twenty nine.

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Your Kids Would Be Adorable

present !

Maria figured out that Vanya was the bomb and Five knew it too. She told everyone and they all knew that they had to go find Vanya. "We have to find her." All of sudden a bunch of helicopters came flying into the scene. "We gotta go, now!"

"Regroup at the Super Star! Go!" Five spacial jumped to the Super Star and got there before anyone. Allison went with Luther and they just ran out in the middle of the street. Maria, Diego and Klaus were a bit smarter and went behind the buildings so the cops wouldn't see them.









They all got there, Allison and Luther being the last ones. Luther and Allison were sitting on the left side of their lane, with Allison literally on top of one of the chairs. Five was in the middle and Klaus, Maria and Diego were all on the other side. Everyone had put their bowling shoes but Maria and Diego really didn't want to, so they just kept their normal shoes on. "Look, I hate to be the one to say this, but everyone needs to prepare."

"For what?"

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya."

"Oh my gosh." Maria put her hands over her face and her blindfold in shame. Allison hit him with her notebook. "We may not have a choice, Allison."

"Bullshit, there's always options!"

"Yeah, like what?"

"I don't know."

"Look, whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya and fast, okay? She could be anywhere." Klaus was looking at a news paper and he found a very important add and pointed it out. "Or here? Look at this."

"That's right, her concert is tonight." Maria put her hand up and Klaus high fived it. One of the employees came up to them. "Hello, I hate to intrude, but my manager says that if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave."

"Who's turn is it?"

"Oh for-" Luther stood up and grabbed a bowling ball. He threw it into another lane and coincidentally he got a strike. The employee left and they continued with their conversation. "We're the ones capable of stopping this. We have a responsibility to dad."

"To dad? No, I've heard enough about-"

"He sacrificed everything to bring us back together." Five then spoke up with something that really set off everyone. "I'm with Luther on this one."

"Wow and here I thought Five was the reasonable one."

"We can't give her a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We're past trying to just save one." Klaus then stood up and interjected. "Hey, you know guys, uh...maybe I could help."

"Now is not the time." Diego then interrupted with something they never would have thought he'd say. "No, let him finish." Luther looked at him with a questioning look. "He saved my life today."

"Really?" Maria laughed a bit and Klaus shot her a look. "What? Don't look at me, go on tell them, Klaus." They all looked at Klaus questionably. "Yeah, yeah, I did...take credit for it, in fact, the real hero."

"Drum roll!"

"Was Ben."

"Whoo!" They all looked at Maria and Klaus like they were high. "Today, listen...Today, he punched me in the face."

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now