thirty two.

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Why Are You Thanking Me For Killing A Man

present !

Maria had been staying with Caleb for about a week. They had become pretty good friends and she wanted to pay him back with something nice. Caleb had to go to work and she had a very good idea in mind. He never told her what his work was but she knew he would be out for quite awhile. His house was a bit messy so she figured she'd clean it for him. She had already put everything back where it needs to be and not on the floor. She was cleaning the giant bay window in his living room and he walked in the door out of breath and panicking. Maria turned around and she looked at him with a giant smile on her face. "Hey, look at what I did!! I cleaned!!"

He looked at her with a bit of confusion and fear. "What? Why do you look like you're in trouble?"

"Look I'm sorry, but you can't stay here, alright?" He started running around the house and pulling guns out from random hiding places. "Woah wait, what's going on?!"

"Look, you just have to leave okay!! I don't want you wrapped up in this."

Maria was watching him run around his house in confusion when a man bursts through the door with a gun in hand. He was in his room and she grabbed one of the guns from the bag he had been putting them in that was on the counter. She cocked the gun and shot the man in the shoulder. He fell back and she ran to him and dragged him into the house by his ankles. Caleb came back in and he was in shock. "What the hell did you just do?!"

"I, uh, saw a man who had a gun...and I, uh...shot him." He ran up to her and gave her a huge hug and lifted her up, he even kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you so much!!"

"Why are you thanking me for killing a man?"

"Because I had to do it, but now you've done it for me!!"

"I'm sorry what?!" She looked at him with concern. He looked at her with a face that said, 'oh shit what did I just do?' "I-Uhh."

"Are you an assassin, or a killer or some sort of secret agent or something?!"

"I-I don-I'm not-"

"Dude, 'cause if you are that's so cool!!" He looked at her again with a lot of confusion. "Look, I can tell you about it, but I really have to go-"

"I'll come with you!!" He started shaking his head at her. "No, I can't involve you in all of this!"

"Well, what else am I supposed to do? I mean, I can't remember anything so I don't really have a purpose, I already shot a guy and I'll probably go to jail for it so might as well run away with you!" Caleb looked at her with a tiny smirk and she returned it. "Wow, you're a crazy bitch aren't you?"

"Just a little bit."

He walked to the door and locked it. He came back to her and started to explain what was about to happen. "Alright, so there's a group of guys around this street and they all have guns with them. They have no sense, if they see anything move they will shoot it. We have to get past them and the only way to do that is killing them."

"Sick, do I get to shoot them or stab them?"

"Uhhh...shoot them?"

"Alright cool, what do you want me to do?" Caleb was a bit concerned. He didn't want her wrapped up in this because she didn't know any better but at the same time, she was the only person who ever stuck around after knowing about all the stuff he's wrapped up in. "I want you to take this gun and we stick together no matter what."

He handed her a gun and they headed outside. They started walking back to back towards Caleb's car. "Shoot anyone in a ski mask."

She saw someone in a ski mask and she shot them dead in the forehead. Her and Caleb kept seeing a bunch of people in ski masks and they shot all of them. They finally got to Caleb's car and they got in as fast as they could. Caleb was about to drive away when Maria cocked her gun and shot a beehive which then hit one of the men in the head and the bees started to swarm him. Caleb finally drove away as fast as he could. "Listen, if you wanna back out you can."

"I've killed six people for you, I'm not backing out." He gave her a smile and looked back at the road. "How did you think to shoot a beehive?"

"I figured I'd rather let him suffer slowly in pain than just die." He laughed a bit at her response. "You know what, due to your little beehive idea, I know what I'm going to call you."

"What's that?"










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