thirty three.

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Who The Hell Is Maria

November 18 1963

present !

Maria and Caleb had been roaming around America for the past four and a half years. Caleb had told her all about how he owed a huge debt to some gangster and he had to pay him a certain amount of money. He didn't have a way to get the money since he was wanted all over America, so he had to do favours for him. Maria had been a little mentally deranged so she helped him with all of the favours. She never remembered anything from her past so she didn't see any reason why not to go with him.

They had gotten really close over the years and they were now both wanted in every state. They wanted to flee the country, but the gangster has people everywhere. They even tried it once and they had someone from his gang stop them.

They had to be gunmen and women for him and they had to kill anyone that messed with the timeline. Neither of them knew what that meant, but they did as they were told.

Maria had been having visions of this man having a fun time with her then all of a sudden, he would look dead and bloody. It was Ben. She never knew who it was or why it was happening, but Caleb was always there for her to try and snap her out of it.

Maria had changed her look a little bit. She didn't like the way she had dressed before and she couldn't remember why she like it. She now had her hair just past her shoulders, she wore all black all the time, she still had her scars and she still couldn't see out of one eye but her other eye had been doing just fine.

Maria and Caleb were at a coffee shop together since they just got their day off. It was a bit later at night and they were the only two there. They were putting sugar cubes on their spoons and they were throwing them like little catapults across the coffee shop, trying to see how far they could get it. They were sitting in a booth together and whenever the waiter would come out they would just rest their heads on their hands and smile innocently.

The waiter walked away and they kept flinging sugar cubes until they ran out. Caleb looked at Maria and said, "Hey Bee?"

She hummed in response. "You do realize that we both don't have any money right?"

She hummed in response again. "So we're gonna have to just leave without paying."

"Yeah, I know."

"That's stealing."

"Dude, our job is to kill people and you can't wrap your head around stealing?"

"Very good point, let's go." They stood up and left the shop but before they could get out the door the waiter stopped them. "Hey where are you guys going? You still have to pay."

They both turned around and looked at each other. He was waiting for her to say something helpful and she was waiting for him to say something helpful. Caleb finally grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the coffee shop. The waiter ran after them. They ran into an alley way and hid behind a pillar by someone's home. The waiter came into the alley way and didn't see them. Their bodies were pressed together so he couldn't see them behind the pillar and Caleb was staring at her. When he left, Maria poked her head out and walked out from behind the pillar. Caleb followed behind her and they both let out a sigh of relief.

They stood in the alleyway confused on what to do or where to go next until a young boy appeared right in front of them. They both held up their guns and pointed it right at him. He looked up at them with a smile. "Those guns can't hurt me."

Maria cocked her gun and said, "Oh yeah, why don't I put a bullet through your skull and we can test that theory."

He laughed a bit at her and looked at the ground. "Maria, come on it's me."

"Who the hell is Maria?" Five looked at her with confusion and Caleb cocked his gun. "Look, if you don't tell us who the hell you are and how you just appeared out of thin air, Lincoln's assassination is gonna happen all over again."

"Fine. My father adopted eight supernatural children and raised us in a gigantic house in the future. He never adopted Maria and she survived an apocalypse. My sister started an apocalypse with her sound wave powers and destroyed the moon. I teleported my family to Dallas and spread them across the time line and you are Maria. I'm Five Hargreeves, by the way." He pointed at Maria and her and Caleb had a confused look on their face. "What kind of bullshit is that?!"

"Yeah, my name isn't Maria. We don't even know a Maria!" Five's face changed from confusion to realization. "Do you remember anything at all?"

"Why do you care?"

"Just...put the guns down I'm not gonna hurt you guys." They lowered their guns, but kept them in their hands just in case. "Now, just please, answer the question."

"I don't remember anything and the last thing I remember is falling in an alley." Five hummed in response. They sat there silent for a little bit until Five spacial jumped towards Maria and grabbed her hand. They spacial jumped away and Caleb was left there alone. About two seconds later they reappeared. Maria was laying on the floor coughing and out of breath. "Warn me next time you do that!!"

Caleb ran over to her and helped her up. He pointed his gun at Five. "What the hell did you just do?!"

Maria stood in front of Caleb and pushed his gun down. "Woah woah, it's okay!! Don't hurt him, he helped me remember!!"

Caleb looked at Maria with confused and shocked eyes. "You remember?"

"He took me to these different places and it was like we were frozen in time. Everything was still, but I could walk around it. I got all of my memories back. I know my name, I know where I came from. I know everything. It's okay just calm down, Caleb."

He put the gun in his holster and took a step back. He wiped his face with his hand in disbelief. He was about to say something when Five interrupted. "I have to find everyone so here take this address and be there by 1:00."

He handed her a piece of paper with an address on it. "Wait Five, everyone else?"

"Well, I assume they're all here so yes, I have to find everyone else. I'm going to leave you two to it." He then spacial jumped away and Caleb flinched a bit at it. "So uh-you remember everything now?"

"Yeah. Guess so."

"So what's your uh-what's your real name."


"Oh wow. That's-that's beautiful, I can still call you Bee though, right?"

"Oh yeah, of course!" They sat there in awkward silence for a bit when Caleb broke the silence. "I hope you know, I will be going with you to that address because if that little boy comes out of thin air again, I swear I'll shoot him."

Maria laughed a bit at that. She remembered everything. She remembered the academy, she remembered how she got her scars, she remembered Vietnam, she remembered Diego.









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