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this is a bit of a shorter chapter, but that's okay because i had to get the first episode done. i do still hope you're enjoying the book and have a great day! :D

present !

⸺DO YOU EVER REMEMBER A SINGLE time that Dad wasn't wearing his monocle?

Diego had driven himself and Klaus out to a landing right by the bay. The landing where they were was beautiful. They could see all of the lights from the city and it felt like they were in some sort of movie scene. Diego had Sir Reginald Hargreeves' monocle in his hand just thinking. His thoughts were interrupted by none other than Klaus. "Yoo-hoo! Diego! I hate to rush you through any kind of brooding moment you might be having, but come on man! We're starving!"

Diego heard his brother's voice and instantly dropped the monocle into the water. Klaus closed the car door and sat back and sighed. "I'm craving...eggs. No! Wait it's to late for eggs. Waffles. Huh? You like waffles, right? Ah. Of course you do. Everyone likes waffles."

Even though nobody could see him, Ben Hargreeves, Number 6 was in the car with Klaus. Nobody could see him other than Klaus because it's true he was in fact dead, he just hadn't taken his ticket to heaven yet. The radio that sat on Diego's car started to go off.

Gunshots reported on the 400 block of Milton Avenue, Griddy's Doughnuts.

Diego walked over to his radio and grabbed it off of the hood of his car. He hopped into the car with Klaus and Ben. "Diego, thank you for joining us, we have decided on drum roll, waffles!"

"I'm gonna drop you off at the bus stop. I gotta get back to work." Diego informed.

"What breaking bones and cracking skulls?" Klaus teased.

"Saving lives, baby." Diego corrected.

Klaus leaned back in his seat and looked over to his side. "Well, I guess it's frozen waffles again...Yeah, I could do egg and bacon, but I'm trying to cut down on my pig products." Diego looked at Klaus in the mirror to see him staring and talking to nothing...sort of.

⁕    ⁕

Five and Maria had broken into Vanya's apartment. Maria was a little confused, but she didn't think much of it since every thing that Five had done since he got back was a little weird. He magically transformed into a thirteen year old, he killed a bunch of random men in a donut shop, he cut his arm open and ripped out a tracker and he broke into his sisters apartment.

Five sat down in one of the chairs and waited for Vanya to come back as Maria waited by the door. Vanya had finally come home. She opened the door when a light suddenly turned on, scaring her. "Jesus!"

"You should have locks on your windows." Five suggested.

"I live on the second floor." Vanya argued.

"Rapists can climb." Five pointed out.

"You are so weird." She turned around to close the door only to see Maria standing there with her arms crossed. "Jesus! You're here too?"

"Hi." Vanya locked the door and turned around and looked at Five. "Is that blood?"

"It's nothing." Maria walked over and scoffed. "It's nothing?! I almost fainted at that!"

Vanya looked at her and back at Five. "Why are you two here?"

"I've decided that you two are the only people I can trust." Maria sat down next to Vanya. "Oh, I'm flattered."

"Why me?" Vanya asked.

"Because you're ordinary." Five unknowingly insulted.

"Dude, that's rough." Five gave Maria a glare. "Because you'll listen."

"Okay." Vanya got up and went into her bathroom to find something she could use to help Five's cut. She came back into the living room and started to help Five with his cut as Maria sat there awkwardly. "When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?"

"No." Vanya shook her head.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As far as I could tell, I was the last person alive. I never figured out what killed the human race, but...I did find something else. The date it happens. The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it."

"Well, shit."

"I'll put on a pot of coffee."

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now