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present !

⸺MARIA AND KLAUS WERE PUT BACK to back. Maria was just staring at the floor waiting for Hazel and Cha-Cha to come back in and start torturing them again. "Oh, Jesus. Look at her. At how she's looking at them. She's one of their victims. We can use this, go on. You haven't been this sober since you were a teenager, since you decided to keep the ghosts at bay. This is your chance, Klaus. To control them, learn their secrets. Try to talk to her."

"Hi...Hi! Hi uh...What's your name?"

"Zoya Popova."

"Oh! That's a lovely name. Can you tell me what happened?"

"What happened is if you don't shut up, I'm gonna cut your tongue out with a grape fruit spoon." Cha-Cha threatened.

"Zoya Popova."

"What did he say?" Hazel asked his partner.

"Zoya Popova?" Klaus repeated himself.

"Old Russian broad, short, with a limp. Oh, she's really pissed at you guys!" Hazel and Cha-Cha went into the bathroom to talk while Maria tried to talk to Klaus. "What the hell was that, Klaus?"

"I was talking to the lady."

"What lady, Klaus? I'm the only other girl here." Maria spoke with an obvious tone.

"Wait, you couldn't hear her?"


"You can hear Ben though."

"Yeah, but remember you said that he didn't go to heaven so maybe it's easier for me to hear him. Maybe that lady you're talking about did."

"Huh. I wonder if there was a way you could hear them." Klaus pondered.


"Yeah, there's a whole circle of dead people."


"Klaus, try using your powers maybe you can make her see them." Klaus hadn't used his powers in a really long time, but he still tried. He grabbed Maria's hand and his fists started glowing blue. "Klaus, I don't know if-"

"What? What is it?"

"Oh my god." Maria could see the whole circle of dead people and she was terrified. It was the most gruesome thing she ever saw and she went to prison for ten years. "K-Klaus, what-what is uhhhh, w-what is?"

He squeezed her hand more to reassure her that it was okay. "Alright, ghosties, start talking."

"She chopped my hands off and let me bleed to death in the bathtub!"

"He took me to a temple, slashed my throat, watched me bleed out!"

"She crept into my room, put a pillow over my face and told me not to bother praying!"

"They attached jumper cables to my nipples and shocked me for hours!"

"He pretended to have car trouble and when I stopped to help, he ran me over! Uh, forward, reverse! Then he saw my wife waiting for me in the car! She ran!"

"Just shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. Everybody just...Everybody just shut up, please shut up. Jesus, you guys are worse than the drugs."



"Please let go of my hand so I don't have to see this anymore."

"Alright." He let go of her hand and they all faded away. She opened her eyes and let out a sigh of relief. "Klaus, I'm sorry you have to see that."

"No, no it's fine." They stopped talking when Hazel and Cha-Cha came back out from the bathroom.

"Swiss alps, huh?" Klaus looked up at Hazel and said, "Which one are you? Hazel or Cha-Cha?"


"Jan Mueller. Remember him? Swiss alps. Him and his wife were coming back from a ski trip." Klaus popped the 'p'. "I remember. Forward, reverse."

"Yeah, that's it! Yeah! And his wife...escaped down an alleyway. He says to say thank you."

"What's he talking about?"

"I don't know."

"He was so grateful to you, Hazel for having spared his wife. You know there may be hope for him yet, don't you think?" Klaus taunted.

"Bathroom now!"

"Good job, Klaus." Maria complimented.

"Nicely done."

"Thank you." Cha-Cha put the tape back on their mouths and turned off the lights. They then walked into the bathroom where Maria and Klaus could hear Cha-Cha yelling at Hazel. Maria got an idea and started shuffling towards the door. She saw someone walk past the room and she started looking around. She then looked at the table and started hitting her head on the table. While she was looking around, Klaus shuffled over to the table as well. They both were hitting the table with their head and suddenly the door opened.

"Shh! I'm sorry! Are you Diego's brother and wait-Maria?" They both nodded their heads and Maria's eyes opened as she nodded her head even more. "Yeah? I'm Detective Patch, you guys need to get out of here."

For the few years that Maria wasn't in jail, her and Patch were roommates. Patch always connected really well with Maria and never sent her to jail for any of the crimes she committed. She did arrest her many many times, but never gave her jail time. She always said, "You have one more chance." but they both knew that she wouldn't arrest her. Patch didn't send her to jail when Maria eventually did get arrested, but Patch was the only person that would visit her. Patch was one of the few people who didn't act like she was a ghost.

She cut the roped and they stood up. They took the tape off their faces and Klaus pointed at the vent. They looked back at Detective Patch and she motioned for them to go through the vent but she suddenly said, "Maria."

Maria looked back at her. "It's good to see you again."

"You too."

"Alright, now go!" The went through the vent and ended up bringing some sort of briefcase with them. They heard some shouting and a gunfire and they had just assumed that Patch shot Hazel and Cha-Cha. Boy were they wrong.

Maria and Klaus ran out onto the street and got on a city bus. Klaus was in sandals, his jacket and a bath towel. Maria was still in her black combat boots, yoga shorts and her zip up sweater. They both had cuts and blood on their face and the lady across from them was staring at them with a very concerning look. Klaus had his legs slightly opened and he winked at her. She giggled a little bit and Maria just rolled her eyes.

Klaus looked down at the briefcase and was praying for it to be money or something he could pawn. Maria's head was faced up and she had her eyes closed. Their legs were slightly touching and that is a very big detail for what was about to happen to them. "Oh! Please be money. Only money or treasure."

He opened the briefcase and suddenly they weren't on the bus anymore. They were in Vietnam, well sort of. It was more like the Vietnam War.

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now