forty three.

865 11 1

Yeah, You Really Did Fuck Up

present !

They all looked at each other with happiness. Vanya started walking down to Allison and Klaus. "Vanya."

"I can't believe I have a sister."  Allison looked at her with happiness and a bit of confusion since she seemed to have forgotten that Allison was her sister. "I missed you."

"Thank god someone did." Vanya signaled at Maria and they both laughed a bit. Maria noticed the signaling. "Hey, I have a reason to not miss her."

Klaus then grumbled a little bit and the rest of them walked downstairs. "Oh, you are drunk."

"Yeah. No, just a little...just a few..." Vanya and Allison were hugging each other and Klaus looked over at them and joined their hug. "Oh, that's so sweet."

"Oh Jesus. Hi."

"Hey Vanny." Diego looked at Klaus who pulled away from Allison and Vanya. "Klaus. Is Ben here?"

"Oh, uh, no. No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel." Ben was sitting in a chair and he threw his hands up in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?!"

Maria could hear him and she looked at the ground and let out a little laugh. Five clapped his hands together and started walking up the stairs. "Alright then, let's get down to business."

"So Vanny, what's new?" They all walked upstairs and sat down. Vanya and Allison were sitting on the couch next to Luther and Five. Five was standing and Luther was sitting in a chair next to Diego. Maria was leaning against the chair Diego was sitting in and Klaus was just walking around with Jell-o. "Alright. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going back in time and getting stuck thing."

Maria raised her eyebrows in agreement and mumbles under her breath. "Yeah, you really did fuck up."

Five gave her a glare that said, 'watch it'. "The real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the world back here with us."

Klaus turned around and looked at Five in disbelief. "Oh my god again?!"

They all looked at him in confusion. "All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the-" Klaus then realized something unflattering. "Oh my god. My cult is gonna be so pissed! Five! I told them we had until 2019!"

"We have until Monday. We have six days."

"Is it Vanya?" Allison looked at him in disbelief. "Klaus!"

"What? It's usually Vanya." Maria took what Klaus said and actually took it seriously. Vanya was the bomb and she would always be the bomb, she just now had to figure out where that bomb would go off. Luther just brushed him off and looked at Five. "Do you have any leads Five?"

"Yeah, we have one." Maria pulled out a picture of their dad and showed it to them all. "Holy shit, is that dad?"

"Yeah. That's him." Diego looked at them all and went on about his JFK fiasco. "Standing on the grassy knoll."

"Diego, Maria and I have been trying to talk to dad about what exactly this means. So far we've got nothing."

"Not nothing." Maria stopped leaning on Diego's chair and rubbed her face in frustration. "Oh Jesus."

"He's planning to kill Kennedy." Five looked at him in frustration. "Maybe. But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the time line, we have to make it right."

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now