds."

The soldiers eyes started to glow white as she said those words. When she finished, their brains started to melt away along with their heads itself.

Maria and Diego were up on top of a flipped over car. Diego had longer hair and Maria had shorter hair. A huddle of soldiers started shooting at them, but they flipped off of the car, dodging the bullets. When they landed on the ground, Diego made the bullets fly back at the soldiers. When Maria landed on the ground beside him, she made an indent in the ground and cause a shock wave around them, making soldiers fall through cracks in the road. "Five, you sick son of a bitch, where the hell have you been?!"

A new man he had never seen before came into the view. He twirled his guns on his fingers and started to shoot down soldiers. Maria then shouted at him and tossed him one of Diego's knives. "Caleb!!"

He caught it effortlessly and threw it at a soldier, making him fly back and hit the wall due to the impact of the knife hitting his body. Hazel then teleported next to Five out of nowhere. "If you wanna live, come with me!"

"Hazel! What the hell is going on here?!"

"There's no time to explain! Those are nukes old timer." He pointed at the sky showing nukes flying through the air. "What about my family?"

"You can't save em' if you're dead."

"Okay." Five teleported away with Hazel and nukes started to hit the ground. The rest of the academy stood there in shock as they watched a giant explosion start to erupt. A huge wave of fire and debris flew over them, killing them all except for two.

Maria and Caleb were thrown back under a huge pile of rubble. They stood up and looked around at the new apocalypse. Maria sighed and turned around, she found Caleb standing up and she was in shock. "How the hell are you still alive?!"

"How the hell are YOU still alive?!"

"I've explained it to you, I have an infinite amount of power, I can survive anything. I thought you were just a person!"

"Yeah, I did too!! I figured I would be dead." They looked around in confusion on what to do next. Caleb dusted a bit of dirt off of his jacket and he looked at her. "Guess it's just you and me again huh?"

"Just like old times."









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