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⸺MARIA AND DIEGO WERE ALWAYS THE closest with Grace. Maria and Grace were the only two who helped him with his stutter. Grace wasn't really her mother, but she was a mother figure, so she held on to her for as long as possible. Maria and Diego had gone to Ben and Maria's room and were looking at Ben's old stuff. "Oh, Diego, do you remember when we were little and Ben would read us books as we sat in a circle."

"Yeah, I do. I really liked doing that even if I pretended like I didn't."

"I remember me and Ben would always fight over what book to read next. It was so stupid." Maria laughed at how dumb their arguments were. Diego looked at her as she looked down at the books on the shelf. "Hey, I never got to say sorry for you know, decapitating Ben's statue."

"Oh. That. Yeah, it's fine."

"Are you sure? After I heard you crying."

"Oh, haha, you heard that. I was just a bit upset. I'm over it though."

"Okay, good, because I really am sorry."

"I know, it's fine." They heard something metal fall on the ground and they went downstairs to see what it was. Suddenly, Diego was thrown against the wall and Maria climbed onto the man with a blue bear masks back trying to choke him. He flung her off and she got right back up and Diego started fighting him. "Cha-Cha, shoot him!"

"Get out of the way, dumbass!" Maria ran up to the girl wrapping her arm around the gun and pointing it up as Cha-Cha shot the gun. She kicked Cha-Cha in the gut and her and Diego ran upstairs. Cha-Cha went after them and started shooting at them. They jumped off the balcony and Diego landed on the couch while Maria stopped an inch off the ground. She started shooting at them again and they hid behind the couch waiting for the shooting to stop. It suddenly stopped when they heard someone choking. It was Allison. Luther came running in and everyone was staring at the man in the blue bear mask. "Let her go!"

Maria wasn't going to wait for these two to just watch her get choked so she ran towards the man in the blue bear mask. She leapt through the air, literally stepping on air and she flung her arms around his neck and flipped him to the ground. Maria saw Cha-Cha and yelled, "Luther, behind you!"

Luther grabbed the two and threw them onto the table in the lobby. "Who the hell are these guys?"

"I don't know, but at least we know who owns the shoe." Luther turned around to Diego and Maria. "You're welcome."

"We were doing fine."

"Oh yeah, you really had them."

"Ever heard of rope-a-dope?" Allison pulled Luther behind the wall and Maria did the same with Diego since they had actually been paying attention. "Get out of here now! Go!"

"Luther, go!" Maria, Allison and Diego all ran to the kitchen to have Luther take care of the blue bear masked guy. "I lost my gun."

"I'm going after them." Maria, Allison and Diego were all in the basement waiting for Cha-Cha to come downstairs. "Hey guys, when she gets down here, should we do that training thing Reginald taught us?"

"What? The turns thing?"


"I'll go first."

Cha-Cha came down and her and Allison started throwing punches. She hit Allison in the face and Diego took his turn. She had grabbed a pool stick and broke it in half. He started fighting her and it hurt his hands when she blocked him with the sticks. He then grabbed the metal pole from the Foosball table and started hitting her with it but she hit him in the head. "You wanna rumor this psycho?"

"I don't need to because this bitch just pissed me off! Maria, you know what to do." Maria got ready to fight as Cha-Cha flung herself at her. Cha-Cha just fazed through her like she was a ghost and just looked back with confusion. Maria started fighting her, but it was an interesting fight. Maria timed changing how light she was at the perfect time that she could hit Cha-Cha but Cha-Cha couldn't hit back. Maria grabbed her by the neck and threw her at the stairs. Allison found a knife on the table and handed it to Diego. "Get her."

He threw the knife at her and it hit her in the back of her thigh as she walked up the stairs in pain. They watched her walk up the stairs but they hadn't noticed that Maria was gone. The blue bear took her. Allison and Diego made their way back upstairs to see Cha-Cha at the end of the chain for the chandelier and Luther right underneath it. "Luther, look out!"

The chandelier fell right on top of him and he couldn't move out of the way fast enough. He fell to the floor, but something incredible happened. He got right back up. His shirt ripped off revealing a half ape looking man. "Holy shit."

Luther looked at everyone and then at Allison. He walked away in shame. Vanya walked up to Allison with a cut on her forehead. "Did you know?"

"No." Diego's eyes suddenly opened up in concern and shock. "Shit mom."

He ran upstairs to find Grace just sitting their sewing. "Mom. You okay?"

"Of course I am."

"You didn't hear the noises. The guys in the mask that just shot up the house?"

"What are you talking about, silly?" She continued humming and Diego kneeled down next to her. He took his knife and started cutting into her arm. She suddenly stopped humming and looked at Diego. "Diego? What are you doing?"

He started taking wires out of her arm making him and Grace start to tear up. "It's gonna be o-o..."

"Remembered what Maria and I helped you worked on. Just picture the word in your mind."

"I-It's gonna b-be o-okay...m-mom." The wires had been pulled out and she was shutting down and Diego had more tears rolling down his face. "Di...e...go re...mem...ber."

He stood up and walked out leaving Grace there dead. Diego had never cried so this must have stung a lot. He walked downstairs to see Vanya and Allison sitting across from each other with an ice pack on Vanya's head. Luther was just standing off to the side a bit. "Who were those people?"

"I don't know, but we are lucky to be alive."

"You sure you're okay?" Diego walked in with shaky breathing and his eyes were a little puffy. "Diego?"

"What are you still doing here?" He was referring to Vanya. "I'm just trying to help."

"No, you could've been killed or gotten any of us killed. She is a liability."

"Allison?" Allison looked at her with sorry eyes. "I think what he's trying to say is that this kind of stuff is dangerous. You're just-"

"Not like you."

"No, that's not what I-" Vanya put the ice pack on the table and walked out. Allison tried to follow after her, but Diego stopped her. "Vanya, wait."

"Let her go. It's for the best." Cha-Cha and the blue bear man who is named Hazel had returned to the motel they were staying at. Hazel was laying in bed, watching TV while eating a donut. "Where the hell were you?!"

"When you didn't come out I figured we'd just regroup here."

"And you stopped to get a jelly donut?!"


"After everything we just went through!"

"Well, I needed some comfort food after that disaster."

"Well, tonight's a total loss."

"Well, I'm not to sure about that." Hazel and Cha-Cha walked outside to their car and Hazel opened up the trunk to find Klaus and Maria tied up with duck tape over their mouths. Well the joke was on them because nobody had even noticed they were gone yet.

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now