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Not Bad for a Little Brat


By the way this is the prison chapter. Again I don't know what prison's like but I'm just going to make it my own and I hope you enjoy. Also this is just going to show how she changed over time.

past !

⸺MARIA WAS CRAWLING THROUGH A BUNCH of vents in a bank. She lowered herself down in front of the vault and she started using a flame torch to burn open the giant lock on the safe. She got it open and headed inside. She put a bunch of money in her bag and she closed the safe. She made sure she kept her leather gloves on thew whole time and she had a ski mask on. She got all of the money and she exited out of the back door. She was walking down the street with her head down, smiling since she actually just pulled that off. She got in her car and put her bag in the back. She drove back to her apartment and she found Patch sitting on the couch, staring at her with disappointment in her eyes. "Hey Patch, I thought you were working late."

"Yeah, I was going too, but then I realized that I would much rather spend time with my dear old friend Maria." Patch was looking at her with a very knowing look. "I know what you're thinking, Patch, and I swear I didn't do anything."

"Open your bag then."


"Open your bag."

"Do you seriously not trust me? I gave you my word, that should be enough."

"Maria, I'm your best friend and a detective. I know you insanely well, I can read people easily. I know you did something."

"I didn't, Patch."

"Open your bag then, if you truly did nothing, then open it."

"Fine, Patch, I did do something!"

"What was it this time?"

"I...uhh, robbed a bank." Maria muffled her words a bit so that Patch wouldn't hear her. "I'm sorry, you what?"

"I robbed a bank."


"I know, I know, but I got bored and I never get to do anything fun and I figured hey, maybe I should rob a bank."

"Maria, nobody does that! You robbed a bank! I could arrest you right here and now."

"Do it then!"


"Arrest me!"

"Look, you know I don't want to do that and I have to arrest you."

"Yeah, I know."

"Look, why don't I call the station, said you hurt me so that I couldn't fight back and arrest you. I won't arrest you and I will visit you in prison."

"I've basically accepted the fact I was going to get arrested since I came up with the idea but yes, we can do that."

⁕     ⁕

Maria was now arrested and she was being moved to the prison. She was in her prison uniform and she was being brought into the field. She rolled up her sleeves and her umbrella tattoo was now showing. She saw this group of four women start to walk towards her. If Maria learned one thing having to live with mostly males and Sir Reginald Hargreeves, no matter how scared she was, she had to act tough. "Hey newbie, what's your name?"

"Maria." One of the women looked at her arm and noticed the tattoo. "Hey, the little brat has one of those umbrella people tattoos."

"Aww, are you gonna do some magic for us, little girl?" They all looked at each other and started laughing when Maria grabbed one of the ladies wrist. She twisted it around and flipped her onto the ground. One of the other girls tried to punch her, but she roundhouse kicked her in the face. Three more girls came after her and she grabbed one by the wrist and did the same with what she did to the first girl and she kicked the other two. The rest of the girls were still on the ground out of fear and the last two came at her and she just flinched forward a little bit and they backed off. "Not bad for a little brat, huh?"

⁕     ⁕

Maria had now been at the prison for about two years now and nobody had even dared go near her. She beat up the seven most powerful women on her first day, she beat up guards on almost a daily basis for four months, she never listened to the warden which made her get put in the pit many, many times and she was always overly positive, which was sort of creepy.

There was a fence between the men's and the women's yard but they could still see each other. Maria even scared some of the men. She was getting let out into the yard when she noticed a familiar face on the men's side.

"Klaus?" Klaus was leaning on the fence and his head suddenly shot up. "Flower?"

"Oh my god, Klaus, what are you doing here?" She walked over to the fence towards where Klaus was. "I was arrested for substance abuse, I'm in here for a month. What about you? You were always such and angel, I didn't expect you to be here."

"I'm in here for robbing a bank and I am serving fifteen years, I've been here for two though." Klaus looked at her with shock. This was definitely not the Maria he knew. "You robbed a bank?"

"Yeah, I got bored." Klaus gave a little chuckle to that. "Wow, well my little Flower. I have heard some things about a Maria in here and I hope you don't mind, but I might just tell people that I know you so that everyone will leave me alone."

"Don't worry, I'll cover for you."

"Well, I will see you around, prison buddy!" Klaus left to go back inside and Maria continued to go around scaring people. It was just the normal thing for her now.

⁕    ⁕

Maria had now been in prison for five years and Klaus was gone and Patch was still visiting her. She had gone completely crazy at this point. She was just skipping down the hall yelling, "It's visiting day everyone! Hey, Lydia it's- Oh and she's dead. Well, that's a great way to start the day! Guard! Lydia's dead!"

She was always just skipping around everywhere like a psychopath. She was always happy and bouncy, but if she really wanted, she could kick your ass. Everyone, including both sides and the staff were terrified of her. She had continued to beat up a lot of the prisoners and she kept having shivs with her. The guards would always take her shivs away and the next day she would just have another one.

Maria was for sure an interesting character and prison for sure changed her. She had never used her powers the entire time she was there but she had threatened to before, since everyone knew that she was in the Umbrella Academy. The only time everyone wasn't tense was when Allison came to bail her out.

That was the only time they had actually been relaxed in the entire time she was there. They were still in prison, but it's pretty clear that everyone was more scared of her than being in prison. What a lovely person to be around.

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now