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i haven't done one of these in a while so i just wanted to check in and say i still hope you're enjoying this book because i have really enjoyed writing it :]

present !

⸺KLAUS AND MARIA HAD MADE THEIR way back to the house, but sadly they didn't still have any of the stolen snacks that they had taken. They were just talking in Maria and Ben's room, when Allison came in and told them to come down into the living room for a family meeting. They came downstairs to find Vanya, Diego and Luther around an old television. Klaus went and leaned against the wall not really caring about what was happening, but Maria went and stood next to Diego in front of the television. They played the tape for her and Klaus, but only she had watched. The whole time she was watching the short tape, Diego had found himself staring at her. He didn't know what it was, but she became so different since the last time he saw her when they were kids. He was snapped out of his thoughts when she had spoken. "I don't understand what this is, what are you showing me?"

Luther looked at her like she was stupid, but she was clearly just confused because she knew that Grace couldn't do something like this. "This is how dad died."

Vanya looked up at him, clearly not believing that Grace could do anything remotely close to this. "I mean, do you really think mom would hurt dad?"

"You haven't been home in a long time, Vanya. Maybe you don't know Grace anymore." Maria had kept hearing him call her Grace and again and again she became more confused every time he would say her name instead of mom. "Why do you keep calling her Grace?"

Of course she got ignored again. She didn't know why, but she never got ignored when they were kids. She was always friends with everyone, but as soon as she saw them again, everyone acted like she was just a ghost. They started to treat her exactly like their father. "If he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroner's report."

"Well, I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes." Diego of course had to interject with a sarcastic comment as per usual. "Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision."

He hit the play button to show them that Grace didn't do anything close to poisoning. "Look closer. Dad has his monocle. Mom stands up. Monocle's gone."

"Oh yeah!"

"She wasn't poisoning him. She was taking it...To clean it." Maria was always a very observant person and she had always known that Sir Reginald Hargreeves had always cleaned his own monocle. "Then where is it?"

"Diego has it." They all looked at Maria with confusion and again thinking she was stupid. "What are you talking about, Maria?"

"No, she's right. I took it from her after the funeral." They all looked at him with shock. "You've had the monocle this whole time what the hell Diego?!"

"Give it to me."

"I threw it away."

"You what?!" Maria had made her way over to Klaus leaning on the other side of the pillar that he was leaning on. They were all bickering and Klaus and Maria were just whispering away. "Hey, how did you know that Diego took it?"

"I'm very observant."

"Wait, do you stalk him?"

"No, Klaus! I always noticed that Reginald would always clean his own monocle so it doesn't make sense that she would clean it."

"Okay, why Diego though?"

"Well, Luther isn't smart enough to even find the damn thing, Allison was with me literally the whole time after the funeral, no offense, but you would have for sure gotten caught if you stole it."

"None taken, you have a point."

"Well, I don't think that Five really cares about that monocle at all, Vanya wouldn't ever steal anything in her life, I know that it wasn't me and Diego's the one that pointed it out which would steer it away from him since he just noticed it. He also hesitated."

"Well dang, Nancy Drew!"

"Merci, merci!" They were laughing at each other and they snapped out of their fit of laughter when Diego said, "What about you Stoner Twins?"

Klaus and Maria were honestly offended that they were only used when they needed them and whenever it wasn't convenient for them, they just shut them out. "Oh, wow, you guys actually want our help and want to listen to what we have to say?"

"Oh, get out of the van guys! Well, welcome back to the van!'"

"What van?" Diego was clearly fed up with these two complaining about everything but he didn't know that they had every right too. "What's it gonna be, Klaus?"

"I'm with Diego because screw you and if Ben were here, he would agree with me."

"No, I don't" Klaus hissed towards the corner of the room.

"What about you, Maria?"

"I'm also with Diego because he's one of the only people who actually listen to me. So in the glorious words of Klaus 'screw you'!"

"Yeah, screw you!"

"Yeah!" Diego formed a little smile on his face due to the fact that he didn't know she actually cared about being listened too. He listened to her because sometimes the things she says is just so out of this world and weird that it was fascinating. "So that's four to two."

"Wait, vote's not final yet."


"Five's not here. The whole family has to vote. We owe each other that."


"No, we should wait." Maria noticed that Grace had walked near the living room and she went over to her. Diego had also noticed and had walked over towards Grace with her. "Hey, how long have you been here?"

"You all seem upset, I'll make cookies!"

"Oh, Grace, you don't have- oh, and she left." Vanya had came up behind them. "Do you ever wonder...all those moments with mom, the things she said. Like was it her, or was it really dad?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, he built her. And he programmed her to be a mom, to be our mom. Sometimes when I look at her, I just see him." Maria just rolled her eyes and looked at the ground. Yes, Sir Reginald Hargreeves built Grace, but she had evolved and became her own being. Maria also knew how much Grace meant to Diego and ever since she was a kid all she wanted  to do was be there and protect everybody. That instinct was still there. "Maybe that was true at first, but she evolved."

"Yeah, Vanya, she is the most advanced technology today, she's going to evolve plus, he never even loved us."

"She's right, he only ever loved himself."

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now